C H A P T E R 3: Sailing troubled waters

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Madeline was quite proud of herself.

For it being her first time aboard a ship an sailing she had not once felt sick. She remembered Lucille once told her story about her first time on a ship, that she had felt so sick she couldn't walk. Madeline let out a smile at that, remembering the French woman. Oh how she would love for Lucille to see her now. She could just imagine it. Lucille would be cheering her on, telling her to live a sailors life. Mr. Pomfrey would be just behind her smiling at his wife's antics.

Madeline owed so much to them. They in a way saved her by buying her. Had they not taken her in she would be most likely ended up somewhere less gracious. The Pomfrey's had been more parental to her in these four years she had been with them than what her actual parents had been in the last years she had with them. Now all Madeline could think of was is she would ever see the Pomfrey's again.

She decided that she needed to stop thinking negatively. She started searching the ship to see who she could interact with. She saw some of the Pirates but it was unlikely that she would be able to have a civil conversation with them. Henry was with Jack, talking about something at the wheel of the ship, much like they had been the night before.

Madeline's eyes then came across the ravened hair girl, who again much like before, was sat at the head of the ship. Madeline started making her way towards the girl, in hopes of getting something out of her. She could only hope Carina would not shoo her off like she had done to Henry mere hours before.

Madeline sat herself down right beside Carina who was either too deep in thought to notice her or was just simply ignoring the fact that she was there. "Hello"

Carina turned to look at her slowly, analyzing before replying. "Hi"

Madeline smiled, glad that she had managed to get at least a greeting from the girl. "What are you working on?" Madeline asked the pale girl softly. "Have you managed to figure something out?"

"Nothing I'd believe you'd understand" Madeline felt offended by the fact, although it was probably true it was still hurtful. Carina noticed it because right away she apologized. "I'm sorry I really didn't mean it like that. I'm just.......overwhelmed by what's going on." The astronomer confessed.

"Oh it's quite alright, I understand where you're coming from" Madeline gave Carina another warm smile, which was mimed by the other girl. "We happen to be the only women on the ship"

"I believe we are" Carina nodded in understanding.

"So I believe it's in our best interest that we stick together. You can teach me that, if you'd like, and I can see what I can help you with." Madeline signaled at Carinas journal. "I'd be glad to teach you something, though I don't believe it will be as interesting as that"

Carina smiled wider at that, happy that someone would be interested in her work. "Well I'd be glad to, Madeline was it?"

"Yes it's Madeline" Madeline then stuck out her hand "So do we have a deal miss Carina?"

Carina took the blondes hand and gave it a firm shake "I believe we do miss Madeline."


Before she knew it, night had once again engulfed the sea, and Madeline was very much enjoying it. She had always liked looking at the stars back in Saint Martin, but now after the little things Carina had taught her earlier that day, Madeline enjoyed it quite a lot more now.

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