A Cold Misty Swamp

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"Oh-kay, it's a very foggy swamp." Snow said

The friends woke up in sudden feel of sheer cold.

"What the heck?!" Panda shouted in surprise

"It's so cold!!!" Cat exclaimed as she shivered

"Stay beside the fire." Puff said as he warmed his fins

"Okay, we need to stay beside the fire as well as go out there. We can't stay in this cave." Panda said

"I already made torches" Puff handed each one a torch for heating purposes

"Wow! That's some way of thinking ahead" Dog said

"Also, drink up. There's no such thing as clean water in this swamp. The water is poisoned. A monster's dastardly deed."

"About the time you tell us what is the monster here." Panda said

"A monster probably as big as the previous one. It has a noticeable blue skin with a rubbery material. It's not affected by lightning. The tail can stretch twice to it's size and it has a glowing crystal on its head to blind its enemies. It also spits poison."

"Okay then, let's go."

"I'm all set up" Puff while raising a spear he created

After a while, they stumbled upon an area with a weird looking land.

"That's weird. The land's dry in these parts." Snow said

"Because it's not just an area. Panda, if I were you, I'd get out of there." Puff said

Everyone looked at Panda. He was standing beside some rocks.

"Hmm, these aren't normal rocks."

"*GULP* B-b-because they a-are n-not rocks a-at all." Dog said

It turns out that it's a nest. A nest of red velociraptor-looking monsters. And here comes the alpha.

It howled upwards.

"It called for backup!" Panda shouted

Three smaller monster came out of the tall grass. They attacked the group.

"Two take out the big one. The rest, attack the smaller ones." Panda said

"Beware of it's poison spit." Puff warned

Just as Puff told them that,

"Ah! I'm h-hit. Help...mee. *Heavy breathing*" Parrot was hit with the poison spit.

"Okay, just the big one left. Destroy him before Parrot dies." Panda shouted

Puff ran away. It was unknown why.

"PUFF! Where are you going?!"

"He's gone! Look out!" Snow shouted

Panda evaded the Alpha's poison spit.


After minutes of fighiting, the Alpha fell down.

"Dog, can you cure her?"

"N-no. I-I can't! I don't know how!"

Puff returned. Panda punched him in the face.


Puff, while rubbing his jaw

"Here! Make her eat this. It's a bitterbug; widely known for it's antidote effect."

Panda was stunned. He helped Puff stand up.

"Sorry." Panda said

After Parrot ate the bitterbug, she opened her eyes and she was okay... for a bit.


"A bitterbug, I guess." Snow said

"You okay?" Cat asked

"I guess so."

After a while, Puff noticed that Panda is being left behind. He decided to join him.

"So, Panda, how's it going? Still worried about her?"

"Parrot? No! no. She's okay. The bitterbug worked. Also, sorry for what happened earlier."

"It was fun, right? Also, I am not talking about Parrot. You know very well who I am referring to."

He suddenly thought about that girl.

"No. Who could that be?"

"*Chuckles* You amuse me of trying to escape in that little painful truth, no? What could be happening there, right now? We have no news about them not they have any news about us."


"Well, try to stay focused on this adventure. You will see her later."

"It's my turn, isn't it?"

"Hmm. *smiles*"

"I am beginning to understand your moves."

"Hey Puff!!! Are we there yet?" Snow shouted, cutting Panda and Puff's conversation

"We are there when everything is everything but reality."

Snow began wiping the blood coming out of her nose.

"Here ya go."

Dog healed Snow's nose..

"Thanks. I won't be losing my sniffer to a very deep statement."

And the six continued their walk.

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