The Dragon's Nest

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"Yep, It's a nest." Panda sighed

"And if here's the nest, the weapon should be nearby."

"And if here's the nest, the dragons should be nearby."

"I hear nothing yet." Cat said

"Hmm, we should scan the area for a while."

"We should get out of the area fast."

"Wait, shh! There's someone watching us."

"Show yourselves!"


The six looked at the odd looking mushroom. After a while, a small something with an orange helmet that resembled a pumpkin jumped out, and then digged underground.

They rushed into the area.

"It's gone."

"We should, too. Hide quickly!"

There was the green dragon that landed nearby. 

A giant green dragon...

Her body was covered with spikes ranging from two to four feet in length.

And her long tail has a five feet long spike, with several one-foot long spike protruding sideways.

And the main spike has a bit of purple ooze coming out of the tip...

Her humoungous hips helps her run and chase her victims...

Her sharp talons and destroy a tree in just one snap...

"Okay, that's the female. The male should be nearby."

"He's right there."

On the other side, the red dragon landed...

A giant red dragon...

His spikes were smaller...

His hips was thinner too...

But his wings were bigger than the female...

And he moves a lot faster too...

His talons were sharper than ever...

And his tail was longer too...

And he noticed Parrot hiding behind a rock...

"He saw us!"

The red dragon roared. It caught the attention of the green one too.

"Hide behind the rock. I'm going to draw the green's attention!" Puff said

The red one spit a giant fireball and hit the rock.

No one was hurt, except for the rock.

It was destroyed.


"Look out! Green is charging towards you!"

Without Puff's warning, they wouldn't have avoided the attack


Without Snow's Warning, they wouldn't be able to avoid the attack either.

The red one flew up high and strafed around the area, while the green one chased everyone.

"Parrot! Distract the red one!"


Parrot flew up high and made the red one chased her.

He chased her and shot fireballs at her, but she was swift.

Meamwhile, back at the land.

"Attack! Her mate's away. She can't focus at five attackers."

And they tried to attack, but all of their weapons bounce off.

"Her scales are too thick."

After a while, Parrot's scorched body fell down in front of Cat.

"PARROT!!! NOO!!!"


Puff grabbed Parrot and ran with the others.

As they were running away from the green one,

"AAAHH!!! I'm stuck!! I sinking!!!" Snow shouted

"Don't struggle."

A voice came out from a nearby mushroom patch.

Six little creatures with pumpkin helmets jumped out.

They dug a hole big enough for Panda to fit.

"Get in."

Puff handed Parrot's unconcious body to the six little creatures.

The five jumped in the hole one by one, and the creatures covered the hole.

"Where are we?"

"In the hideout. You are safe in here. I reported the others that you'll be in trouble. The king wants to see you."

"The king?"

"Yes, the king. All of you. I'll be taking her first to the witch doctor so that she may recover as soon as she can. I'll need one friend to come with me."

"I'll go." Dog said

"Very well. He will guide you to the majesty." The creature said

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