~ One ~

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I couldn't believe mum had kicked me out, just because I'm pregnant, yes I know I'm 16 and I'm in the most important year of my life, I start my GCSEs and I have no chance. At least I can get away from France though, I've lived here since I was 2 years old but now mums kicked me out I guess I can go and meet my dad, his names Warren Fox as you have probably been able to tell by my surname. Anyway I've got a flight tonight at 6pm meaning I'll arrive in London at 7pm where I'm staying in a hotel for the night and then getting the train to Chester which I think is right. I know I'm going to a village called 'Hollyoaks' but other than that I'm clueless

"You better be out of here by the time I'm home from work" my mother demands as she is slipping her coat on making me role my eyes

"I'll be gone, far away from here; you won't need to have anything to do with me or my baby when it's here" I responded folding my arms, this is like the millionth fight me and mum have had since I told she I was pregnant.

"I don't care, you've always been a pain. Just like your father!" Mum shouted making me look at her in shock, she really has spoken about my dad.

"Maybe that's a good thing, maybe I'm better off being like my dad than being anything like you! Your only worried about working and going out on the pull every night! You've never been worried about me" I shouted in response, I wasn't going to let her get away with talking to me like he is.

"How dare you!" Mum spoke abit taken back by my response. She looked at me and rolled her eyes

"I was just saying the truth" I threw back at her. I folded my arms as he came towards me and slapped me.

"You don't talk to your mother like that!" She shouted making me walk off to my room so I can pack I got my suitcase from the top of my wardrobe and placed it on my bed unzipped it and then opened my wardrobe, I put all my important clothing into the suitcase aswell as all my underwear. After my cloths I added a few pairs of shoes into my bag. I grabbed my school sports bag where I added a few books, pencils case, writing books and all my electronics and chargers I also added my small cross body bag which I brought myself. I finally grabbed my simple black bag pack which I packed with a pair of pyjamas, my travel pillow, my phone cases and my make up with all my brushes and hair things. I was soon ready to leave to I put my phone and purse into my back pocket and my passport in the front pouch of my bag before leaving the house.

"See ya never" I whispered to the house as I locked the door and posted the keys through the letterbox and walked down the road towards the bus stop to catch the bus to the airport. The ride to the airport didn't take long and I was their by 3pm which was perfect since I had to arrive three hours early. I signed in at security and placed my suitcase and sports bag at baggage while taking my rucksack with me to the Starbucks which I ordered a coffee frappe before going to wait for boarding. I sat in the waiting room when my phone pings, it was from my best friend Jeanette.


Why you not at school today babe? Is it because Ashley doesn't want to have anything to do with the baby? - J

No it's not because of Ashley. Mum kicked me out so I'm at the airport waiting for my plane to the uk. I'm going to see my dad for the first time since I was 2 - P

Wait your mum kicked you out! When, Why? - J

Yeah, I told her I was pregnant yesterday and she wanted me out by the time she gets home from work today so last night I booked a flight and a hotel in London for tonight and I'm getting a train to tomorrow- P

I'm going to miss you Paigie ❤️ your my best friend - J

I'll miss you too Jennie 💗 your my best friend - P

End of texts

"Flight 193 France to London is now boreding please ensure you have all your carry ons and make your way onto the plane" a males voice speaks so I put my phone down. I walk onto the plane and sit down in my seat by the window next to some strange man. I clipped my belt on for take off and turned my phone off.

"Ladies and Gentlemen we are now preparing for take off, please turn off all electronics and ensure your seat belts are on and most importantly enjoyed your flight" a woman's voice announced over the intercom. The flight takes off and the fligh went smoothly and soon we had landed in London.

"Thank you for flying with us today, please ensure you have all of your luggage before leaving the plane" I slipped my bag on my back and went to baggage where I collected my suitcase and my sports bag and went to call a taxi. I got the taxi I take me to the hotel I was staying in and signed in to the hotel and made my way to the room I was given.

I curled up in bed after changing and
Immediately went to bed, I was tired after travelling and needed my sleep if I'm meant to be traveling tomorrow.

16 and Pregnant [Hollyoaks]Where stories live. Discover now