Ethan's POV
"You did what with Grayson?" I heard Lexi say over the phone. She was standing in the living room, pacing back and forth. I'm assuming she's talking to Sam. We haven't seen her for a few days, her and Grayson haven't come over to visit either. This didn't sound good.
"Sam, why?" She asked, calming down a little.
"That's not a reason to do so!"
"No- you can't just do that!"
"I just don't understand."
"Ok, fine, Sam."
"Bye." She said, before dropping her phone on the couch and sighing. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind. I kissed her temple.
"Baby..." I whispered. She shook her head.
"I don't know why she would do that without telling us." She said, barely audible.
"Do what?" I asked, letting go and turning her around to face me. She wasn't smiling...
Ethan's P.O.V
"So I guess this is our 3rd date now?" I asked, holding Lexi's hand as we sat at a little café in LA.
"I suppose it is." Lexi said, smiling. She was wearing this short, thin, flowy peach dress, matching her tan perfectly. Her hair was in a French braid. She looked gorgeous. She had come down to visit me, and it was a surprise, since this week is her spring break. We've only been dating for a month. She has to leave tomorrow though...
"I wish you could stay longer Lexi." I said, admiring her features.
"I wish I could too...I wish I could stay forever." She said, still somehow smiling. I stroked her hand with my thumb.
"You're still smiling, how?" I asked.
"My parents used to call me Sunshine, cause I was always happy and smiling." She laughed.
"I never want you to stop smiling. You're beautiful." I said.
"Ethan, I'll always be happy when I'm with you." She said, leaning in and kissing me.
"Lexi, where is it?" I said, trying to look in her eyes.
"Where's what Ethan?" She asked confused.
"...that beautiful smile." I said. She looked me in the eyes, barely cracking the slightest smile.
"There it is." I smiled. She hugged me.
"You remembered." She said, tearing up.
"Of course, how could I forget?" I asked.
"It was like 4 years ago Ethan!" She said. I sighed.
"Now, what's going on with Sam?" I asked, sitting her down on the couch as I sat next to her.
"Her and Grayson...moved. Into a house. Together."
"Lexi please tell me you're joking..." I said.
"I can't tell you that." She shook her head. I stood up and walked down the hallway and grabbed my car key from the hook.
"I'll be back." I yelled.
"Okay." Lexi shouted back.
I walked out to my car. I unlocked it and got inside. I started the car, and drove down the street.
Ethan's P.O.V
"Dude I don't know if I should do it." I said, pacing the room with my iPhone pressed to my ear, my other hand in my pocket, clutching the small velvet box.
"Ethan, just do it. You won't regret it. Lexi's perfect for you and you're going to regret it if you don't." He said.
"Okay...thanks Grayson." I sighed.
"Are you guys gonna move soon to a bigger house?" He asked me.
"I don't know, maybe." I answered. "What about you and Sam?" I asked him.
"Probably not. If we do, I promise I'll let you know first." He said.
"Alright." I said.
"You good, bro?" Grayson asked.
"Yeah, I gotta go, I have something to do." I smiled.
"Go get her." Grayson said, and I knew he was smiling too.
I hit the steering wheel. He broke the promise.
I had come to an open field I often came to when I needed to clear my thoughts.
"Grayson what the hell?!" I said out loud.
Lexi's P.O.V
I grabbed Emma's baby food out of the fridge and put her down in her booster seat. I started to feed her the jar of carrot and potato mushy food when I heard a knock on the door. I picked up Emma and walked to our front door. I opened the door.
"Lexi...I need to apologize." Sam said, standing on the front patio.
"Come in." I said.
"I'm sorry about what I said on the phone." She said, sitting on the stairs that led up to the master bedroom, Emma's room a bathroom, and a guest room.
"It's fine." I said. "Just...can you explain why you've been acting so different lately?" I questioned. She was silent for a minute.
"I'm pregnant..." She said, half smiling. My jaw dropped.
"Aww so that's why you and Grayson moved in together!" I smiled, making sense of why they moved.
"No-" She started to say.
"Are you guys getting married soon then?" I asked.
"Lexi!" She said.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm not pregnant with Grayson's kid." She said. I stopped smiling.
"Wait..." I said.
"I'm pregnant with Kale's kid." She said, looking down.
"Kale?! Why the hell are you pregnant with his kid?" I yelled. "You can't be pregnant with his kid, he's not trustworthy, and you should be pregnant with Grayson's child instead!" I said, on the verge of crying I was so upset.
Sam looked at me and shook her head.
---To Be Continued--- (by Sammy)
A/N Hey, long time no see! Hope you're doing well and I'm glad to be back writing this book!