Chapter Eleven

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He wants me to call him Beast. Sure, I've referred to him as that before, yet I wouldn't demean him by claiming that as his official title.

But if that is what he wants, who am I to argue?

I fiddle with a tinted lilac ruffle on my comforter.

He claims that he does not have a name. Does that mean his parents had never named him? Or perhaps he was an orphan. But still, he must have parents to even be born. Was he always a beast? Were his parents the same? All of these unanswered questions, all of these secrets. But it's not like he would place trust in someone who invaded his home.

Then again, he did provide me with an incredible room rather than leaving me to rot in the dungeon.

I take in my exquisite surroundings. Falling face down on my new mattress, I breathe in the scent of fresh linen.

I roll around, entangling myself in the sheets under me.

They're so soft. I think to myself, feeling as though I am in paradise.

I prance around the room, majestic as a horse, seeing all the sights around me. I leap, twirl, dance, even hum a tune, grateful for everything I've been provided; so much space, a lovely room and an enormous castle to live in.

Yet my optimism can only conceal so much, for my satisfaction is not fulfilled. Nor will it ever be until I am reunited with my father in the home I belong in.

Heck, I even miss Antoine! At least having him as a constant nuisance would be a reminder that everything is of the norm and that I'm still at home; not in an unknown place where I could never belong.

I could never imagine a house without my father's whimsical, humorous self.

It's too bad that I'm going to have to live in one for the rest of my life.

For now, I must make the most of my situation. I think to myself.

I dust off my clothes which are still covered in grime from when I laid on the dungeon floor, unaware of my future.

"I do wish that I at least would be provided with extra clothes." I mutter to myself.

A bright light beams and fills the gloomy atmosphere in the room.

"Did you say extra clothes?" An unknown, unperturbed voice asks in response to my statement.

I fall off​ the mattress, startled by the suddenly loud and unfamiliar voice behind me.

I don't even have privacy here? Another reason to despise my living conditions...

"Who's there?" I question, unable to see anything capable of vocal production.

"Over here." The voice says. I slowly scope the room until my eyes land on the only plausible source in this context.

A mirror. One with the face of a young woman, yet not in possession of my own features.

I walk over to it and softly touch its embellished silver frame.

"How... how are you inside this mirror?" I ask.

"Oh sweetie, you don't know yet?"

"What am I supposed to know?"

"The curse. Does that ring a bell?"

Nothing comes to remembrance.

"I suppose you mean that Beast was cursed." I infer.

"Not just him. All of his staff, as well."

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