Chapter 6

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Your P.O.V.
You gave a small smirk after finishing the last bite of your cone from the ice cream you had. It was getting dark, the time was that around seven or so, and you and Yato were walking back to your house but taking the long way home down an empty slot behind apartment buildings. " Five yen, right?" You stopped and turned to Yato, whom gave wide eyes when you took his hand and placed a coin in it. "Yeah..thanks but." Your lips parted slightly when he placed the coin back in your shirt pocket, you blushed but only after looking up at his calm expression. "You wished for me to take away that pain and sadness. And I told I can't take it from you but I can take you away from it. And I will by making you happy, feel loved, special." Your eyes stared into Yato's, you felt your heart race, your cheeks heat up, and your parted lips start to form into a shy smile. The edge of Yato's lips curled when he took both of your wrist, pulling you close when he took a step forward. "Ya-." You stopped speaking when he gasped and released you, taking multiple steps back before he started to jog backwards with a weapon that suddenly appeared in his hand. "Found you." You gave a gulp after hearing a women's voice behind you, but when you glanced back there was no one there. "(Y/n)." You looked back at Yato. He was arched with a dagger like knife in his gripped in his fist, his eyes were narrowed an his teeth were clinched soon after lifting up his chin. After hearing a deep growl, you shut your eyes and walked backwards but to the left side of you. "Just pretended you can't see me." "But Ya-." "Promise me." You gave a nod, but when you opened up your eyes, you immediately stared at a women riding a big, male lion. She was a tall woman, she looked as if she was in her early twenties, with extremely long, blonde hair that reached her heels. Her outfit was a short grey skirt and grey jacket over her black bra. She also wore a black hat, belt and gun holster, and long boots. But her cherry blossom, pink earring caught your attention for it sparkled in your eye. "You will die today." After watching a whip slap against the ground, you gasped but tried to hold it in as if nothing was going on in front of you. You glanced behind you, seeing an ally way, but just as you turned to walk to it, you heard a grunt from Yato, knowing the he was hit somewhere with the whip of the women, who seemed to be a Goddess. "Yato! Wait!" You started to get water eyes when seeing Yato jump backwards up on a roof top, the women on the lion was still on the ground. "She can see you?" "No (Y/n)!" You gasped when she looked at you, then placed her finger to her ear, where the earring was, then gave a smirk towards you. "Get her Kuraha!" You gasped and screamed, running as the lion started to chase you. When you glanced back, you seen Yato slice again his eye, making his groan in pain only for the women to command it to continue to chase you. "Yato!" "(Y/n)!"

Third Person P.O.V.
"Did..Bishamon kill her?" Hiyori asked with tears in her eyes, her fist were clinched around the cup as she stared at Kofuku, whom was looking down at her lap. "That..I don't know. From Yatty's perspective, (Y/n) wasn't there where Bisha was when he caught up with the two." Kofuku opened her eyes with a faint sigh, placing her cup back into the table as she placed the Ireland into the box. "Its best not to question. Now you know the story. That's the end of it. And like Yato, the two of you should move on." Daikoku mumbled when taking the box to its original shelf. Yukine stood up, his hands shoved in his coat pockets as he made his way to the sliding door. "What did Yato do after that?" "Well...he stayed in the city. Writing numbers everywhere just in case (Y/n) was somewhere out there. But a week went by, then he met you." Hiyori kept her eyes down, then gave a light puff of air through her nose. "No flyers were put up?" Kofuku shook her head. And when she did Hiyori wiped her right eye that had a tear leak from it before standing up when Kofuku did. "I'm okay. Thank you Kofuku." Kofuku smiled, hugging Hiyori with a back rub given to the each of them be one another. "Welp, while you two where having a tea party. I was stuck trying to help this damn duck!" Yukine gave an eyebrow raise to Yato, whom held up a duck in one hand and in the other a soda can, plastic case. "Her babies are now waiting for me to rescue them." "Tch..I'm sure (Y/n)'s probably waiting for you to save her too." Yato dropped both the mother duck, which it quaked and waddled off as Yukine gave an eyebrow raise. "How do you know about her?!" Yato yelled when taking a hold of Yukine's shirt collar with both hands clinched and shoved him up and back against the wall. Yukine squirmed but stared in Yato's eyes that were narrowed and sharp, his expression was one Yukine had never seen. "Yato! It was me...I just wanted to help you..." After hearing Hiyori mumble, Yato dropped Yukine, clinching his fist instead of looking at her. "Help me? She's gone Hiyori. And stop feeling pity for me Yukine." Yato shoved both of his hands into his track suit jacket, walking back towards the city, which was a mile away before Hiyori pulled him back by his scarf. "She gave this to you. You never stopped wearing it since. You can't forget her Yato..just like her father did. She needs you. You need her. And all this time you've been fighting for her." When Hiyori released the scarf, Yato gave a deep sigh when hearing Yukine's footsteps crunch bits of dirt and rock from behind. "You feel the same way Yukine, huh?" Yukine gave a nod, and when he did. Yato kept walking, mumbling the words that turned Yukine into a regalia. "And I won't stop fighting for her. You stay here. I have work to do."

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