C H A P T E R 8: Of Ending's and Beggining's

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Madeline's lung's breathed in all the air as soon as her head rose above the water line.

Those few seconds they had been submerged felt like an eternity. Now Madeline felt as if she would never be able to forget the horrid taste of the sea's salty waves. The anchor kept being pulled upward's until it reached a point where the pirate's onboard were able to reach down and pull them up. One by one each was pulled aboard.

Madeline had imagined this moment as something entirely different. She thought they would all celebrate the finding the Trident and beating Salazar. Instead a cloud of sadness filled the deck, for they were all mourning the lost life of a great man, of someone who they looked up to, of someone they feared at time's, someone who was their Captain. They were mourning the loss of a friend.

They were all standing by the railing, looking sadly down into the waves. Waves which seemed harmless but in reality were the exact opposite.

Jack slowly removed his hat, placing it over his heart, in a motion of respect. "Pirate's life Hector" he said softly. The crew one by one began to do the same, removing their hats or simply putting their hands above their heart.

Carina, although she had not known the pirate long, was the most distressed and it would be understandable. Carina had just gained and lost her father in a matter of seconds. Word's could not possibly describe what she was feeling. Both Henry and Madeline walked up to her, wanting to see if in any way they could comfort their friend in this moment of grieving.

"You alright?" Henry asked.

Carina turned to look at them, sadness evident in her eyes." I don't know" she sighed. "For a moment I had everything, now it's all gone again."

Madeline offered her a small smile while pulling out the book from her pocket. "It's not all gone miss Smyth" she handed Carina the book who seemed to perk up at it. It was the only thing that in a way could remind her of her father, so she would cherish it and care for it to the best of her abilities. And she was grateful to Madeline for having it restored to her.

Carina looked down at the book, tracing its cover, the small carving of the stars. "Barbossa." She stated before looking up at the two in front of her. "My name is Barbossa."

Henry and Madeline smiled at her, glad that she had accepted who she truly was.


Darkness had engulfed the pearl once again. Everything was calm now, different to the previous nights events. Madeline had taken it upon herself to treat the crews injuries, which they had obtained on last nights wild confrontation. She now found tending herself tending Jack's injuries, which had been given to him by a possessed Henry.

Madeline was wiping his cheek of dried blood but she was quite uncomfortable, for Jack was staring at her quite intently. She stopped dabbing and sat back to look at the pirate. "Jack...you're staring."

Jack gave her one of his classic what are you talking about looks. "I wasn't staring....I was just merely admiring your forehead."

Madeline raised an eyebrow, but she decided to leave it at that knowing she would get nowhere with him and continued cleaning him up. Once she was done cleaning and stitching his wounds, Madeline cleaned her hands on the cloth she had laid out on her lap before turning to Jack.

"Jack, I now just remembered, how is it that you didn't die when Salazar stabbed you with the trident?"

He gave her a sly smile. "Aah. You wish to know my magic tricks?"

"I wouldn't necessarily call it mag-" Madeline muttered before she was cut off.

Jack pulled back his coat on the side Salazar stabbed him, and to Madeline's surprise she saw a book. "This, is what saved me."

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