Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V.
You gave a small grunt when your eyes fluttered open, your face was still pressed up against your bedspread. You even still clinched your pillow you held in your arms and between your legs. "Come in.." You mumbled after hearing two knocks on your bedroom door. You knew it was your father for he always knocked in that beat. You didn't bother turning your head back to him, instead you just glanced up when he stood in front of you, eventually crouching when you sniffled. "It's gonna be alright okay. At least she's not suffering and in pain." You scooted your head back when he tried to stroke your hair, giving a head shake when trying to avoid eye contact with your father. "But I'm in pain..I'm suffering..." Your father gave a light exhale through your nose for what you said in a shaky voice was true. There no doubt that you were hurting. "I know..but she's in a better place now. Now she's watching over y-." Your eyes narrowed, your grip even tightened around the pillow you were still cuddling with that held all your tried tears and snot. "What's she still doing here? This is family business not her's." You said that when looking at your father sorrow, he was looking down, patting the bed before standing up. "I know it hurts dear but it'll all be okay in the end. I'll and your father will help you through this." Your lips parted. It hit you knowing who the women was and why she was at the house. You gave a deep swallow, for years since your father has been working at a packaging company not once had he brought a coworker of any gender to the house, whether if your mother was home or not. "Leave! Everyone out of my damn room! I hate you both! I wished the both of you died!" "That's not the way to talk to me (Y/n)!" After your father raised his voice at you, you stood up, trying to leave the room and leave the house completely. But when your wrist was grabbed, you did the unexpected. You slapped your father, he did nothing but release you and hold his cheek. The women gasped, you're surprised she didn't defend your father. Instead she let you leave the room, and leave the complex completely.

Third Person P.O.V.
"So her father was still having an affair even after his wife died that same day?" Hiyori asked with a quiet tone but calm expression as she clinched the ends of her skirt. "That is true. But she slapped him not out of anger, but out of pain that she tried to hold back." Yukine gave a deep exhale through his nose, placing his forehead on the table with a yawn, a loud yawn at that. "Are you just gonna tell us (Y/n)'s backstory all day or what? Ow!" "Shut up! Unlike you I'm interested!" Hiyori gave a calm smile soon after sitting back down on his knees for she stood up completely just to smack Yukine's head. Daikoku gave a head shake to the boy, his arms were still remained cross over his chest and his eyes were shut as well. "You really need to Lear some patience kid. Also, staring at her picture seems you're only interested in her face rather than her." Yukine looked down, giving an eye roll just before his forehead hit the table once more, giving a 'go on' signal to Kofuku.

Your P.O.V.
Another good reason why you liked living in the city, the park. It wasn't far from your apartment either, it was only three streets ahead of the building. The only problem was crossing the main highway, but since it was around eight or so and on a Monday, the streets weren't as busy. Your sobbing, mumbling about your father, and your tears all stopped when you walked across the street. You looked both ways before doing so of course. But once reaching the other side of the sidewalk, your breakdown started up again. "Mom..why did you leave me? I need you..your hugs, sweet words. Your." You stopped speaking soon after seeing graffiti on your favorite bench, it didn't make you upset but frustrated seeing someone write their phone number there. "Idiots around here." You sat at the bench anyways for it was the one you, your mother, and father used to sit at and feed the pigeons or ducks that would wander around by your feet. You gave narrowed eyes seeing your father's photo of you and him pop up on your phone when he tried calling. You ignored it, you were scared to return home as well. You took in a deep breath to calm your nerves for you were shaking and coughing from all the crying and worrying. "Please..take it all away. The pain in my heart..." It then wasn't long when you stood up from the bench and took the picture of the number. "Delivery God?" You whispered when sitting back down on the bench, wiping your face and making sure your hair was still in its natural style.

Third Person P.O.V.
"At first she hesitated to dial." "Tch why wouldn't she? It's a random number on a bench in the city." Kofuku smiled and hugged Daikoku by placing her arms around his neck and pressing her cheek to his. "Awe, Daikoku! But if she didn't you knows what would of happened to her." Hiyori was about to speak before seeing Kofuku place one of Yato's business cards on the table next to the photograph and the piece of the glass. But unlike all the cards Yato would hand out, this one was wrinkly and stained as if something was spilled on it. "Yay..Yato is coming in the story now. Please don't hit me." Yukine flinched with both hands raised up and his eyes shut as everyone groaned. "You are right about that Yukine! I think this will have to be my favorite part of the story."

Yato's First Love: Can You Take It All Away?Where stories live. Discover now