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For your information, some people like expanding their vocabulary. And I'm not seeking attention. Trust me, I have all the attention I need.

Why do you keep signing your name? This isn't a letter. This isn't your diary. We aren't friends. Which means you have no right to judge people.

I know what happens in the story, it's just always frustrated me how when she fights back, she is punished and sent away. When teachers assign these books, aren't they perpetrating stereotypes?

Underline that for your vocabulary.
You're not getting my name by the way. Why you keep giving out yours is crazy.

To the Person-With-the-Ego-Issue:

You're giving away what happens in the story! Quit it.
(I really don't care what you think)

Oh look. Miss Eyre is hallucinating. Too much 19th century hookah.
By the way, the word you are looking for in regards to me is awesome.

Why would you even say that?! She's only ten. They may have drank wine, but drugs... That's just... irreverant!

Exactly. She's ten. When I was ten, I welcomed the dark, I didn't hide from it. And before you go on about her having a hard life, consider that some of us aren't exactly living in paradise.

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