Chapter 1

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Third P.O.V.
"So, what brings you three here again? Not that I don't mind having guests!" Kofuku waved with a big smile towards the three visitors, whom had once stopped by before but only to be introduced. Kofuku was the Goddess of Poverty. Even though she looked like a teenage girl with her hair puffy, curly, and pink, purple eyes, and her outfit was a white collared shirt with a pink checkered tie, a miniskirt with a similar pattern, and a beige sweater over her top. "We just came by for Yato almost got us all killed again!" Hiyori yelled when giving narrowed eyes towards Yato when placing her hands on her knees to catch her breath. Kofuku wasn't surprised by this, instead she gave a small laugh and waved Hiyori and Yukine to come inside for tea while Yato walked around the pond. Yukine and Hiyori did, both sitting on their knees beside each other with a cup of green tea between both sets of palms while Kofuku sat in front of the two. "Uh-oh. Let me guess, Bisha?" Hiyori gave a light sigh, shutting her pink eyes in the process of looking down. "Yep." Hiyori is an average teenage girl with long, brown hair, wearing her high school uniform of a short lavender sailor like shirt and a knee-length skirt. "She spotted us when we were walking the streets. Well, Yukine and Yato." Kofuku did nothing in response but smile when placing both hands on her cheeks. "That's normal between them two. Even though I'd wish the two would stop just like you Hiyorin." Hiyori gave a simple nod, slowly peeking open her eyes to answer to the Goddess's cheerful voice before Yukine gave a deep sigh of interruption. "All this over Yato killing one of her regalias." "That's true. Bishamonten is after Yato for the lost of her regalia. But Yato also had his own reason on why he too is after Bishamonten." Daikoku said after giving a deep sigh when stepping into the room, cleaning a cup with a rag as the three at the table turned to him. Daikoku, the Goddess's regalia, has shoulder length, black and combed hair. His sharp eyes were closed but their color is that of a dark red. And wearing usually what Kofuku makes him wear, a pink shirt and a pair of trousers and wears a black apron. "Huh? But I thought that was it. What else is there?!" Hiyori leaned up off her knees slightly with his hands on the table, giving an eyebrow raise towards Kofuku only. Yukine gave the same expression of confusion, but yet he remained to sip his cup of tea. "Yeah? What else is there?" Yukine mumbled when wiping his chin and left cheek. Yukine is Yato's regalia, a young teenage boy with short, blonde, and mess hair, wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and a green knee length jacket with a fur rimmed hood. "'s a long story." "About Yato's first love!" Daikoku flinched when Kofuku jumped her from the ground with a big smile. "Goddess, you don't want him to hear you." Kofuku placed her hands on her hips with the same happy expression while Yukine and Hiyori gave glances at one another and stayed quiet. "Oh it's fine. It's a cute story. Let me tell it, please?" "I'd like to hear it too. If it will help understand and help Yato better." Daikoku gave a deep sigh when his apron was behind clinched and tugged by Kofuku, whom had pouty lips. "Alright. I'll go get the box." "Yay!" Yukine smirked, crossing his arms when shutting his eyes and giving a head shake. "Tch, another girlfriend? Such a lady's man isn't he?" Kofuku chuckled a bit when pulling the wooden box Daikoku placed down on the table with a grunt as a remark to Yukine's comment. "I wouldn't say that but. Yeah!" When the Goddess opened up the box, everyone surrounding her tried to peek inside, but Kofuku pulled it to her with a head shake. "Each item will be pulled out within the story. But first. The girl Yato will forever give his heart to." When Kofuku placed down a photo on the wooden table, Yukine was about to grab the picture but Hiyori tugged his sleeve back with a head shake. "Look don't touch. And, she's really pretty." Kofuku smiled, giving a head shake as she held up her cheeks with elbow of the table. "Hm, that she is Hiyorin." "Too Pretty for Yato I think." Yukine said in mumble when staring at the girl, who was standing in the shade when leaning against a tree. Hiyori leaned closer at the photo, her expression was rather shocked then calm. The girl had (h/l), (h/c) hair, her (e/c) eyes matched the calm smile she was giving towards the camera that printed out photos shortly after the picture was taken. Her hands were at her sides as if she was trying to flatten down her plaid, (f/c) skirt that ended a little above her knees. She looked as if she was Hiyori's age in the photo, as if she was also a high school student. Which she was at the time, her skirt was part of a school uniform very different from Hiyori's. Instead of the sailor like shirt, the girl was wearing a short sleeve, white buttoned up shirt, a small tie that matched the color of her skirt, black knee length socks with converse shoes that went with the color of the skirt. "(Y/n) (L/n) was her name. She old are you Hiyorin?" Kofuku asked when pressing her forehead to the other female's. "Uh..Fifteen" Yukine continued to look at the picture but when glancing up to get focused in on Kofuku's story, he seen Daikoku glaring at him with a smirk. "(Y/n) was two years older than you. A high school student too. At the same school you attended to now before it changed with all the rules and such." "What happened to her?" Kofuku smiled slightly less, then glanced down at the picture after picking up the photograph. "I'll get there in the story." "Can you just hurry up with the story then?" "Don't rush the Godde-." Kofuku placed her hand over Daikoku's mouth after Yukine mumbled once more with a groan when holding his chin up and his eyes shut when he sighed. "Yes, yes. Of course."

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