~ Eight ~

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The day of my sex scan finally came and I was excited. I grabbed a shower early this morning and got dressed into my school uniform so I was ready for the day. Sienna and Dad are both coming with me to the scan and then I'm off to school. The bullying has been worse than ever. I mean I thought I could deal with it but I can't it's getting too much. Dad has told me I have to go into school but he won't know I'm not going into lessons, I might not even go to school.

It was only 7 so I decided not to have breakfast just yet since my appointment isn't until half 9. Kenadee grabbed a shower not long after I sat down on the sofa and pulled my phone out. After the beach trip I continued to text Jennette but it's like she just doesn't even want to know me any more. Dad and Sienna were talking in their bedroom but it didn't sound like anything that I should be worried, just a simple conversation. Turned the television on and watched some Simpsons which Kenadee and myself recorded because who doesn't like the Simpsons.

"What time is your appointment?" Kenadee finally asked once she was dressed and ready for school.

"Half nine, I've decided I'm going to find out the baby's sex" I nodded leaning back on the sofa as Kenadee joined me.

"I think your having a girl" Kenadee smiled and I shrugged. I thought I was having a boy but it is likely that I could have a girl.

"I think it's Boy" I shrugged. I mean their is a 50/50 chance so we will just have to wait and see. Kenadee soon left for school i felt so tired but I was also exited to see my baby and hear it's heart beat aswell and to find out what I'm having. I finally decided to do my self some toast since I was beginning to feel hungry, I buttered the toast and spread some strawberry jam over before eating. Sienna popped down to the shop since we were out of milk so it was only me and dad in the flat.

"Paige, you know the flat that you liked what we went to see last week, I put a offer down on it for you" dad surprised me after coming out of the bedroom. I looked over to him with a shocked expression on my face.

"Are you serious" I grinned happily earning a nod from dad. I was so happy but just because dad has put a offer on the flat doesn't mean I'll get it. For those who's wondering what it looks like, it's actually next to Peri's (I know Graces flat is next to the Lomax's but let's pretend theirs another flat for the sake of the story) and it's got three bedrooms which means I can have guests stay over and I can have a nursery for the baby.

"100% sure princess" dad smiled, I ran over to give him a hug, I was truly greatful for everything.

"Thank you dad, you don't understand how greatful I am for this" I smiled into the hug. My smile was wider than it has ever been before. Sienna came back with the mike and we all had a hot drink before having to leave. I rested my hands on my stomach as we got to the hospital. I was worried but for if they say something's wrong with the baby.

"Paige Fox" my name is called two minutes later than my scan time. I stood up and took dad and Sienna into the room with me.

"Hello Paige, I'm going to need you to hop onto here and role your top up for me" the woman smiled, I completely forgot her name though so I can't tell you that. I hopped onto the bed and rolled my top up.

"So today you are able to hear the heart beat and see your baby. Also if you wish to I can tell you the sex of your baby" she smiled and I nodded grabbing dads hand

"Are these Your Mum and dad?" The woman asked. Without thinking I nod, I saw Sienna smile and then I realised I had called her my mum.

"Warren is my dad and Sienna is my mum" I smiled over to Sienna, what she has actually been like my mum over the last few months and she's even treated me better than my own mother treats me.

"So if you look at the screen here you will see your baby, two little feet and two little hands" she smiled point it out to me while sort of prodding my stomach, I teared up as I looked at the screen, my baby.

"Everything seems heathy with the baby, would you like to know what your having" I was soon asked and I immediately nodded. I really wanted to know what I was having.

"It's a girl" she smiled. In couldn't have been happier yeah I would have been happy with a boy but I'm over the moon knowing I'm having a girl, now I can start thinking of names.

"I'll just have to get the your scan pictures then you can hear your daughters heart beat" the nurse smiled and I nodded. I looked to Dad and Sienna

"You called me your mum" Sienna looked at me with a smile. I nodded biting my lip.

"Yeah, your like my mum and have been since I moved here. You have treated me better than my birth mother and I am truly thankful" I smiled. The nurse came back and I heard my daughters heart beat before we were allowed to go and book my next appointment. Dad drove me to school but I didn't go into lesson, I sat at a picnic table in the courtyard/playground and looked at the scan of my daughter. It was soon lunchtime and Kenadee and Lily joined me at the table.

"How'd the scan go?" Kenadee asked me and I grinned.

"It was amazing, I got to hear the heart beat listen" I played the heart beat which I recorded I smiled.

"So what are you having?" Kenadee asked, I saw her cross her fingers as I smiled.

"You guessed right this morning, I'm having a girl" I smiled both girls were exited and I was too happy it felt so unreal. Two more hours of the day went by and soon I was back home and had got changed from my school uniform. I then went to the loft, I've been helping out and today's one of those days.

"Hey dad" I smiled entering and smiling at him.

"I thought you were taking today off?" Dad asked and I shook my head.

"Well I can tell you this now, the flat I've put a offer down on, you've got it" dad smiled making me squeel excitedly

"That's great" I smiled. The rest of the day was me helping at the loft then talking to Kenadee for hours before I finally fell asleep at 2am the next day

16 and Pregnant [Hollyoaks]Where stories live. Discover now