Chapter 4

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Your P.O.V.
"080-0919-8100?" You whispered in confusion when dialing in the number, you knew better not to dial random numbers or talk to strangers but at this point. You didn't know, nor did you care, what to do next and what it might lead up to. You placed the phone to your ear, biting the inside of your lips as the phone rang, but just before you could remove it from your ear and hang up when thinking it was a host, you gasped when hearing a male voice simply say 'Yato speaking. How can I help you today?' You gave a swallow, then took in a deep breath with an an eyebrow raise. "Is this the Delivery God?" "Yes. Now anything you want me to do will cost five yen." You furrowed your brows, but gave a light sigh and a head nod even though he couldn't see it. "Okay? I make a wish or something?" The young, sounding make chuckled, causing you to relax on how calm toned he was. "Basically. It will just cost ya the five yen."

Third Person P.O.V.
"But what (Y/n) didn't know was that Yato was only hit a couple of feet behind her." Kofuku smiled and spoke after a happy sounding sigh when laying on her back, curling the ends of her hair with light pink cheeks. "Creepy. Sounds like Yato for sure." Hiyori gave a small smirk after Yukine's comment for it was true. She was laying in her back next to Kofuku so she could hear her better but as for Yukine, his head was still on the table and if he were remove it, his forehead would have a red line going down due to the table design. "I think it's cute. And it only gets cuter from there."

Your P.O.V.
You closed your eyes, taking in another deep breath for you were trying to hold tears back still. "Can you take it all away?" There was silence, the only response was from you giving a light swallow. "Take what away?" The male's voice was that of a curious, yet concerned and serious tone. "My pain...sadness. Things like that." "I can't take those things away from you. But I can take you away from it." Your lips parted and you even gasped and dropped your phone when seeing a person stand beside you, his voice matched the one of the speaker on the other end of the phone. The male appeared to be a young man who looks to be around your age, maybe even a few years older. He had bright, light blue eyes and dark hair that looked as if it had natural purple highlights. "I'm Yato. God of Calamity." Instead of giving a response to him, you looked up and down him at the clothes he was wearing. Instead of a robe you imaged a God would dress in, Yato was in a navy blue tracksuit that has a small golden crown on the right side, he also wore a pair of brown leather boots that went over his tracksuit. "I..Uh." "Excuse me..are you lost?" Your head quickly turned back to a young man, he looked as if he was a college student for he had text books in his head and a cup of coffee, which was probably cold for he held it without a problem. "Um no..I'm with him." You pointed to Yato, looking at him too, which he was smirking at you with his hands in his jackets pockets. The stranger looked at you confused, you then cleared your throat and stood up, grabbing your phone and started to walk backwards. "I'm fine.." The gentleman gave you a fake smile and walked away as if the situation of his asking you wasn't awkward enough. "Oh and. Only you can see me. Forgot to tell you that." You gasped once more when Yato was beside you, smirking and looking at his nails as if he was a high class person. "So? Got my yen?" "I'll have to go back home to get it.." When Yato took your arm, he grinned and started to tug you in a direction that was the opposite of where you lived. "L-let go of me..I don't want to go back there.." You yanked your hand back, you felt your eyes watering but tried not to show it to the God. "Did you not do chores?" You gave a head shake, walking back to the bench with a sigh. "No..I lost my Mom today in a car wreck. My Dad is having an affair at the moment too. And I..I'm just left hurting." The last sentence you mumbled was when you sat on the bench, making Yato walk over to you casually and sit beside you. "Sorry to hear that. Uh? Name?" "(Y/n)."

Third Person P.O.V
"So Yato had his chance to help a sad girl but yet the first thing he asked for was yen? Typical." "Weeell." Kofuku said with a head tilt when slurping her cup of tea loudly when staring at Yukine, whom was giving a blank expression when messing with his jacket hood's fluff. "For (Y/n), it's wasn't easy for her to open up about anything. And Yato, I'm sure he didn't know about girls at the time." When Kofuku winked with a giggle, Daikoku dropped the teapot, then groaned when everyone's eyes shot towards him. Even Hiyori's did for she was still laying on the floor messing with the tip of her cat that. "I'm just kidding Daikoku! You know I love you." Yukine gave a light sigh through his nose, then smirked when looking at the box still contained with items related to the story. "Can we continue? I want to know what this blue thread means." "Get your filthy hands out of there!"

Your P.O.V.
"So, you want me to find a way to help you through your pain and sadness?" You gave a nod towards Yato, staring up at him for he was trying to balance one foot on a lamp post next to the bench. "I have friends. I just..can you take all this away please..I don't want to feel hurt anymore.." When Yato jumped down from the post, you gasped faintly when he leaves close to you, his face almost pressing against your forehead. "Alright." You leaned back when he did the same, standing up straight with his hands in his jacket pockets as you tried to keep from staring at him. "First I need to get to know you to help you. So come on, let's go for a walk." You hesitated, clinching the underneath the bench when you looked around you. "Okay." "Sounds like a rough day." After telling Yato about everything that happened until now, the two of you stopped walking down the sidewalk that was a dead end to the entrance of the park. His hands were in his pockets as he looked down at you, you gave a nod with a faint yawn. "I should be getting home.." "Good! I'll come with since I'm stuck with you." You cracked open the door to your house, which was dark throughout the house. Not even the porch light was on for your return home. When Yato walked straight in, he walked around the couches in the living room, staring a man's sleeping form with an eyebrow raise. You walked quietly to the stairs, only to stop after the floorboard creaked behind you, which you thought was Yato. "What?" You looked back forward, giving a head shake as you walked up the stairs quickly but quietly. "This is my room. I'll make you a spot on the floor real quick." "Awe, can't sleep in your bed?" Your eyes narrowed in confusion at Yato soon after he jumped on your bed, landing on his back when you closed the door. "No?" Yato gave an eye roll as you opened up your closet, tossing out an old bedspread blanket. Seconds later, you ended up going through you clothes to use something as an extra pillow. "Um.." You mumbled to yourself when pushing hangers of school uniform shirts towards the left side of the closet. "I have this scarf. If you don't mind? If not I can get you a pil-." "This will do." You double blinked when he snatched the faded, light blue scarf from your grip after turning to face him. "How'd you know my favorite color?" You smiled a bit when watching him tie the scarf around his neck with a cheesy grin. "Lucky guess." You licked your bottom lip, trying not to smile for long. After flipping off the light, Yato rolled off the bed and onto the ground just in time for you to lay in bed. "Night.." "Goooodnight." Not even ten minutes later of silence. You sniffled, pressing our cheek more against the pillow as you tried to hold back your tears. "Hey, you alright?" You gave a head shake, sniffling as you clinched the sheets more around you as you curled up. You heard Yato give a deep sigh but you didn't give a glance at him until you watched him hop over you onto the bed next to you. "Talk to me." You blushed, you couldn't help but to when seeing his eyes stare into yours as he gave a smirk. "I'm. Just tired.." you scooted back an inch for personal space, Yato noticed but didn't scoot closer. "Then sleep." Soon after Yato closed his eyes, his hands next to his cheek, you gave a simple nod and closed your eyes as well. But it wasn't till five seconds later you shot them open after feeling your forehead being pressed against Yato's chest. You didn't move back for his arm was casted over you when he started to snore in your ear for his cheek was pressed against the top of your head. "Night..Yato."

Yato's First Love: Can You Take It All Away?Where stories live. Discover now