A Vacation

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Your POV
We are still at the park getting to know one and other. "You know what, we should all go to a vacation to get to know each other better. And I know were we should go. Bygone Island." Amy said happily. "I agree miss Amy." Cream agreed. "Then let's book a hotel and pack hon's." Rouge said running to her house soon everyone else went home to. Mia and I packed our stuff and we walked to Amy's house. "K now we figure out roommates." Amy said happily. "Amy I think we should put our name's in a jar then pull them out two at a time." I told Amy. "Great idea (Y/N)." Mia said holding a jar. We all put our name's in the jar. "OK Ms.Mia will be with Mr.Silver, Mr.Sonic will be with Ms.Amy, I will be with Mr.Tails, Ms.(Y/N) will be with Mr.Shadow, and Ms.Rouge with Mr.Knuckles."Cream said giving Mia her jar back. Me and Shadow did not talk much so, this will be good to get to know him. "K everyone let's get in the car." Amy said.
Mia's POV
"H-hi M-Mia." Silver said shyly I saw him blush a bit, I wonder why. "Hi Silver." I said sweetly. I saw (Y/N) smirk and wink at me. I felt the blush on my cheeks I don't like him, do I? "H-hey Mia wo-would y-you like to sit next to me?" Silver asked. "Sure." I told him.
I saw Mia and Silver trying to hide their blush. I know they like each other. "Hey star (your last name is star)." It was Shadow. "Hi shadz, uh is it OK if I call you that." I asked. "Yeah it's fine." Shadow said turning his back at me. "Would you like to sit next to me Shadow?" I asked. "Well I have to share a room with you so why not." He said pushing me out of the way. You know I am just trying to be nice to him and he was being mean to me. I was getting mad I think Sonic saw this because he walked over to me. "Don't stress because of him you know what will happen right?" Sonic asked. (You have powers Sonic has speed, Mia has Music and Sensing ( she can sense aroaras, emotions, and more.) And you have (Y/P) also you and Mia can turn into a angle when you are too happy and a demons when you are too angry.) "Yeah I know." I told Sonic. "OK everyone get in the car." Amy said going to the passenger side as Sonic went to drive I, however went to sit next to Shadow.

Hope you like it
(Y/N):So Mia do you think Silver is cute
Silver:*came into the room* I heard my name
Mia:*blushing* n-no uh..... Bye
(Y/N):hey don't change the subject
Mia:Bye and don't forget to like and vote.
(Y/N):wait n...

Bye hope you enjoyed like I said please like and vote.

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