C H A P T E R 1: Helping out a friend

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1 year later

Madeline, along with Lucille, Mr.Pomfrey and some of the pubs working mistresses were currently in the town's main square, they were there to witness the banks new safe, which the mayor was going on and on about how safe it was and how no one would be able to enter it.

She looked around to see just how many of the towns inhabitants had come to see this and it appeared as if half the town had. Not only that but a Navy ship had recently docked, so the town was to the brim with soldier, more than it usually was.

Madeline remember her deep disappointment when she saw that the ship that had arrived didn't have the brown eyed boy she'd met and befriended last spring onboard. She remembered that day as if it were yesterday. It was a good day. One of the few she had good memories about. Had it not been for her being distracted, she and the boy would not have run in to each other. She would have not had the pleasure of meeting Henry Turner

She missed him dearly, more than you should to a person you only knew for a few hours and haven't seen since. She was disturbed by that fact for some time, she didn't know why she felt that way. She started to accept it when she noticed she would go to the docks every time a new navy ship arrived in hopes of seeing him again.

He made her feel like she was free those few hours they spent together. She hoped that when he came back she could find a way to leave with him, because she knew deep down that Henry chased adventures, and that she would surely experience one if she went with him.

She was so distracted by her thoughts that she missed the rest of the mayors speech and was only brought back when the towns people gave a loud gasp. She turned to see what had caused such a reaction and when her eyes met the sight she understood.

Inside the impenetrable bank safe was a pirate, and the mayors wife. Madeline raised a hand to her mouth, to stifle out the giggles that were fighting to make their way out. She found the situation more amusing and comedic, than shocking and terrible. She didn't know what was funnier. The fact that after so much praise the safe resulted in being accesible or the fact that it had been accessed by a drunk pirate and the mayors wife, who to be honest was not the sharpest tool in the shed.

The next thing that happened after the pirate gave of some sort of speech, she was only able to actually pay attention when the bank, as in the whole structure, was being dragged away, farther and farther away.

Lucille tugged on her arm when the bank had fully disappeared from her sight. "Come mon petit when there is one pirate there is usually more" Madeline nodded and began to follow behind Lucille.

She then had a deep feeling start in her stomach. She felt as if though what had just happened was only the beginning of an adventure.


It had been a couple of days since the bank robbery had occurred, and apart from that not much interesting had happened. They were looking for the pirate who went by the name of Jack Sparrow, the most infamous pirate in all of the Caribbean.

She had heard stories of him, quiet hushed whispers in the back of the bar, told by some pirates that came through. Stories from the time when Jack Sparrow was the best pirate of all, of his amazing ship the Black Pearl, among other stories.

Another name that also sometimes popped up was the name Turner, William Turner. The supposed captain of the Flying Dutchman. The legend of the ship and crew that were bound to the sea for life. She had found it weird at first, Turner is not a popular or common name around these parts, so she had started to think that in a way they were related. But then she remembered that the tale of William Turner was legend, only that. A myth that was probably only pirate lore.

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