~ Ten ~

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So ive changed Paige's daughters name to Kiara if you haven't seen the last chapter again.

After giving birth to Kiara I had to be kept in hospital, Kiara was kept in from being early. Dad has spent almost every day with me well other than when he's not been around. Tom and Steph are really involved with my baby which is cute, Steph is like a big sister to Kiara.

"Morning Paige, hows my beautiful girlfriend today' Tom my boyfriend asked me curiously and I shrugged as I yawned sitting up in the bed

"Tired but having a baby will do that to you won't it" I laughed seeing my little girl sleeping in the mini hospital bed across the room.

"Me see Ki" Steph giggled. I climbed out of the hospital bed and went over to pick Kiara up gently before sitting back on the bed

"Get Daddy to help you up here and you can hold Kiara" I told the young girl who reached her arms up for tom to pick her up and help her onto the bed. Steph giggled as she sat close to me with her arms ready to hold Kiara

"Me likely Ki" Steph grinned gently kissing my baby in her arms. Steph was only 2 but she acted older than she actually is but it was cute.

"When can I get out of here?" I asked Tom even though I expected him not to know.

"I'll go and see, will you be alright with the two girls?" Tom asked as Steph and Kiara were cuddled together.

"Tom I'm fine with the girls. It's not like I've got them both on my own, I'm in hospital and you're just going to be down the corridor. I'll be fine" I exclaimed to my boyfriend. Tom left my hospital room and went to find a doctor, I hoped I was going to be discharged today, I just wanted to take my baby girl home Steph giggled as she hugged Kiara before Tom came back into the hospital room I was in with my daughter as well as his daughter.

"The doctors said you can leave once they've given you their discharge papers" Tom told me and I smiled, I got my phone and text dad to let him know and he nodded, Sienna would be due soon too which means Kiara and the twins would have a birthday close to each other.

"I can't wait to get back to the flat? Get Kiara settled, spend some time with you and Steph at home instead of being in the hospital with doctors and nurses coming in and out every few minutes" I smiled as I climbed out of the bed. Tom picked Kiara up and sat on the bed in front of Steph while I went into the bathroom and changed into a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms along with a white Starbucks crop too.

"How is it possible for one girl to be so gorgeous in lounging clothes, a few days after giving birthday and with lack of sleep" Tom questioned me smiling as I came from the bathroom and stood by the bed. I picked Steph up and sat her on my lap.

"Mummy" Steph smiled and I looked to Tom, if Peri heard Steph call ME Mummy she would go mad but it's not like I told her I was her Mum, I've helped Tom look after Steph way more than she has done since Steph was born.

"Steph princess, Paige isn't your mummy okay? Paige is Kiara's Mummy" Tom explained to the young girl on my knee.

"Me want Paigey to be my mummy too" Steph frowned just as my dad entered the room.

"This is cute" dad grinned, that was so not like him, he's meant to be the bad boy type not the cute word type.

"Seriously Dad, we were having little talk with this little cheeky monkey" I smiled poking Stephs sides gently making her giggle.

"Yeah I heard she wants you to be her Mum, you've been good with her and Kiara. Your going to be an amazing Mum babygirl" dad smiled coming over and kissing my cheek.

"Dad could you take a picture of us please, I want to make memories which I could make a memory box, photo album and everything for Kiara. Steph could also see them too when she grows up well that's if me and Tom will stay together that long" I explained to dad as I reached for my phone unlocking it and handing it to dad.

"Okay" dad nodded taking my phone.

"How about one with Steph in the middle holding Kiara, then one with kiara me and you, one with Steph on your knee and Kiara in my arms then one in your arms?" Tom suggested and I nodded and we started with the photo of Steph on my knee since we wet already in that position. We took the four photos and dad handed my phone to me. Kiara had to have her nappy changed and her feed.

"Miss Fox you and Kiara are welcome to leave now or after you've fed and changed her, we've contacted the health visitor who has agreed to visit you Thursday to see how you are coping with Kiara" the nurse explained to me handing me my discharge papers, I thanked the nurse and put Kiara into the pushchair before slipping my shoes on and was ready to go. Dad was texting someone but I don't know who.

"It's nice to be out of that room, Almost a week of not leaving the hospital room" I smiled as I pushed my daughter through the hospital and out of the doors. Tom was pushing Steph and walked beside me as dad walked on the opposite side of me.

"I couldn't be prouder of you Paige, you've managed to give birth to a gorgeous Daughter all while your mother hated the fact you were pregnant and expecting." Dad smiled as he watched kiara slept in the pushchair. We went to the house and I opened the door letting Tom, Steph and dad in before pushing kiara in.

"Welcome home!" A bunch of people spoke loudly, their was Sienna, Kenadee, Peri, Lily aswell as Kim since she apparently helped Sienna set up.

"Wow thank you evreyone" I smiled gently picking my daughter up and placing her into the Moses basket which I already had in the living room.

It was a start in my new life with my gorgeous baby girl

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