B O N U S: Jealousy at its finest

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Part 2

Henry was very, very, confused.

He hadn't noticed it at first. He's usually so distracted by everything he doesn't immediately notice things. It took him around 2 weeks to really notice. At first, he hadn't thought much of it, thinking that it was due to something else entirely, that maybe something had happened or, you know, something anatomical. Maybe hormones, he thought.

It had really only begun to dawn on him that Madeline was ignoring him. And he didn't have a clue as to why.

Henry started to think back to see if there was any reason as to why she was giving him the cold shoulder. Had he said something wrong? Had he done something he shouldn't? Did she not like him anymore? Had he finally messed up one of the good things that was finally going for him.

He left his house early that morning, making his way to the little bakery which had now become a second home in these past few weeks. He needed someone's opinion on the matter and he knew just who he had to ask.

One who knew the Turner boy would know he was out of it. He was always cheerful and wearing a smile on his face, but now he was sulken. His back wasn't straight, his shoulders were sagged, his hair which always seemed to be held back in place in an order,y manner were now littered around his face.

Henry Turner was completely out of it.

As he made his way into the bakery which now seemed like a second home to him, he was greeted with the smiling face of Prudence. Her smile seemed to become larger when she saw him in the doorway. She took of her apron and made her way around the counter towards Henry, giving him a quick hug in greeting before pulling back.

"Well look who it is, I haven't seen you in some time." Prudence told him.

Henry gave her a knowing look. "You saw me yesterday Rue. I would hardy call that time."

"I know I was only teasing you." She then seemed to notice his slightly disheveled appearance. "But it seems like it was enough time for you to change completely. What is wrong?"

"It's Madeline " he blankly stated.

Prudence waited for him to elaborate more on the subject, but when he didn't she spoke up again. "Well, what about her? Is she alright?"

"That's just it, I don't exactly know." Henry sighed. "She's been acting weird for these past few days now. But she's been behaving strangely for weeks. We haven't talked a lot and she stopped accompanying me to town and she's with Mother and Carina less as well."

Prudence nodded slowly. "Have you tried talking to her on the matter yet?."

"No. Not exactly."

"Then that's your first mistake. How can you possibly know what is wrong with her if you don't ask her."

Henry seemed to think about it. "I suppose you're right. I will go do that right now. " Henry leaned down and gave Prudence a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks again Rue." And with that he was running out of the bakery towards his own home.

Prudence smiled looking at them running boy. "Goodbye Turner."


Henry made it to his house in a matter of minutes. As soon as his feet reached the porch he ran into the house, shouting Madeline's name all over the place like a lunatic. As he walked through the home he came to the dining hall, where he found his parents and Carina conversing.

"Afternoon." He greeted quickly. "Have you by any chance seen Madeline." He asked out of breath.

His mother nodded. "She went for a walk this morning and has yet to come back." She told him. "And may I ask why you look like a madman?"

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