Chapter 5

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Third Person P.O.V.
Hiyori picked up the thread, twirling it between her index finger and thumb with a calm smile. Her other hand that was pressed against her cheek was removed when the thread was pulled from her grip by Kofuku, whom was placing it on the table with light pink cheeks. "What makes it even more cute, Yato was really awake while cuddling (Y/n). But not out of love but comfort for her." "Who knew who he is because of her?" Everyone paused in position and looked at Hiyori with a confused look for what she said wasn't true. "What?" "You are so smart Hiyorin!" Hiyori blushed soon after feeling Kofuku latch around her side with one hand as the other patted her head multiple times. "Uh.." Kofuku giggled, then sat back in her regular spot, placing the thread on the picture next to the glass. "Since you're so smart. What's Yatty's famous quote?!" "Tch..never question the God of Delivery?" Yukine mumbled when pressing his fist against his cheek when tapping his finger on the table. "Nope!" "Uh..oh..Inside every person you know is a person you don't know?"

Your P.O.V.
You gave a small grunt after waking up, you kept your eyes still shut though but soon after flash backing on events that happened yesterday. Your eyes shot open only to see Yato on his knees, his rear in the air, while digging through your closet. "What are you my closet?" Yato looked at you with a big smile, a dorky expression went along with it, before pulling out a camera. "Didn't want to wake you. Cool camera, thinking about selling it for some yen?"
When Yato looked back at you, he seen you digging through your dresser beside him, which you kept school uniforms in only. "Oh..actually, that was my Mother's. Instead of school photos. She would take mine and send them in." Yato chuckled, making you smirk with a faint laugh as well when making eye contact with his playful, narrowed eyes. "Horrible looking in school photos?" "What girl isn't?" After grabbing an outfit, you headed for the bathroom, only to stop at the stairways when hearing mumbling. "Don't worry about it. Let's go change." You gave Yato an eyebrow raise when seeing him behind you with the camera around his neck and above his scarf for it came with a strap. "Well, inside every person you know is a person you don't know." After changing, you slowly walked down the stairs with Yato walking down the railing causal. "(Y/n). There you are! I was worried a-." "I don't want to hear it." You looked up at your Father, whom stood up from the couch with the women sitting beside him. Well, next to him but on a different couch, the arm chair, and she had a phone to her ear before removing it and closing it. "I'm going for a long walk." You closed the door with a faint sigh, only to smirk when feeling your back be patted by Yato. "You handled that really well. I thought I was actually going to see you explode." You gave an eye roll, looking down as you walked to the park, Yato following behind and taking a picture of himself. "You seemed to like that camera a lot..huh?" "Don't move!" You froze in position with a gasp, when you turned your head, you seen Yato a couple of feet behind you. You and him had already reached the park, which the two of you talked about things to do, except you were half down the side walk while Yato was still next to the pond. "What is it?" "Go to the tree over there." You gave a confused look but did so, slowly though for your heart was racing. The tree was an oak tree, underneath it was partly shady. But shady enough to keep the sub out of your eyes. But you felt as if you were going to be pranked or snatched when you placed your hand on the bark, but then you turned to see Yato holding up the camera. "No pictures." You were about to walk away but once seeing a pouty face given to you by Yato, you couldn't help but to freeze in position. "Come I know you have a pretty smile underneath that 'I have no emotions' frown."  Yato smirked and held the camera back up to his right eye, only to see you gave an eye roll and a deep sigh. But just when you smiled calmly, Yato took the picture. "There..happy now?" You watched Yato shake the picture, you blushed but looked away only to glance back and see him smirking at you, but it was more a grin than a smirk. "Beautiful." After looking at the picture you gave an eye roll and pushed his shoulder. "Shut up." "What? Jealous of my photography skills?" You then gave him narrowed eyes with a 'tch' when walking back onto the sidewalk. "Yeah yeah. Come on Yato. I think there's an ice cream cart just down here or something." After heading you give a small laugh, Yato chuckled following behind you after looking down at the photo once more.

Third Person P.O.V.
Kofuku gave a faint giggle as she pressed her hand to both of her cheeks. "That part of the story always makes my heart melt. Hehehe. Talk about cuteness overload!" When Kofuku fell backwards with both hands over her chest, Daikoku gasped and rushed to her side as she giggled. "Goddess, please. You're going to give yourself a heart attack." Hiyori smiled, giving a small laugh as she placed her palm to her cheek, sighing happily as Yukine sighed in a groan. "Typical. Let me guess. She got so happy she e see up dying of a heart attack?" Kofuku sat up and gave a head shake, placing both elbows on the table with light pink cheeks before they faded when she sighed. "You always gotta ruin everything Yuki." Kofuku crossed her arms with a grunt as Yukine gave an eye roll then continued to tap his finger on the table. "My bad." "That's okay. As long as you are enjoying the far at least.."

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