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It's been a month since celest has been in Olivia's care and she's adjusted well.shes in school and is a lot more open now.

Olivia's POV.
I'm sitting at my desk when fin walks in.
"Liv There's someone here to see you"
I take off my glasses and look up
"You can let them in fin"
For a minute he just stands there looking at me before leaving.
"What's his problem"...
Then in walks someone I never thought i would see again.here he was standing in front of me and all I could do was stare dumbfounded.

Elliot stabler.

"Uhh..hey liv...long time no see"
This gets a reaction out of me.i roll my eyes and scoff."well ya thanks to you".
He winces."I deserved that I guess".he laughs nervously.
I don't know what or how to feel.3 years.3 fucking years without even a phone call.And he thinks he can just come waltzing in to my job when I'm finally at a point in my life where I'm content.some fucking nerv.
"Elliot what do you want".I need to get him out of my office as fast as possible.
he pauses."liv..."
"Don't call me that.after 3 fucking years you don't have the right to call me that.
"Olivia...I know I messed up.but I'm back and I just want to explain to you why I left...if you would let me".
An explanation.what I've been waiting for for years"I don't wanna here your excuses Elliot.now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to work.you can let yourself out".i turn and sit back at my desk.
He stands a little longer before walking out.
When I know he's gone I put my head in my hands.
I hear a knock and then fin walks in.
"Hey liv you ok..?"
I just nod and wave him off.

Later that day.

I'm packing up and about to head out to pick up celest when fin walks in.
I sigh."fin I said I'm fine"
He shrugs."I know...but hypothetically if you weren't you know I'm here right"
I look up."I just can't believe he thinks he can just come barging back into my life like that".
"Liv you know I would never make excuses for stabler...but maybe you should give him a chance to explain..he owes you that".
When I don't respond he just walks out.

"Ok love bug one more story then you have to sleep"
She laughs."ok...Olivia?
"Hmm ?"
"Are you my mommy now ?"
How do I answer that.i mean in my head she's my baby but I don't wanna get her hopes up because she could be taken from me at any moment.
"Umm...I'm whatever you want to call me juju bug"
She puts her finger to her chin as if she's thinking."can I call you mommy Livy ?"
I'm so shocked it's kinda hard to hold back tears at this point."I would love that cel ".

We read one more story then I head to the living room to try and clean up a bit when there a knock at the door.
No one usually shows up at this time of night so I grab my gun and look through the peep hole.
When I see who it is I sigh and open the door.
"Wow Olivia I know your mad but do you really think shooting me is nessacary".he laughs.
I put my gun down."what do you want Elliot".
He sighs."liv I just really want to explain to you why I left and I know whatever I say won't make what I did ok but If you would just give me a chance..."
I contemplate before opening the door wider to let him in.
He walks in and notices the toys all over the floor but doesn't say anything.
While he sits I go to the kitchen.Im gonna need wine for this.
After grabbing two glasses I go back to the living room and sit in the small chair away from Elliot.
I pour some wine into my glass."Umm...do you want some?"
"Oh no thank you...look liv I'm so sorry it took this long and that were here in this awkward situation...right after I shot jenna I just couldn't handle it...I cut everybody off my wife,kids,the squad,...you."he wipes his hands on his jeans ."i was in real bad shape liv and I didn't wanna bring you down with me .Kathy left me and I lost custody of my kids...I haven't spoken to them in 2 years.and then I started drinking and that pretty much became my life until I got so wasted one day that I had to be hospitalized...then I was in rehab for awhile and I was doing good until I got a call one day."

I could tell that Elliot was having a hard time telling me so I put a comforting hand on his knee.

He put his over mine."Eli had been shot in the middle of a school shooting."he shakes his head to try and get rid of the tears."he didn't make it.after that I went spiraling down into depression and completely lost myself...I tried to eat my gun 3 months ago.Kathy found me in time before I could do it .since then I've been getting my life in track and I'm finally at a point in my life where I can see you and not cause turmoil in your life...liv I stayed away for so long because I didn't want to lose you like I lost my family...your all i have left liv.so I waited.

At this point I'm in tears.Elliot is comforting me instead of the other way around.
"I'm so sorry about Eli...I was just so caught up in my own anger and hurt I didn't even give you a chance to explain earlier and..."

"No liv you had every right to be angry...you've been through a lot in these three years with Lewis and I wasn't their for you and that's my fault".
The mention of Lewis makes me tense up and Elliot notices.
I clear my throat in hopes of changing the subject."wow its...10 already...maybe we should call it a night I..."
"Ya um I don't wanna keep you up so"
We both get up and I walk him to the door.
He smiles."maybe we could get together again and catch up..."
"I would like that...I'll text you".
He looks down at my lips causing me to lick them subconsciously.
He leans in causing me to lean in and..."

Ok guys I tried really hard on this chapter and I'm gonna try and do better on updating seeing as though i don't have that many views.😂but I already have the next chapter ready...it's up to you when I post so r&r💕

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