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"you only have 6 months left"

Baekhyun keep thinking about the words back and forth. He not strong for this. He don't want to die yet.

"why must me? Why me? Im not strong for this." Baekhyun dont have any strength right now. He fainted. 

Nurse who see him fainted, rushingly bring him to the treatment room.

Jongdae got a call from Seoul Hospital. He rushingly drive heading to the hospital after been told about Baekhyun conditions.

"Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun. Are you okay?." Jongdae asked his bestfriend. Baekhyun laying on hospital bed. He look so pale. 

"im okay. I just feel tired." Baekhyun lied. 

"don't lie. Please dont lie. How dare you lie to me about this. I already know everything.  Dr Kim Junmyeon told me everything just now." Jongdae walk towards his bestfriend. 

"why me? Why must me? I dont want to die yet." Baekhyun start to crying.

Jongdae give him a hug. 

"dont say like that. Who say you gonna die?" Jongdae starts to sobbing hardly. 

"Doctor told me that i only have 6 months left. 6 months, Jongdae."

"Doctor not a god, Baekhyun. I will make sure you get the best treatment. Please be strong okay?. I'll be your side." Jongdae try to give Baekhyun full of support. 

"but im afraid that i will die on hospital bed during my treatment." Baekhyun still crying hardly. 

"please stop saying like this. You know that im so sad when seeing you like this. Lets get the best treatment, okay?"

"but i dont want to get the treatment for the time being. I want to go for a vacations to clear my mind." Baekhyun said while wipe his tears.

"its up to you as long as you will get the treatment after that. Okay?" Jongdae try to smile.

After coming back from the hospital, Baekhyun lock him up at his room.  He holding his family photo.  He really miss his family. 

"if you guys were here right now, you guys must be so worried about me.But don't worry because i will fight with my illness." Baekhyun try to close his eyes to sleep.

After 2 days,  Baekhyun start to packing up his things for his vacations.

"where are you plan to go?" Jongdae asked while looking at his friend.

"Busan. I want to calm my mind with seeing beautiful beach." Baekhyun said while smiling. 

"i wish i can go with you too. But unfortunately i have so many work to do at office."

"Jongdae, thanks for taking care of our company. I will take a lot of beach picture special for you." Baekhyun said sincerely.

"awww thanks Baekki. Have fun on your vacations! And dont forget to eat your medicine and call me when there's something wrong. " Jongdae walk out from Baekhyun room with smile on his face. 

Jongdae feel so happy because Baekhyun try to be positive eventhough he sick.  Jongdae will do everything that he can as long as Baekhyun stay healthy.

After Jongdae leaving the room, Baekhyun hold his family photo.

"mom, dad, hyung. I love you guys. I just hope i have time to cheer myself before i die." Baekhyun kiss the photo while crying. He fall asleep after finish crying.

Clock already reached 8.30 am.  Baekhyun start to take a bath and eat his breakfast before heading to the airport for his flight to Busan.  Jongdae already go to the office. 

Jongdae put some notes on their fridge.

*baekki, please take care of yourself okay? Please eat delicious food and enjoy your vacations!. Dont forget to buy my souvenir,okay? Lol. Lastly please dont miss to eat your medicine. Love you my bestfriend 💋*

At the airport, Baekhyun wait for his flight while sitting on the chair and drink his favourite juice. Then he start to walk heading to departure check-in. Suddenly, his phone fell from his jeans pocket without he realise.

"Hello, excuse me.  I think you drop this." The boy call for Baekhyun and give Baekhyun his phone. 

"omg thank you. I dont know what will happen if i lost this." Baekhyun smiling.

"no problem. Btw im Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol.  Your name?" Chanyeol introduce himself while smiling. 

"my name is Byun Baekhyun.  Just call me Baekhyun."

They shake their hand. 

"omg he's so cute when smiling" Baekhyun talk to himself. 

"can i know where are you going to fly?." Chanyeol start to walk beside Baekhyun. 

"Busan. Im going for a vacation. How about you?"

They were walking side by side while smiling happily. 

"Omg we are heading to the same place. I think we going to share the same flight" Chanyeol said excitedly.

"really? Why dont we go for now? I think we only have a few minutes more." Baekhyun start to feel excited with his vacation.

Both of them start to walk together heading for their flight. 

After everything settle, Baekhyun start to walk first into the plane after been asked by the flight attendant. He sit on his seat. After a few minutes, Chanyeol walk heading to him. 

"i guess we going to be neighbours for this few hours." Chanyeol said while sitting beside Baekhyun.

"omg you so funny." Baekhyun start to laugh. 

During their flight, they talk for non stop. Its like they already know for each other for a long time. 

Baekhyun feel so happy because he get to meet new friends, Chanyeol. Chanyeol also feel so excited because get to sit beside Baekhyun. 

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