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Hi guys I don't know when I will be updating because I write my story's on paper first but I will try to be quick about it so I don't keep u guys waitin g forever☺️.and also it would really help me if you commented good or bad .✌️

Celesta pov .
It's been a week since I've been in foster care.Its no better here than it was at home.Im sweeping the kitchen when I here ms.lesly yelling my name for the 100th time. Ms.lesly is my foster mom. She's not very nice.
"Celest I told you to clean those dishes an hour ago". She's so close to me I can smell the vodka on her breath.
"Your so ungrateful.I should've left you on the street where you belong.".I was shocked when I felt a sting to the side of my cheek.
"Now clean up this mess.when I get back I don't wanna see your face". She says as she stumbles out the door.probably to gm drink herself to death.As soon as I know she's gone I run for the door.I run as far as I can without looking back.

2 Hours Later .
I'm in front of some korner store when I finally stop.I don't recognize this street and I don't know the way back.
I'm almost in tears when I remember the card detective benson gave me.It has a number on it. I walk into the store and survey my surroundings.Its fairly empty except the cashier in the corner reading a newspaper who hasn't even noticed me walk in.
"I'm......sir c-can I use your phone".
He doesn't say much .just looks st me sighs and points to the phone on the counter.
"Make it quick , im kinda busy here."
I nod before dialing the number on the card.
I wait a few rings before I hear her answer.
"H-Hello , Olivia .

Olivia's pov .
I'm on the couch going over celesta case when my phone rings
"H-hello ,Olivia".The voice is so soft that it takes me a minute to realize who it is.
"Celest honey what's wrong"
I hear sobbing on the other end. "I'm sorry Olivia I shouldn't have ran away but she hit me and ---
"Wait who hit you".I say cutting her off.
"M-Ms Lesley......my foster mom"
I sigh. "Ok celest baby where are you". I say already putting on my shoes and grabbing my keys.
Pause. " the sigh says korner mart."
"Ok celesta don't move I'll be there soon.

30 minutes later.
When I pull up to the store it's raining and I see celesta sitting in front of the store crying.
I hop out the car and run towards her.
"Oh sweety why didn't you stay inside." I ask concerned.
"h-he told me I had to leave cause he was closing so I had to stand out here".
As I'm holding her I notice she's shivering.
" you must be freezing." I say as I pull off my jacket and wrap it around her little body.
"T-thank you".
I guide her back to my car and make sure she's buckled in before getting in
"Are you taking me back to ms. Lesly". She. Says with fear in her eyes.
I pause."of course not". "Your gonna stay with me for tonight". I look over at her.
"Really". She says with the brightest smile in the world.
I laugh. "Yes , really".

My apartment .

When we get back to my apartment I open the door and let her walk in so she feels more comfortable.
"Um ....are you hungry ".she probably hasn't had a lot to eat based on what she told me about her foster mom .
"Yes please".she says shyly.
I don't have a lot so I make her a pb&j sand witch and hand it to her.
I sit at the table and watch her as she eats.she eats it in 2 minutes.
After she eats I bring her one of my shirts hoping it will substitute as a night gown.
After she's changed I lead her to the guest room and help her into the oversized bed.
"Are you all snuggly and warm". I say as I tuck her in.
She nods.
I watch her as she falls asleep and can't help but notice how peaceful she looks.

What am I getting my self in to.

👍Okay guys sorry for the wait . I write my chapters out before typing them but I will try to update faster.☺️thanks for reading my story and don't forget to comment.🙈

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