~ Five ~

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After my little meltdown at school yesterday I managed to pick myself up and go to the rest of my lessons but I did get into a little fight with the same girl who had started on me in my first lesson. Today is like yesterday so it's school then come home, but Kenadee and Tom have both invited me to hang out with them and Peri after school. I don't know what we will be doing but it's going to be alright, I mean I haven't really got to know Peri yet but I have met her. School was boring like always but I didn't get into a fight today which was good.

"So when are we going to be meeting Tom and Peri?" I asked Kenadee as we walked out of the school building and made our way across the school playground/courtyard.

"Were meeting them at four" Kenadee smiled and I nodded as we walked out the gate my other friend Lily Drinkwell caught up to us

"Hey Lils, how are you?" I asked her letting her walk with us, Kenadee and Lily didn't really see eye to eye but they do tolerate each other.

"I'm alright, you?" She asked me knowing about the bullying

"Tired and hormonal" I responded making both of my friends laugh at how I said it"

"It's not funny, you try being pregnant in this heat" I sighed heavily the last two days have been really hot and it's using up my energy even more than when it wasn't hot.

"Okay, how about i get one of those things which men can see what it's like for women to be Pregnant and I'll be pregnant for a day with you" Kenadee grinned making me smile

"You would actually do that wouldn't you" I laughed making Kenadee nod

"I could be the baby's 'daddy'" Kenadee laughed making air quotes with her fingers as she said she would be the babies dad.

"Your not serious" I asked still laughing myself.

"Of course, your my best friend, I'll help you with the baby and I'll always be here for the baby" Kenadee smiled putting one arm around me giving me a awkward sideways hug.

"How far along are you?" Lily asked me gesturing to the pregnancy.

"13ish weeks, I've got my 21 weeks scan in about 8 weeks" I responded explaining it even though it really didn't need to be explained.

"Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?" Lily and Kenadee both said at the same time.

"I don't know yet, on one hand I really want to know so I can start planning what I want to call it but on the other hand I want it to be a surprise so I don't know yet" I responded with a shrug as we arrived back in the village

"Well you could always have a surprise and plan names for both sexes?" Lily suggested which I guess was one thing I could do.

"I never thought of that" I laughed

"I'll see you tomorrow at school" Lily soon said before Kenadee and myself head to the flat and lily heads up the steps to hers.

"I'm actually going to see where I can get a pregnancy stimulator so I can help you through the pains" Kenadee says entering the flat

"What on earth are you girls talking about" I heard Sienna say sounding rather confused

"Well it's like this" I began looking to Kenadee

"Kenny said she's going to get a stimulator so she can be pregnant for a day all because I told her and Lily to try being pregnant in this heat, she also said she will be the baby's 'Daddy' and help me with my baby" I explained doing air-quotes around daddy

"You both are the weirdest people I know" Sienna joked, I went into the bedroom and shut the door while I get changed, I had a pair of black short jeans with a white butterfly crop too with a pair of converse which completed my outfit. I left the bedroom and sat texting Jeanette while I wait d for Kenadee

"Have you been drinking enough" Sienna soon asked me and I bit my lip

"No" I say shaking my head knowing I should drink more in the heat

"Paige you need to drink more when it's hot, I learnt that the hard way when I was pregnant the first time, now I know that if I don't want to get dehydrated the I need to drink a lot more" Sienna warned me and I nodded, I went and grabbed myself a glass of water and downed it which helped since I needed a drink anyways. When Kenadee was ready we both headed out meeting Peri before we head to the bean to meet Tom.

"Hi" I smiled to Peri as she came down the steps. We were laughing while we walked to meet tom. As we spotted tom a smile formed on my lips, what, tom is lovely, he's sweet and I have to admit I do kind of like him. Kenadee tells Peri to go ahead and stops me.

"You like tom don't you? I can see by the way you look at him, he brings a smile to your face" Kenadee smiled seeing my gaze was focused on tom.

"Yes, I do. He was my first friend here and every time he looks at me I can't help but smile, this may sound cliché but he brings butterflies to my stomach" I explained smile wider than I already was

"You would make such a cute couple I can just see it now Paige and Tom. You could go Pom" Kenadee squeeled adding a giggle on the end. I blushed slightly, he probably didn't like me though

"Calm down Kenny, it's highly unlikely he will like me back. We only met a week ago" I calmed my best friend down as we continued to walk into the cafe and join tom and Peri who were in the line. We all ordered and went to sit outside occasionally I caught tom looking at me which made me smile while we continued our conversations. After we drank our cool drinks we decided to go for a walk. A hour after going for a walk we began to head back into the village.

"Paige could I talk to you a minute?" Tom asked as we stopped outside Nightingales

"Okay, Kenny I'll meet you at home" I smiled and saw her wink as me as she walked off

"What's up" I smiled nervously. I don't know what was wrong with me but I just felt worried

"I like you, I know it's strange since we met last week but I've been unable to get you off my mind. Anyway what I want to say isI was wondering if you would want to go on a date with me" tom asked me with the sound of hope on his voice.

"Yes, yes I will" I smiled happily. We discussed when and where and ended up going out separate ways. I walked into the flat and Kenadee smiled at me, Sienna was cooking and I heard dad in the shower

"What did tom want?" Kenadee asked me grinning, I bit my lip happy.

"Toms asked me out on a date and I've said yes" I blushed Kenadee wanted me to tell me everything which continued to make me blush

"Your too young to go on a date" I soon heard dad say sternly which caused me to role my eyes.

"Dad I'm 16, I'm pregnant so surely I'm old enough to make my mind up on my own if I want to go on a date" I responded knowing dad was just being the protective dad type and trying to protect me but I knew I wanted this date with tom and none could stop me

16 and Pregnant [Hollyoaks]Where stories live. Discover now