B O N U S: Will Turner

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Henry's parents were very much enjoying their reunion.

But then again they had been apart for twenty years and the last time she saw him was ten years ago. So Madeline understood. They were still on the hill, Elizabeth and Will were hugging each other and stealing kisses while talking in low voices. Henry and Madeline had gotten tired of standing and decided to sit on the ground and play with the grass blades as if they were 5 year olds.

They had not dared interrupt the reunion, for it truly was almost a mystical sight. Madeline always wondered what true love was like, and now she was very clearly seeing it before her own eyes. The emotion radiated of the two of them in waves and they could quite possibly make anyone around them fall in love.

She was very happy for them. She was specially happy for Henry, because he had quite literally gone to the depths of the sea to break his fathers curse, and to bring back the man he missed and the man his mother loved.

"It's truly beautiful you know." Madeline ran her hands through the grass, it's blades tickling her palm.

Henry turned to look at her. "What is?"

"Your parents." She replied looking up at him. "It's truly very clear that they care deeply for one another. I hope I manage  to one day be loved like that."

Henry smiled and took her small delicate hand in his big rough one. "Trust me Madeline, you will be, very much so."

They kept like that for another while, Elizabeth and will still very much in their own bubble. Madeline was now leaning on Henry's shoulder, her eyes were closed and she was enjoying the air blowing lightly on her face, the smell of salt overcoming her nose and the crisp breeze making her hair wave like a piece of fine cloth behind her.

It was dusk now, the sun was going down in the horizon and you could start to see the faint outline of the moon. That's when Elizabeth came back to the present day, and she remembered they weren't alone.

Henry saw that she whispered something into his fathers ear and the next second they turned around. Will's eyes landed on Madeline and a shock expression crossed his face. They started walking towards them and so Henry nudged Madeline,  causing the girl to instantly open her eyes and see what was happening. Henry helped Madeline up just as the couple reached them.

Will observed Madeline, and in her he was reminded of a young Elizabeth, which brought a smile to his face. "It appears
We haven't met, Will Turner at your service miss."

Madeline could only stare wide eyes at him. She had first heard of him in tall tales told by the Pirates of the pub, and then by Henry who told her he, the man of legend, was his father. And now she had him before him. And she could not for her life form a coherent sentence.

"Father, this is Madeline, she is someone who is very dear to me." Henry introduced her, saving Madeline from embarrassment, but of course Henry's confession of what she meant to him only made her melt some more.

"Well if she is dear to you she is dear to me, it's a pleasure to meet you." Will responded.

"The pleasure is all mine sir, I'm glad we finally get to meet." Madeline replied.

"It's getting dark now." Elizabeth signaled out. "Let's go back to the house for some supper, we can talk more then."

They all agreed and started making their way back to the house. Henry slipped his hand into Madeline's again and began leading her back to the house.

"You look so much like him, you know."

Henry glanced down at her. "That's what my mother always says."

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