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Olivia's pov.
We finally get back to my apartment.i can't believe this little girl is here with me.
We're unpacking her things in the guest room when I notice that she doesn't have that much stuff.
"Hey if you want we can go shopping and get you some new things...sprouse up your room a little".
"....you don't have to. I think I'll be fine"
I look at her amused.she can't possibly be fine with 3 t-shirts ,2 pairs of jeans ,and some sweat pants.
"...I know i don't have to but I want to...it'll be kinda fun".i say as I smile at her hopefullly.
"Why are you so nice to me ? My old foster mom didn't buy me things .....she said that I didn't deserve it and I was a waste of her time"

"Celest you have been through so much and you are not a waist of time.you deserve some stability in your life...and you deserve to be loved".
It's only a matter of seconds before a single tear runs down her cheek and I quickly wipe it away.

After she calms down they both head to the head to the store .


We pick up jeans long sleeve shirts short sleeve shirts a few cute dresses and jackets.
Next we stop at the shoe section and pick out shoes for her.
We stop at Home Depot and get her things for her room and a new purple comforter with butterfly's.

An hour later.
When we get back celest is fast asleep.
I juggle her and a couple bags to the elevator and decide to come back for the rest later.
Once inside I carefully lay her in my bed .
I'm now sitting on the couch nursing a glass of wine and going over the events of the day

This is gonna be harder than I thought .

Umm...that was kinda short and I'm sorry for those few People that are still reading I am new to this but I will try to update the next chapter faster❤️👌

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