Chapter Five

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Word spreads like wildfire when you live in a small town. There wasn't a standalone person who did not know of my father's new job.

Especially when Antoine makes sure of that.

"Of course that halfwit would need to beg for a job. No employer would accept him with his low level of intelligence. He can't even tell a Mercedes-Benz from an Audi A6!"

Guffaws could be heard from anyone paying attention to Antoine's ludicrous statement. I chose to ignore his idiocy, because it had been occurring all afternoon ever since the day my father had returned.

As I pushed my way through the swarm of people, many astonishing accusations were shared with one another.

"I heard that he had to beg for the job." One of them says scornfully.
"Well someone told me that the person who hired Lorenzo is a lunatic!" Another lady inputs.
"I heard that his new boss isn't even human!" A third one exclaims with fright.

Ignorance. That's what they all depict. Pure, unadulterated ignorance.

Yet somehow, I consider inquiring them for more information, since all that my father chose to do was try to assure me that everything was fine and his job wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

"Excuse me Miss, but can you tell me all that you know about the situation regarding Lorenzo Montgomery?"

"What do you think I am? A detective? Besides, shouldn't you know? You're his daughter after all." She retorts and walks away.

"Sir, if I could just ask you a few questions about--"

"I don't need you interrogating me at this time of day." The man says crossly.

Every person I attempted to acquire insight from simply had no idea other than the rumors or just avoided my questions altogether.

Alas, I find someone who seems to know much about the topic.

I approach Timothee who is busy planning for the wedding that I had refused to attend and I must've startled him, for he drops the pile of parchment that he was holding.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you!" I say, bending down to help him pick up the papers.

"Why, hello there, E-Elliana." He bows, a few more papers fall from him grip and he scrambles to pick them up once again. Timothee snatches the papers from my hands and signals for me to leave, which takes me by surprise.

"Well sorry for committing an act of kindness and trying to help you." I huff at his rude gesture.

"N-no, it's not that. This is just a t-top secret file for the wedding that Antoine asked me to deliver for him.

He facepalms himself for revealing so much information.

"The wedding, you say?" I ask for clarification.

"Uhh... Ye-- I mean, no! I mean... Nevermind!" He says and hurriedly attempts to leave the area but the crowd acts as an obstacle in his path.

Timothee turns back around hoping to find another exit, but does not succeed.

"Don't worry, I'm not here because of that. I need to know every single piece of insight you have in regards to my father and his new job."

"U-uh Antoine w-wants me to keep that discreet from you."

I grab the collar of his button up shirt, as I'd seen Antoine do many times before in order to get Timothee to do exactly as he requests.

"Either you tell me now, or I'll see to it that you can no longer use your legs to walk."

Timothee-- in response to my threat-- was petrified.

Okay, that was very harsh and sounded awfully similar to Antoine. I'd rather not speak with words that a psychopath would use, so allow me to modify my sentence.

"Could you please give me intel that you have acquired about my father." I say letting go of his shirt and allowing fake tears to drip down my face.

"I just want to be sure that he is safe at work. He is the only family I have left!" I dramatize.

"D-don't cry! I'll tell you all I know." He concedes.

"Oh thank you so much! You're too kind!"

His confidence boosts, along with his ego which used to be as low as the floor. "Well, I am pretty great, aren't I?"

"Don't push it." I warn. "Now, you and practically everyone else in this town have at least heard of my father's new job. Surely Antoine, being the stalker he is, must have obtained some information about it. Since he obviously will not tell me, I am going to you because he most likely told you something. You're going to tell me everything he told you, or whatever you've heard from people around." I explain my reasoning for asking him.

He frowns. "I'll have you know that I am the one who took the time to spy on your father, not Antoine. So if anyone should get the credit for all that hard work, it should be me!" He reprimands.

"Well considering that you were the one who did all the research, you should know more about the job than my father!"

He facepalms himself. "I just keep digging a deeper and deeper hole for myself. Okay, fine. What do you want to know first?"

"Perhaps the basic info would be nice." I say.

"Well, he leaves for his job at eight in the morning and comes back at around seven at night."Timothee tells me.

"I am well aware of that; I live with him. Tell me more about where he goes and what he does."

"I've seen him riding into that forest over there" he points to the nearby woodlands surrounding the village. "he's usually in that piece of junk he calls a car." Timothee chortles. I slap the back of his head, indicating for him to not insult my father's possessions and continue with the explanation.

After five minutes worth of useless information, such as the kind of clothes he wears to work or the direction in which his hair is combed, I ask a few more significant questions.

"Have you seen where his actual job takes place? Or perhaps what his boss looks like?"

"I can't exactly decipher where his job is, because it's past the 'Do not cross' warning sign. I think I once heard him mention the word castle, but he may have said cattle so I can't say for sure. I am sure, however, that his boss likes to be referred to as "Le maître". Other than what I have already told you, I have no more knowledge on him or his job. You could try going to the forest to see if you find anything relevant." He suggests.

"Thanks anyway."

He walks away.

I can't believe what I hear. Either way, I choose not to.

All I have to do is step through the forest, Timothee had said.

As well as avoid getting eaten by whatever lurks in those dark depths! Why would father go past the limit and into the danger zone? Who crosses a 'Do not cross' sign?

I guess I'm about to be the one who does so, if I want to get to the bottom of my father's new job.

There must be a valid reason to why he's keeping it a secret from his own daughter, right?

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