Chapter 9

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Rain’s POV

I was awaken from my slumber when I smelled pancakes and bacon. My eyes darted open and I ran out of my room, heading to the kitchen. There, I saw Tristan; wearing our school jersey and basketball shorts, placing a plate filled with food! I sat down and immediately stuffed a strip of bacon in my mouth.

It was so good!

A smile appeared on my face and I was about to get another piece of those heavenly bacon strips when Tristan pulled it away from my reach making me frown. I looked at him and he just smirked.

“Who told you could have MY breakfast?” he asked as he sat down in front of me, still keeping the plate away from me.

“But I’m hungry.” I pouted looking at him with my puppy eyes.

“Those eyes don’t work on me baby doll.” He responded and started to eat some of his food in front of me.

“Please…” I pleaded sounding like a 5 year old asking for a piece of candy from her parents.

He swallowed his food and looked at me as I gave him a pleading look. It took a while and he finally gave me his plate with a sigh making a big smile appear on my face. I dig in and savored the taste. Saying I was hungry is basically an understatement. I didn’t eat last night waiting for Rexon to come home. He must have carried me to bed last night. I’ll thank him later. The entire time I was eating, I could feel Tristan’s eyes on me. I looked at him and he was looking at me with amusement in his eyes.

“What?” I asked. “Do I have something in my face?”

He shook his head and chuckled.

“You’re just different from all the girls I met.” He responded.

“How so?” I asked raising an eye brow. “Is it because I didn’t call on my knees wanting you and falling for your charms?” I smirked.

“That and you don’t complain about your food making you fat. Most of them are way too worried about their weight when they eat but you, baby doll, didn’t even think twice about it when you stuffed bacon in your mouth.” He responded.

“I’m not like those girls Tristan. I don’t care if I gain a little weight, as long as I’m healthy and not starve myself to death just because I want to be skinny like other girls.” I responded taking my plate to the sink and washed it.

“Rain.” He called.


“I want you to meet my dad.” He responded making me look at him.

“What for?”

“If we don’t want our parents to marry then we should talk to my dad and help him win my mom back… or do you want to meet your soon to be father-in-law?” he gave me one of those sly smiles of his.


“So yes?” he asked walking toward me.

“Sure. The sooner we help your father win your mom back, the sooner this act stops.”

Tristan’s POV

“Sure. The sooner we help your father win your mom back, the sooner this act stops.” Her words struck me hard.

It wasn’t the pleasant feeling knowing we’ll end this stupid idea but it was the other way around… Weird. I couldn’t help but look at her from head to toe. She was beautiful even if she just woke up 5 minutes ago. Even if her hear looked like a bird’s nest, she was still beaut- What am I saying?!

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