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It has now been two weeks, and Nick Fury called you in for questioning. You were sitting on a very uncomfortable chair, your hands cuffed, and you had placed them on the large metal table. There was a mirror behind you, but thanks to HYDRA, you knew that it was a one way mirror. There were probably some Avengers behind the glass, watching your every move, which worried you, anything could come up. And there were some things you'd rather not share. Especially in front of Steve and Tony. Director Fury walked into the small room, and sat down across from you.

    "Ms. (L/n)." Fury said.

    "Director Fury."

He slid a small file across the table, you grabbed it and opened it. Your picture sat at the top, and there were about ten pages underneath it. Flipping through the file, you recognized that the pages held information about all of the assassinations you'd done. You cringed as you read all of the file, and handed it back to Nick. "So you remember?" He asked.

    "All of them." You replied flatly. He frowned.

    "So, were you forced to do these, or did you do it for fun?"


    "And how long were you with HYDRA?"

    "Tw-" You stopped, and lowered your head. You knew that Nick wouldn't care, but what about the Avengers? You hated when people pitied you, thought you were only weak, thinking you needed help.

    "Two years?" He asked, you shook your head.

    "More... Like twelve... Th-they took me wh-when I was seven..." You replied. You felt tears threatening to fall, you couldn't cry, they would hurt you. They would hit you, cut you, whip you. Breathing then became hard, like a large object fell unto your chest, pushing all the air out of your lungs. You slumped out of the chair, and on to the ground, holding your head in your hands. You closed your eyes, all the deaths came flashing back. "Go away!" You yelled.

    "Excuse me?" Fury said. Just then the door was pushed open, and you felt strong arms wrap around you.

    "I think that's enough Fury." You recognized that voice, it belonged to Steve.

His arms were warm, and comforting, and remained on you as a chair scrapped against the floor, and footsteps echoed through the room as the door closed. Steve pulled you closer, and on to his lap, and you laid your head on his chest. You could slowly breath again, and you opened your eyes. You looked up towards Steve, and he looked at you.

    "Are you okay (y/n)?" He asked.

    "Yeah..." You realized he was still holding you, and instead of leaving you stayed with him, just letting him hold you. "...I'm okay now." You stated, your eyes began to fall, and you slowly drifted off to sleep.

Ok, that escalated quickly, sorry this wasn't as long as the other chapters.


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