Chapter 7

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Third Person P.O.V.
It wasn't long when Hiyori caught up with Yato, but before she did so she used her spirit body so she could jump over buildings and such. "Yato!" "Hiyori! Stay back." After stopping on a power line, which he almost fell from, she watched Yato and Bishamon circling each other in a parking lot that was empty. Bishamon swung Yato by her whip, but Yato striked back. Twenty minutes later, it was Bishamon who was laying on the ground with cuts along her body, her lion wounded and her regalias casted across lot. " this? Possible?" Yato had his sword above her, the both were panting heavily and quickly. "You took the one thing that made me happy in this world. I'm going to take you out of it so I can be happy a-." "Wait..Kuraha." Yato turned his head when Bishamon lifted up her shaking hand and point to the lion that was in its side. "Release her.." Yato's eyes widened when shooting his head back towards Bishamon, whom eyes were shut as she faced Kuraha. When the lion threw up a spit ball, Yato fell to his knees soon after Yukine turned back into human form once being placed down. "(Y/n)..You had her this whole time?" "I couldn't kill her. Even out of revenge. I couldn't kill her." Hiyori went over to Yukine, looking at Bishamon, who watched along with the two, Yato crawl over to (Y/n), wiping the first layer of spit off her face with a deep swallow. "(Y/n).." She grunted, as if she was waking up from a deep sleep. But when she placed a hand on Yato's arm for his lips to part.

Your P.O.V.
" all away?" Yato lifted up your head, placing it on his lap as his eyes started to water when seeing you, just you in his sight. "Take what away?" You lifted up your head, wiping your mouth once more as you cleared your throat. "This spit so I can hug you." After hearing a grunt from Yato, you gave a small laugh, but soon after you did, you sat up on your knees and tried to shake off the spit. "Yato..I mi-." You stopped speaking for Yato hugged you tightly with both arms, soaking his jacket and scarf with the slobber. "(Y/n). I love you. I love you so much." You hugged him tighter, rubbing his back twice before doing so, then running your fingers up and through the ends of his soft hair. "Yato..I knew you'd save me one day..and. I love you too." When a heavy amount of water nearly drowned you, you fell on your bottom after seeing the women holding a bucket before tossing it to the side with a smirk before walking away. "Wait..Bisha." You gave furrowed brows at Yato when he stood up, pulling you up with him just as the women stopped walking. "I'm sorry." "Don't be. That girl..she's been through a lot Yato. She lost someone she cared for. And someone she used to care for." You looked down, holding onto Yato's arm as he took a step in front of you. "Keep her happy. Don't cross me again either. The past is the past. Let's keep it that way." The women walked away, hopping back onto the lion as she pressed her earring and mumbled when jumping off. And as for you and Yato, the both of you drenched in water, Yato turned to you, taking your hands as you stared at him with a smile. "I will keep her happy." You blushed, cracking a smile when your chin was lifted up. Your eyes widen, you lips were pressed against Yato's, soon after you pushed back with your eyes fluttering shut. Yato pulled back with a smile, his cheeks a light pink as yours were a deep red. "Cough, cough." You gave a small yelp when seeing a boy with blonde hair behind Yato, then a girl with long brown hair stand next to him flustered. "Oh (Y/n). This is my regalia, Yukine. And that there is Hiyori, a girl who is part cat." You smiled, stepping out front behind the two, shyly but Yato grabbed you bridal style, making you yelp again. "Anyways, back to Kofuku." When Yato jumped from building to building, the two following behind him on foot. You couldn't help but to stare at Yato, his hair hovering above his eyes until he glanced down. But when he did, you were staring at his scarf, smiling as guy placed your head on it. "I missed you.." "I missed my scarf too. I mean you too, Yato." Yato smirked when you giggled, he kissed your forehead only to make you blush again. "Inside every person you know is a person you don't know. That is true. This is a person I'd thought I'd never meet." You smiled, shutting your eyes as you held yourself close to him. "I thought I'd never be that person again either."

(The end. Sorry if it sucked. And for any errors I may have made. Hope you enjoyed this.)

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