B O N U S: Letter to the Pomfrey's

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Dear Mr.Pomfrey and Lucille,

I should start by saying I'm alright, better than I'd have hoped actually. I'm in a safe place with good people. Truth is I don't actually know if you're really worried about me or if that's just a thing I'd imagine, but due to the bond I think we have I'd like to say you do care.

I owe you an explanation as to why I so suddenly disappeared, and I'm sorry it's taken so long but I'm afraid I've only just now been able to get the material to write this letter.

It all started the day of the public executions. I know it was weird for me to go, you yourself questioned my motives and I wasn't exactly honest with you. I went there that day to meet Henry Turner, the navy boy I told you about, we'd ran into each other the previous night and he asked to see me there. It wasn't exactly the best place to meet but due to my deep liking of him I agreed.

Once we got there, as you know, Jack Sparrow was supposed to be offed, but his crew got their in time and managed to save him, and it all happened so fast, one minute I was there and the next I was tied to a mast on a cheap excuse of a ship.

Henry was also taken, along with Carina Smyth, the girl that was accused of witchcraft, which in reality she wasn't a witch, just a very intelligent, misunderstood girl. The reason we were all taken was because Jack and his crew thought we would be of use to them for something they were looking for.

They didn't treat us badly, quite the contrary actually, they became our friends in a way, and even if they tried to hurt us, Henry would've prevented it, he promised both Carina and I that he would  protect us with his life if it came to it. And I also learned that Pirates are not exactly what people make them out to be, well most of them aren't.

In reality all they are, are half witted, thrill seeking, sea loving man with an obsessive desire for treasure, in truth they are what most people desire but are too scared to be.

In the end we managed to help Jack get what he wanted, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary really, just some small treasure hidden on an island. As terrifying and improvised as the whole thing was I managed to really enjoy it, I fell in love with the sea and sky and I long to never leave it.

After everything they dropped us of in Tortuga, one of the neighboring Islands of St.martins. We're with Henry's family now, they've taken both Carina and I in and said we were welcome to stay for as long as we'd like, the house is big enough to fit half a ships crew.

I'll be staying here I think, and I also believe it's best for me. Henry and I, i don't exactly know what we are but we are something, maybe the very early stages of a courtship? But then again he might believe we are already on a full courtship.

His mother approves of me, and Elizabeth had indirectly told me she would love for me to actually be an official family member, even though I met her two days ago and Henry and I haven't exactly told her about us, not that there is much to tell anyway.

I'll be going back to St.Martin soon, to pick up my belongings and give my peace with the island and the town. As much as I love it there and as much as I care for you two, I'm afraid my past memories have in a way spoiled it for me, and after experiencing what I did and meeting Henry, I just can't find it in myself to go back and stay there for the remainder of my life.

Please do not think of me as ungrateful, it's the opposite of that. You saved me from a fate that would've ruined who I was at such a young age and for that I will be forever grateful. I consider you family and I hope you consider the same of me. Even though I won't be there permanently anymore I'll visit, because I know I can't have you out of my life.

I miss you both and I can't wait to see you again, even if we part ways right after. I send you all my affection and love and well wishes.

Yours truly,


Lucille was emocional after reading what she did. In truth she was experiencing a sea of emotions. Happiness, sadness, excitement, fondness and so on. Who knew a small girl such as Madeline could make one feel al that with a simple letter. Mr.Pomfrey was glowing, happy for Madeline.

In truth both the Pomfrey's went crazy after not knowing what happened to the young girl, going crazy looking for her around every inch of the town until every corner was searched. They came to the conclusion that she was off the island, and at the beginning due to confusion they were made thinking she just up and left, leaving them there. But they came to find it was strange that she left with no belongings, that's when they truly knew something wasn't right.

After receiving the letter the weight was lifted of their shoulders, happy to know she was alive and well with someone who cared for her.

"The gods have blessed us today love."

"I know, I feel strange, happy but sad at the same time. Happy she found her place and her own happiness, but sadness at the fact that she will be leaving us." Lucille explained.

"But you read the letter, she won't entirely leave us."

Lucille sighed. "I suppose that's true, but still it'll be weird not having her around."

"I know it will love." Mr.Pomfrey reassured.

And the Pomfrey's celebrated that night in honor of their dear girl. They celebrated her growth as a person, her finding love, her finding a place were she felt she truly belonged. Even though they would some how lose her they didn't ponder on that fact, but instead celebrated the positive.

For their little Madeline was free.

A U T H O R S  N O T E:
Hello my lovelies. Sorry for just a short chapter, it's really only meant to be a filler. I ad the idea on my mind and I thought I should write it, so you would know how the Pomfrey's sort of felt with what happened and all.
Please send in requests and prompts because I truly enjoy writing them. Comment or message me what you would like to see. I also would love to see your feedback on the book and how I can be ale it better and better my writing style.
Hope you enjoyed it. Happy reading loves.

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