3:29PM, 12072014

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dear diary,

i want to scream.
this week has been very.
eventful. we watched a movie
with the rest of our friends.
turns out, our friends set us
up to sit together. it was.
awkward. and i dont know
what to feel and how to react.
i had butterflies in my stomach
throughout the whole movie.
heck, the whole god damn zoo
was there. we shared a drink from
the same straw and popcorns too.
it's honestly nothing much but
i just can't help but to admire
the person that was seated
beside me. daniel was wearing
his hoodie and the face he
makes when he's concentrating
is very cute(?) i even heard him
winced because he accidently
bit his fingers. there were also
times when we reached for the
popcorn at the same time. is
my life finally going to be like
a kdrama? i cannot stop turning
to look at him, yet again.
he's very attractive, my heart
hurts so bad.

and there was another day
where he tried to tie my hair
in class. it was so cute. why
is he so cute? he tried once
but failed and i think he
tried a total of 5 times. my
heart was beating like crazy
but i had to keep a poker face.
it's so hard to hide your feelings..
aroUnd mY SHOUlder
what THE HECk do i do
i still can't believe that happened
am i that lucky enough?
what did i do so good in my
past life to deserve this?
i'm not complaining i LOve it.

surely, he has done the same
to other girls as he's
friendly with them. but i
don't see him playing with
their hair.. so i guess i'll win.

plus, if our friends set us up,
he must've liked me too, right?
wah, i'm going crazy
thinking about this,
thinking about him.

dear diary, » kang danielWhere stories live. Discover now