Chapter 13

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          "I love you, Elena Cullen..." He whispered, lightly pulling his fingers through my hair with my head on his chest.

          "I love you too, Matt Palmer..." I looked up and smiled at him. He kissed my forehead, and we dozed off.

          It surprised me, that I didn't think about that party and Cleo. I supposed that was Matt's power. He had the power to take away all stress on my mind and made me feel awesome. He filled in the hole in my heart that was torn away when my mom died, he stitched up the new wound from when Cleo chose Isaac over me, and he wiped out all my trauma from what happened that night at the party. I never thought that one simple boy could do this to me... No. That love could do this to me.

           The next five days were very similar to the first. We went to the beach, had lots of food, went to the pool too, and most important of all, we went scuba diving in shallow water on a coral reef near our resort a couple of times. We won all the volleyball games we had with the other couple, and they had to buy us a souvenir. It was a little specially made magnetic heart that had our names carved into it. We went to many parties, that were more like raves, and they were awesome. We got to meet many people and have lots of fun.

          The last day came around, and we mostly just spent the day packing up our things. We went to the pool a couple of times and talked to our new friends. We got their numbers and emails, so we could talk to them later on.

          After visiting the pool for the last time, Matt dragged me back into the hotel room. When I entered, it was amazing. There were red balloons everywhere, and a tiny table with food on it. There was a disco ball in the center of the room projecting colorful lights. Matt walked over and plugged his phone into a small speaker.

          "As you may know, this is our last day in this place. Since we are leaving tomorrow, I wanted to do something special for you, so I decided to make you this dinner night, just for the two of us. Also, happy two month anniversary, babe!" He walked up to me, wrapped me in his arms and kissed me.

          "Oh my god! You remembered? Even I completely forgot that two months have already passed." He must have set this up while I was waiting for him at the bar. He said that he had to pee, and he took a while to come back.

           "I love you so much, Matty. You have no idea..." I whisper, sitting down at the little table. I started to put food on my plate. I was so hungry.

          "I love you, even more, Elena." He sat across from me and did the same. He made me go crazy every time he said my full name. He made it sound so sexy and beautiful.

            After we finished our awesome dinner, he asked me to dance. We danced to some slow music. I was resting my head on his shoulder. I didn't even realize that I started to cry.

           "Hey, Lena, why are you crying? What happened?" His expression turned sad.

          "No. These are tears of joy. I never thought I would find someone who would love me this much. Every time I'm having a bad day, which happens a lot lately, you make me feel so much better, or you die to try. I haven't had a single day without at least a smile that happened because of you. You are the light of my world, Matty. Never let me go... Okay?"

           "Elena, you know that I would never let you go. I would never do that to you. You have gone through enough pain already. Plus, why would I do that? I love you too much to leave." He said, wiping away my tears with his soft hand, and pressing my head against his chest.

          "Everything will be okay. Don't worry." He hugged me, and then picked me up bridal style and laid me down on the bed.

          "You need to get some sleep. We are leaving early tomorrow." He turned off the music and the lights, put away all the dishes and food, and went to bed too.

          When we woke up, we took a shower and dressed. I had a final look around our hotel room to make sure we didn't forget anything. We zipped up our suitcases and headed to the lobby. Our dad was already there, sitting on a chair waiting for the bus to come. We joined him.

          "How's my little girl?" He asked, pulling me into a giant hug.

          "I'm great dad! Thanks so much for all this!"

          "This was awesome. Thanks a lot for letting me come along, Mr. Cullen." Matt said as the bus came. We gave our suitcases to the driver and sat inside the bus. It took us back to the airport, and we headed to security. It only took an hour this time, and then we went to the waiting area. We sat there, waiting for the plane. I fell asleep on Matt's lap, just like I did seven days ago, back in the airport of Toronto.

          Our plane arrived about an hour later, and we boarded. We sat there for another four hours until we landed back in Toronto. Strangely, Mr. Palmer wasn't there to pick us up. Huh. Maybe he forgot. We took a cab back home, and I said goodbye to Matt, and we went into our apartments.

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