~ Nine ~

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Time has been busy lately, when I was 6 months pregnant I moved into my flat and decorated my little ones room and everything. I've been helping Tom with Steph and chilling a lot. Schools been hard but I'm 8 months now which means no school for me for a few months, it's been getting too stressful. Today I've said I'll look after Steph for Tom and Peri since Peri has a exam and Tom has a interview but it's good practice for me so I'm not going to complain. I rolled over in my bed and checked the time, 7:30 I had two hours until tom would be dropping Steph off. I heard footsteps downstairs and remembered Kenadee stayed over last night. I climbed out of bed and wrapped my dressing gown around me before leaving my room. I made my way downstairs and leant on the banister 

"Where's my tea?" I joked watching Kenadee drink a cup of tea. She laughed and turned around.

"I didn't want to wake you up" Kenadee responded, I nodded even though I was already awake.

"I've been up for hours, I've had this pain which isn't like anything I've felt so far in the pregnancy" I explained and earned a look from Kenadee.

"They could be labour pains?" Kenadee suggested, simply I shook my head. They couldn't be labour pains I'm only 8 months. I know 8 months is good for a baby but it's still a month early. I decided to shake the weird feeling off and sat on a stool.

"Fancy meeting me at the bean at lunch?" I asked Kenadee who took a sip from her tea.

"Yeah sure, you'll going to have Steph aren't you?" She asked me and I nodded.

"I'll meet you at half 11, I've got a free but Nancy wants me to see her for half an hour" Kenadee rolled her eyes. I wonder what Nancy wanted with Kenadee. Soon Kenadee had to leave so I was alone. I sat on the sofa and watched some television and before I knew it was 9am and I had to go and get dressed. I went up the stairs and into the master bedroom where I pulled out a pair of maternity leggings with a rose patterned tank top and a grey cardigan. As soon as I was dressed I went downstairs again and made myself a cup of tea. I leant against the sign leaning against the side taking a sip of my tea. Their was soon a knock at the door. I walked to the door and opened it

"Hey, come on" I smiled seeing tom at the door with Steph.

"Hello little one." I grinned kneeling down tickling the little girl before letting them come in.

"Thank you for looking after her today" tom smiled kissing me on the cheek. I blushed even though we've been dating for quite a while now.

"It's fine, I don't mind looking after this cutie. I mean I'm not in school and I couldn't think of a better way to spend my day" I smiled happily. I let Steph out of the pushchair and let her toddle about to play with some toys which I had got for her and when my daughter when she grows up.

"Right Steph be a good girl for Paige" tom told his daughter. Tom hugged me good bye and said goodbye to his daughter before he left my flat. I shut the door and joined Steph playing with her toys.

It must have been two hours later and I decided to take Steph to the park to get her out the house for a bit but first we were going to meet Kenadee. On the way to the bean I felt a sudden pain in my stomach. I stopped dead in my tracks. I felt something wet role down my legs and that's when I realised these pains were labour pains and my waters had just broke. I heard Steph babbling and knew I had to push myself to get to the hospital.

"Right Steph, I know I said we were going to meet Kenny but we have to go doctors." I told the little girl in the pushchair. I pushed Steph into the hospital as my stomach began hurting. Arriving in the hospital I saw Tegan.

"Paige what are you doing here, is Steph alright?" I heard Tegan ask spotting me. I nodded.

"Stephs fine. It's me. My waters have broke" I groaned in pain. I was rushed into a side room with a confused child too.

"I want my daddy" I cried holding my stomach, they had been getting closer and closer together.

"I'll call him right away but for now take deep breaths on this" Tegan smiled and I nodded I took the gas and air and took deep long breaths. Tom came to pick Steph up and made sure I was alright, I had to reassure him I would be alright otherwise he wouldn't have left me.

It must have been a hour and dad was finally holding my hand, Sienna was here too encouraging me to push since I had just been told to.

"You can do it princess" dad said calmly but I was full on panicking. I just wanted to get the baby out of me.

"Get it out of me!" I sobbed breathing heavily as I pushed. Who knew giving birth was so hard because I surely didn't think it would be this hard

"Right one more push and then your baby will be here" I was soon told and i nodded and began pushing. The room was soon filled with tiny cries. The cries of my daughter.

"Congratulations" the nurse smiled and I was left to choose a name.

"Kiara Camilla-Mae Fox" I smiled down to my. The name was perfect for my cute little baby.

"She's gorgeous Paige" Sienna smiled. I handed Kiara over to dad who cuddled his granddaughter.

"I'm so proud of you Paige" dad smiled. I grinned. I was proud to say I'm a mother to Kiara Fox, my gorgeous little baby who I would never change for the world.

16 and Pregnant [Hollyoaks]Where stories live. Discover now