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olivias pov.

im at work working late on a case.

"ok well none of you are any good running on coffee...go home"

i walk back into my office to call lucy my babysitter.

"hey lucy sorry...ya im heading out now..ok see you soon".

i grab my things and head home for the night.

im walking home when i get the sense of someone watching me.before i can look back im hit in the head and draged into an alley.im pretty out of it but consious enough to feel the pain as i feel the weight of a body forcing himself on me.i try to say something .anything.come on liv your a cop do something.
but i lay their frozen as the person finishes and runs off leaving me their.i try to move once i know hes gone but darkness begins to soround me.

when i open my eyes im staring at a white ceiling.



i look over and see elliot sitting in a chair beside me.and then i remember.celest.


"shes with amanda liv...its ok.just relax".he says as he strokes my hair.

"i tried...i just froze and...i wanted to fight back but..h-he raped me".

"i know liv im so sorry...its not your fault...shhh".i sob as elliot continues to whisper in my ear.


olivia wakes up a few hours later to an empty room with nothing to think about but her thoughts. why did she let this happen again. how was she gonna get through this ? sure she had somewhat moved on after lewis but things were different this time...she had celest to think about.

"hey sleepy head".

startled out of her thoughts olivia looks up and smiles at elliot as he comes in with a bag of food.

" i dont know if your hungry but i bought some donuts and coffee...black just the way you like it".

"thanks...when can i get out of hear"?

elliot sighs."liv just relax.have a donut".

"i cant relax elliot...everytime i close my eyes im in that alley again...i just want to go home and see celest".olivia says with tears brimming her eyes.

elliot sits their thinking for a moment before speaking."ill go see if they can release you early".

olivia nods as he leaves the room.


hours later elliot and i walk into my apartment after being released.

i sit on the couch and turn on the tv to a random channel, not actaully paying any attention to it.

when i look up elliot is just sitting their stairing at me.

i sigh."elliot you dont have to stay. ill be fine, go home".

"i know i dont have to stay but i want to. and its ok to not be ok liv".

"im not ok".

elliot sits next to olivia on the couch and pulls her close.

"thats ok liv...but your going to be ok.and ill be here for you the whole time for whatever you need".

olivia hides her face into the crook of his neck and cries softly.

"how am i gonna tell celest ? shes to young to understand...and shes gonna ask questions when she notices somethings wrong and i dont know how to explain that to her".

"liv everything will be ok...you tell her the truth...obviously not in full detail but you tell her that you got hurt".

olivia nods." um can you hand me my phone i wanna ask amanda to drop off celest".

elliot nods and gets up to hand her her phone.

once olivia finishes talking with amanda she looks at elliot and smiles although it doesnt quite reach her cheeks.

" thanks elliot...for being here and helping me through this".

"olivia you dont need to thank me.i havent been here for you for a long time but thats gonna change.
im gonna be here every step of the way to help you heal from this no matter what. im just sorry that i wasnt
their to protect you.im gonna be here liv even when your to stubborn to except help because i love you.

"you love me"?

umm...im super bad at updating but i noticed that ive been getting more veiws for this story so i should probably keep going.
some feeback would be nice ;) .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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