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Olivia's pov .

Theyre lips connect for like 3 seconds but it feels like hours. they pull away before things get heated.

Olivia is the first one to speak."...so uh maybe we can finish this conversation another day or..."

"ya just shoot a text when your free...thanks for letting me explain...and again I'm really sorry.

"el I understand now. I don't completely forgive you...that's gonna take some time...but I understand"

Elliot nods. "bye liv".

Olivia shuts the door and takes a minute to breath and wrap her mind around what just happened.

"this is gonna be interesting".


Olivia's pov .

"mommy livy...mommy livy"

I am woken up by a tickle and quickly sit up to see celest sitting beside me giggling uncontrollably.

I laugh."what's so funny little girl." I say as I tickle her relentlessly.

I stop and just watch her as she catches her breath.

"what do you want for breakfast juju bug."

she stands up and starts jumping on the bed. "umm I want pancakes....no I want chocolate chip pancakes."

"ok how about we shower, get dressed, and head down to dennys."

she stops."ya your the best mommy livy".

I laugh as I watch celest run down the hallway to get ready before I head into the shower

when I get out I walk into celests room to see her laying across the floor in a heap of clothes.

I laugh. "juju bug your supposed to be getting dressed". I start picking up the clothes on the floor.

"I know mommy livy but I don't know what to wear...will you help me".

i sit on her bed." of course.so what do ya got".

she smiles." ok should I wear my purple shirt with this or this". she holds up a blue tutu in one hand and glitter leggings in the other.

"the glitter tights look nice"

she stares at the tights for a second before turning her nose up." naaaa. I think ill go with the tutu but thanks."

I laugh as i walk out into the living room and wait.

celest comes out in a purple top tucked into a blue tutu with moana themed knee high socks and silver sequin shoes.

I had to take a minute to breath so i wouldn't laugh."ok ready juju bug"

Later that day.
After leaving for breakfast me and celest sat on the couch watching cartoons until my phone rang.
"Detective benson"
I hear chuckling on the other end."liv it's me el".
"Oh hey um..."I move to the kitchen not wanting celest to hear the whole conversation."so what's up".
"I was wondering if you were busy...maybe we could meet for coffee or..."
"Well actually I can't leave at the moment I'm with my daughter...but your welcome to come to my place".
"Oh okay I-i can be their in about 10 minutes".
"Take your time".

Celest is eating dinner when I hear Elliot at the door.
"Hey el".
"Hey I didn't know if you've eaten so I picked up some Chinese".
"Oh you didn't have to do that el..thanks...well anyways this is Celest...Celest say hi to Elliot".
Elliot and Celest spend the next hour or so playing with her toys.

After putting Celest to bed I walk back into the living room.
"Celest said that she had a lot of fun".
He laughs."she's a good kid...guess she has you to thank for that".
I can tell that he has a lot of questions.
I clear my throat."well I guess it's my turn for story telling now".i laugh trying to lighten the mood.
"Liv you don't have to tell me anything that you don't want to right now ill completely understand if-".
"No el it's okay...I want to".i take a minute to collect my thoughts before continuing.
"A year ago I was kidnapped by Lewis.he had me for 4 days...he did things that I'd care not to go into detail about..."
"And that's perfectly ok liv...so tell me about Celest.
The sound of her name makes me smile."I met her during a case...she had been abused by her step dad only to be abused by her foster mom.ive been taking care of her sense...she's not legally mine yet but I love her so much already..."

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