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Chapter 3
Olivia's pov
I wake up to something tickling my face.when I open my eyes I'm surprised to see a little figure laying beside me.
I get up quietly , trying not to wake celest just yet. I decide to make breakfast with what little stuff i have for celest before heading down to the precinct. I know I'm going to have to notify her social worker . For now I just focus on making her happy.

    1 hour later .

When I'm done I look at the time.9:45 . I quickly go to wake up celest.
"Honey it's time to get up...". "I made chocolate chip pancakes."
She jumps up quickly ."really?"
I nod and laugh at her enthusiasm.

I'm sitting at the table watching her eat and her eyes are so bright that I just can't help but smile.
"Wow you finished those so fast you must love chocolate."
She smiles shyly before saying."ya ...I don't get pancakes at ms.Lesley."
I clear my throat." Well now you can have them as much as you want". I say as I tickle her.
"Were gonna go to the precinct for a little while okay?"
She nods after she finishes her laughing fit.
I know once we get their I will have to notify acs but I try not to think about that just yet.

At the precinct  .
"You can go ahead and sit at my desk right over their ok celest."I say as I point to my desk.
She nods shyly."are you gonna be their with me."
I smile."I'll be right in that office over their okay."
She nods before walking over to my desk.
Once I know she's settled I take a deep breath and walk into cragens office
"Cap can I talk to you for a second"
Without looking up he says."does it have to do with why our Vic is sitting at your desk".
I clear my throat before telling him everything.
He sighs."liv you and I both know she can't stay with you right"
I hesitate ." Maybe if I register to be a foster mom acs would let her stay with me and....---

"Liv!... I still have to notify her social worker that she's not with her foster mom"
"........I understand captain." I say before walking out .
I walk back over to celest and put on a smile ."honey I'm gonna go to the restroom really quick will you be okay".
She nods before returning to the coloring book someone must have given her.

Celests pov.

I'm coloring the little mermaid when someone walks up behind me.
"Hello celest I'm mrs.farrah.im gonna take you to your new foster parents".
She grabs my arm and try's to pull me towards the door
"OLIVIA".i kick and scream for Olivia.i don't wanna go to another foster home.their all bad.
"Olivia -please I wanna stay with you".

Olivia's pov.
As I'm walking out the bathroom I hear celest screaming my name .i quickly run back into the squad room and my heart breaks .
"Excuse me mam where are you taking her".i knew this would happen but I just wasn't prepared.
"Detective you are not a foster parent so I will have to put her into a proper home"
With that they leave celest screaming my name the whole time
I got so caught up I didn't realize I was crying.
"You okay baby girl "fin asks as he puts his hand on my shoulder
I ignore his question."fin what am I gonna do she can't go into another crappy foster home".
He pauses."liv if you really want that little girl than do what u gotta do...maybe you should talk to judge Donnelly about becoming a foster mom".
I nod and try to focus on work in the meantime.

Celests pov.

It's been 2 weeks since I've been in this foster home .i really miss Olivia and although my new foster mom is nice the kids here aren't .
I'm in my room laying down when my social worker mrs.farrah comes in.
"Hello celest there's someone downstairs hear to see you".
I quickly rush down stairs to see a lady sitting on the couch.
When she turns around I notice it's Olivia and run into her arms almost knocking the social worker over in the progress.

Hey guys so I'm gonna end this chapter here .im having a hard time with ideas in this story so u guys tell me what you want to happen in the future for this story.☺️Also feedback is greatly appreciated and the more feedback I get the faster I will post the next chapter.🙈until next time my children💕❤️

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