Chapter 2

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Your P.O.V.
The lyrics of your favorite song slipped through your lips quietly when you placed the second earbud in your ear. You were on your way to school, having to walk there for you didn't enjoy the bus ride to school and back. You lived in the city, in an apartment complex about five through eight blocks down from the school, which made it easier for you to transport yourself to school. You mother would offer to give you a ride but you didn't want to listen to her nagging over her earpiece to a client first thing. You loved your mother that you did, at times you would regret for not appreciating her enough for the things she does for you, for your father, and for the things she does at home like cook and clean. Then pile a well-paying job onto that that causes her stress and to spend less time with you. You gave a light sigh through your nose, you had a calm smile for today felt like it was going to be a good day. You woke up without any problem, had your favorite breakfast meal, your hair cooperated with you today, meaning you styled it the way you normally have it without a problem. You hummed next, smiling a bit more as you clinched both straps of your backpack with both hands, you were at least five minutes away from the school by now. "Hey! (Y/n)!" You glanced up, pulling out your left side earbud when seeing your best friend, (F/n), run up to you with a calm smile soon after you stepped on the school grounds. "Let me guess, (F/s) by (F/b)?" You blushed knowing it was true and how she guessed your song choice and band choice without hesitation. "That is true." The two of you giggled shortly after the bell rang for school to start, you always did show up at least two through four minutes before the bell so you can chat with your close friends. Another deep sigh escaped your lips when reaching the second story of the three story high school. You now had to attended your first period. Algebra class. Math first thing in the morning. The teacher was even worst on top of that, she would either teach on the lesson with out stopping or tell her life story on how the other school she taught at was more educated and what she had to do to get where she was today. Like always, you hesitated to step inside the room, what made it more hesitant was that you were in the front desk in the middle column. Also known for the desk being right in front the teacher.

Third Person P.O.V.
"So she was just like any other student who hates math and school?" Yukine mumbled when sitting up, for as he was listening he rested his chin on the table. Daikoku glared towards Yukine, along with Hiyori whom was also didn't want the story to get interrupted. "She was. Until something bad happened to her that day." "Daikoku! Don't ruin the story!" Daikoku gave a throat clear, rubbing the back of his neck and scratching it as well when receiving a glare from Hiyori and Kofuku next. "Sorry." Kofuku gave an eye roll and a head shake when crossing her arms. But she soon smiled when looking back at the two guest. "What Daikoku means to say. Is when something bad happens, you have one of three choices." Hiyori and Yukine's eyes slightly widened when Kofuku stood up, planing one hand on her hip and the other hand holding up one finger. "You can either, let it define you. Let it destroy you. Or, let it strengthen you." Hiyori stared at Kofuku's three fingers, then looked down at the picture only to see a piece of shattered glass be place next to it. "(Y/n) chose the option of letting it destroy her."

Your P.O.V.
You smirked at your sketch of a stick figure trying to do a hand stand you drew on the corner of your packet. Today the teacher was teaching a lesson today, dividing and multiplying fractions. A packet was handed out so the students could copy the work from the board onto the paper, which you did three out of seven she already worked out. "(Y/n)." At first you looked up at the teacher, then over at the door way where the principal was standing at. "Is there a problem Mr.-" "I need to see her in my office." You gave a guilt swallow. You knew you didn't do anything against school rules but still. Getting called to the office sent shivers down everyone's spine for any reason. "Bring your things as well please." You gave a nod, packing up your things such as pencil bag and packets faster than it was necessary. After mouthing 'bye' to your teacher, you followed the principal down the hall. His heels echoed across the marble flooring made students look out the class window to see if he was approaching. You knew so for you looked into other classes and been in the same situation before. "Am I in trouble?" The principal closed his office door, giving a head shake when you sat in a cushion chair in front of his desk. "No. And it's not my place to tell you this but." Your brows furrowed, you kept your concerned and confused expression when he sat in his desk. "I received a phone call from the Police Department. And..while on the way to work. Your Mother got into an accident." Your heart dropped, tears started to make your vision blurry. "W-." "Your Father I believe should be here soon to pick you up. You sniffled, your breathing started to speed up as you gave a head nod. You didn't say anything when you stood up, grabbing your backpack and headed out the door. You couldn't stop yourself from crying, mucus started to leak from your nose due to your sobs. You walked home, jogged really to avoid being asked what's wrong by the ones who owned stands on the streets or just the average person walking the streets.

Third Person P.O.V.
Kofuku peeked open her eyes for she had them shut. She also removed her palm from her chin so she could take a sip of the tea Daikoku poured into her cup recently, along with doing the same for himself, Yukine, and Hiyori. "That's awful.." Kofuku gave a slight nod, placing down the cup after seeing Hiyori with the face expression of issue was about to cry. "I'm afraid so." "So, Yato comes along and makes her happy and they both fall in love. But what happened to her?" Yukine flinched a bit when hearing Hiyori growl, her teeth clinched along with her fist. Daikoku had the same expression as well, except he was standing up still with the tea pot in his hand. "Will you stop ruining the story Yukine?!" Kofuku gave a calm smile, taking one last sip her tea as Yukine rubbed the top of his head that had a bump on it from Hiyori, whom was smiling with her arms crossed and eyes shut. "Anyways, from there. (Y/n) fell into a deep depression from the lost of her mother, whom passed away instantly while the ambulance showed up."

Your P.O.V.
When you arrived home, throwing your backpack to the floor, you ran straight into the living room. You planned on laying on the couch with your face into the pillow but that didn't happen. Your Father was sitting in the living room, a police man in front of him, and a female next to him who you didn't recognize. "Dad.." You sobbed, running into his arms when he stood up with tears in his eyes, he looked as if he was trying to hold them back. "Your daughter?" You did the same as your father did giving a nod towards the officer when sitting down on the couch. You didn't say no attention to the women who sat next to your father, you didn't even try to piece together on who it was. "I'm sorry for your lost. It wasn't a hit and run. Even it was, the driver was also take from this world as well." You sniffled once more, your tears dropped down onto his sleeve of his button up shirt. "I see." "May I ask who this is?" You looked at the women, she gave sealed lips and looked down, placing her hand on your father's shoulder. "I'm a co-worker from work. I figured he needed support until the police arrived." Your eyes slightly narrowed, giving one last sniffle before standing up off the couch. "Excuse me.." You mumbled in a shaking voice, trying not hold back. It was one o'clock when you stepped into your room, only to fall on your bed with your pillow to your face.

Third Person P.O.V.
"Her father remained down stairs with the women until the officer left. She even ended up crying herself to sleep." Kofuku glanced up after staring at the picture, which still laid in the middle of the table, while she twirled the piece of glass. "I thought you said this was a cute story." "Well. The beginning not so much but when she meets Yatty, that's when it gets cute." Yukine stared at the ground, at his tennis shoes, raising an eyebrow then shot his head up towards Kofuku. "Wait? How do you know this story?" This time, Daikoku chuckled, even giving a 'tch' when everyone's eyes focused on him. "Because, she's the Goddess of Poverty. She knows Yato's story even before he says anything about it." "That didn't answer my question at all." Kofuku giggled, leaning between the two. "Anyways!"

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