Stevethyst No AU

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This is for Hoody_Mouse . I know things have been crappy lately. I really care about you and don't want you to ever feel like that again. I'm always here. You are a supportive, amazing person.


Amethyst perched on top of Steven's bed, staring at his sleeping form intently. She felt like Pearl.

As Steven had grown up, she started to notice little things about him. The way he laughed when she made a joke, throwing his head back and just letting loose, in the moment and joyful. Amethyst also loved the way he would brush his hair out of his face, stacking it into mounds on top of his head.

She really wanted to touch that hair for herself. And not a playful ruffle, like really touching it, a sincere connection between them.

Amethyst really was turning into Pearl. She thought about Steven so much, as much as Pearl would have thought about Rose.

He was still snoring in bed, so she creeped from her seat on the box in front of his bed to the left side of his bed, sitting down softly as to not wake him. And placed her hand on his head.

His hair was better than she thought it would be. His hair was wonderfully soft. It was like a marshmallow.

"Hey. What are you doing?"

Amethyst pulled her hand back from his hair with such force that she fell onto the couch, and rolled off of it into the kitchen.

Steven pulled himself out of bed and stumbled down that stairs to where Amethyst was, but in his uncoordinated state, tripped and fell onto her. He pulled her up, their faces closer than they had ever been in all of their years of living together.

Steven started to blush. Her hair was so soft, and it smelled of roses and camomile. Her lips were so inviting, much more than Connie's, the only other person he had kissed. So he leaned forward.

Amethyst complied, and soon their lips met.

The connection was better than either of them had hoped for. They had been living together for so long, but never in sync this way, not even when they formed Smokey Quartz.

That kiss was too short.

Thank goodness they had a lifetime of kisses to make up for that one.

Love you Hoody_Mouse , and I hope you liked this.

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