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Today is their third day at Busan. As usual, Chanyeol wake first before Baekhyun. So Chanyeol make a walk to bath first. 

After bath, he look at Baekhyun face who was still sleeeping. He look so pale.  Chanyeol start to worried when seeing Baekhyun pale face.

"Baekhyun, Baekhyunahh." Chanyeol called for Baekhyun.

But still there's no answer from Baekhyun.

Chanyeol rushingly carry Baekhyun out from hotels room heading to the hospital. 

Chanyeol start to driving like crazy. After arrived at hospital, Chanyeol shout for help. 

Nurse and hospital staff heading to Chanyeol and Baekhyun with bring hospital bed. Baekhyun been place on it and pushed into emergency room. Chanyeol following them with worrying face.

"im sorry but u cant enter." one of the nurse said it to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol start to sit on the waiting chair nervously. He dont know what's wrong with Baekhyun.  He just hope Baekhyun will be fine. He dont want to see Baekhyun sick. 

Suddenly, Baekhyun phone ringing. Chanyeol pick it up. Before he carry Baekhyun to the hospital, he take Baekhyun phone too which is that time that phone is beside Baekhyun. He take it in case there's emergency.

"its from Jongdae?" Chanyeol see the name before pick up the calls. 

"ummm yes Jongdae?" Chanyeol pick up the calls. 

"sorry but who is this?" Jongdae asked, confused.

"im chanyeol btw. Baekhyun is currently in the emergency room."

"WHAT??. HOW COULD BE LIKE THAT?" jongdae surprised with what Chanyeol said. 

"im sorry but he looks so pale in the morning while sleeping. After he not reponds, i bring him to the hospital."

"omg. Never mind, i will be there in a few hours. Please look after him, okay? Thanks." Jongdae ends the call fastly.  He need to take a fastest fligh to Busan right now. 

After 3 hours, Chanyeol still waiting for Baekhyun. He feel so nervous and afraid.

"why is it so long? God, please save him. I want to stay forever with him. I love him so much." Chanyeol start to sobbing.

Suddenly, Jongdae walk heading to meet Chanyeol. 

"you chanyeol right? Im Jongdae." Jongdae start to shake hand with Chanyeol. 

"how long it has been?" Jongdae already sit beside Chanyeol. 

"almost 4 hours" Chanyeol replying with no smile at all. 

He feel so afraid now.  He worried about Baekhyun conditions. 

"actually i have something important to tell you.  Its about Baekhyun." Jongdae start to talk. 

Chanyeol just replying it with looking at Jongdae.  He feel so curious and nervous. 

"Baekhyun actually have brain cancer. And he only have 6 months left." Jongdae said while his eyes looking at the floor.

"what?.... " Chanyeol just can't belief what he just heard right now. 

"that's why he kept sick these 2 days and eat the pills.  I asked about the pills to him, but he just replying it with said its just a vitamin." Chanyeol feel like to crying. 

"i think he likes you. I can guess from his voice on the phone when he start to talking about you." Jongdae put his hand on Chanyeol shoulder.

Chanyeol keep silent. He start to take a deep breath.

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