C H A P T E R 7: The Parting of the waves

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Madeline felt as if she was floating in the night sky.

Which in reality she wasn't, she just happened to be walking on an island which resembled the night sky. It was breathtaking, the sights her eyes drank in were something she wouldn't even be able to fathom in dreams. The different hues of the crystals which were meant to be the representation of stars cast an ever ending array of colours all around.

Madeline walked behind Barbossa and Jack, who in turn walked behind Carina, who had taken it upon herself to lead them towards where she thought the Trident might be. She was making a beeline for the only dim red crystal, which she believed to be the last piece in finding their Trident.

They walked along for a few more minutes, the tracking being difficult for both women with their heavy dresses. Upon no time they reached the spot they wanted.

"Why isn't it glowing?" Questioned Carina. She lowered herself to inspect the chipped crystal closer.

It wasn't until Barbossa handed her the small ruby that she had something to go on. "Finish it Carina."

Carina accepted it, giving Barbossa a look which Madeline didn't understand. Carina then turned towards the crystal again. "The missing star." She paused looking intently at the ruby she had for so long. "For my father."

Barbossa looked at the pale girl with deep emotion. Madeline would describe it as....pride? As to why Barbossa looked like that at her, she wouldn't have an answer.

"Aye..do it for him." The pirate implored.

Carina then placed the small ruby where the crystal seemed to be broken. It was a perfect fit, and as soon as it was set in place the crystal starting shining, letting out a red beam which connected to the other red crystals. The land then started shaking, throwing the four off their balance.

Then Madeline took in the weirdest sight, the sea started parting, as if it were being ripped by some unhuman force. She didn't very well have much time to ponder the thought because next thing she knows she's falling.

All Madeline could register was sand, water and rocks. It's wasn't until she landed that she saw where she was. She stood up and looked around. Two walls of what appeared to be sea water surrounded her on either side. Before her plants of coral and statues of rock littered the ocean floor. What appeared to be ruins of ships stuck out in some places, making the deep ocean floor seem like a eery grave.

"There." Carina pointed forwards. Jack and Madeline turned to see where she was pointing.

"Poseidon's tomb." The pirate muttered in wonder.

Carina started walking forward, with Jack following suit. "This way."

Madeline was about to walk behind them when she stepped on something. She looked down to see it was Carina's journal, it must've fallen out when they fell. Madeline leaned down to pick it up, putting it away in the pocket of her dress. She then quickly caught up to Jack and Carina.

They walked towards were Carina was leading them, dodging the coral and any other things that stood in their way. Suddenly they came upon the sight they had searched for. In the very middle stood a rock figure, which held the Trident of Poseidon. It was not exactly what Madeline envisioned the famed Trident to be.

She thought it would resemble that of the Tridents in books, a shiny even golden staff with its three pointed peaks. Not some uneven mystical looking thing which she thought resembled more a disfigured log than an actual legendary Trident.

"Look" Carina said pointing at the trident. "There it is, the Trident."

Before Jack could respond they heard fast coming footsteps behind them. The trio turned in time to see Henry come bolting towards Jack, jumping off a rock and tackling the pirate to the ground.

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