Lexi's POV
I sat in the waiting room of the hospital holding Emma on my lap, thinking of ideas for her third birthday which was coming up soon. (A/N: so Emma's age was really messed up at some point so she should actually be turning three soon so lets just pretend okay? okay. now continue.)
"This is great." Ethan said. "Sam and Gray must be really happy about this."
"Mhm. Perfect." I said, still mad at Ethan.
"C'mon babe... I said I'm sorry." Ethan sighed, taking my free hand and playing with my fingers.
"I know Ethan." I said, pulling my hand away.
"Then why-" He started to ask but I knew where this was going.
"Ethan, not now please." I said, looking at the clock and reading the time 4:28 PM. We've been here for a couple hours now, not hearing a word whether Sam is still in labor or if she had the babies or anything.
"I'll be back." Ethan muttered, standing up and walking out the automatic doors of the hospital. I sighed.
"Where daddy go?" Emma asked, looking up at me through her ocean eyes.
"Just outside Em, it's okay." I reassured her.
"Lexi Dolan?" A voice said. I turned my head to the direction of my name to see a flustered-looking nurse standing there with a clipboard.
"Yes?" I asked, standing up, holding Em.
"Samantha would like to see you." She smiled, as I followed her quickly down the long corridor. She pushed open a door and I went inside. I saw Sam sitting on the bed, holding two little bundles and Grayson with a huge smile on his face looking at her. I smiled when I reached them.
"Congrats my dear." I said.
"Thank you Lexi." She smiled, looking at her boys with so much admiration.
"I'm happy for you Gray." I turned to Grayson, giving him a hug with the one arm I wasn't holding Emma with.
"Thanks Lex." He said, hugging me back tightly.
"What are their names?" Ethan smiled, suddenly walked in the door.
"Koby and Kyle." Sam answered him, exchanging a wary glance from me to Eth.
"They're adorable..." I gushed.
"You guys can go home, we'll be heading home soon." Grayson said.
"If you need anything, just call either of us, okay?" I said.
"We will." Sam nodded.
"Bye guys, congratulations." Ethan said with a wave.
"Happy for you." I said, smiling as Ethan, who was now carrying Emma, and I walked out of the room. The door slowly shut behind us and neither of us said anything as we walked out to the car. Ethan put Emma in her car seat and I got in the passenger's seat. He drove us home in silence.
Why can't I just forgive him?
I'm making this so much worse.
He's probably so upset...
He did apologize though.
But it did hurt.
God I messed up...
He did too...
Emma giggled from the backseat, so I turned around to see what she was laughing at. She was sitting in her seat holding her favorite stuffed animal, a purple rabbit that she named Checkers.
"What's so funny sweetie?" I smiled.
"Watch!" She said, holding out Checkers and making him 'dance'. I laughed along with her.
"Silly Checkers!" I responded, seeing Ethan smile as he kept driving. Emma continued playing with her animal until we turned into our neighborhood after the forty five minute ride home.
"What's for dinner?" Emma asked once we'd gotten inside and brought in our bags from staying at Sam and Grayson's.
"I don't know... how mac and cheese?" I asked her.
"Yeah!" She said, with a big grin.
"Maybe you can ask daddy if he can start it so I can take our things upstairs." I said, picking up our bags and walking up stairs as I heard her faint voice talking to Ethan. I took Emma's Sleeping Beauty backpack to her room before walking to Eth and I's room and setting them down on the nicely made bed. I went into the bathroom and found my makeup wipes, taking off my makeup and washing my face. Using the hair tie that was on my wrist, I put my hair up into a messy bun. I changed from my jeans and flannel into leggings and a maroon long sleeve Vans shirt. I walked back downstairs to see Emma sitting on the couch, more like the couch engulfing her as she's so small, watching The Backyardigans and her dad standing in front of the stove, pouring the box of Kraft macaroni into the boiling water.
"Thanks Ethan." I simply stated as I opened the fridge and took out the bottle of apple juice to fill Emma's sippy cup. I carefully poured the sweet juice into the colorful cup and secured the lid.
"No problem." He answered. I walked into the living room to the couch and gave Emma her sippy cup as she happily took a sip from it. After putting away the apple juice, I went into the wine fridge and found a bottle of a 2014 Pinot Noir. I took two wine glasses from the cupboard where all the glasses are kept and filled them, walking over to Ethan and handing him one.
"Thank you." He said kissing my forehead. I sat down on one of the stools at the island and scrolled through Instagram until the timer for the macaroni went off. I got up, as Ethan was on the couch with Em, and added the cheese powder, milk and some butter, before mixing it all and scooping some into two bowls. I walked into the living room and handed one to Ethan, and I sat on the other side of Emma to feed the other to her.
"You wanna put on a movie?" I asked Ethan, as I blew on a spoonful of the creamy cheesy goodness to cool it down so that it wasn't hot for Emma.
"Sure." He said, picking up the TV remote. I heard the theme music to Finding Nemo. After I'd finished feeding Em her dinner, I got comfy on the couch and turned off the kitchen lights. We watched about half of the movie before Emma was fast asleep.
"I'll go take her to bed." I whispered, picking Emma up smoothly and gently so she wouldn't wake up. I carried her upstairs to her room, setting her down in her small bed.
"Goodnight baby." I whispered, leaving a delicate kiss on her head as I left her room and silently closed the door behind me. I went back downstairs, to see Ethan turning off the TV. I walked over and picked up the two empty bowls, rinsing them and putting them in the dishwasher. I turned around to face Ethan, as I was about to say something before he spoke.
"You know..." Ethan said, resting his hands on my waist, pushing me lightly against the counter. "I don't know what I have to do to get you to forgive me..."
I smirked. "Hmm... I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it's a good one..." I bit my lip. Ethan laughed, shaking his head.
"I think it's damn good idea." He said, putting a hand behind my neck, pulling me in as he closed the gap between us.
"I'm really sorry baby." He muttered into the now-make up session.
"Ethan I forgive you..." I muttered as his hands slid down to the backs of my thighs as I wrapped my legs around his torso.
"I love you." He said, as he took us to our room.
"I love you too." I smiled.