~ Six ~

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It's been a few weeks since tom has asked me out and today is our second date, our first date was a picnic which I loved and our second date is going into town and to a desert lounge. My pregnancy is coming along fine and Kenadee had now got her pregnancy stimulator and had been using it even to come to school. I was sat on the sofa early this morning since I couldn't sleep, I had been getting really bad heart burn and struggling to sleep.

"Morning dad" I smiled as dad left the master bedroom.

"Morning Pagie, you alright" dad asked and I nodded which was blatantly a lie.

"Are you sure? You look tired?" Dad asked me, his sweet side which hardly ever shows was now showing.

"I'm just tired, had really bad heart burn last night and the little one kept me up, nothing to worry about" I reassured my dad as he sat down beside me.

"You know if their was anything else you can always talk to me, I am your dad after all?" Dad reminded me pulling me into a sideways hug. I didn't want to worry him about the bullying but I don't know how much longer I can keep it between me and Kenadee we are the only ones in the house who know that I'm being bullied and I'm struggling.

"Okay, I'll tell you the truth" I paused looking down nervously.

"I've been getting bullied in school because I'm pregnant, I've been dealing with it but if I keep resorting to violence I'm probably going to be kicked out of school" I explained and looked up to dad, he looked angry.

"How long has it been going on for?" Dad asked me and I bit my lip I didn't want to lie to him but I didn't want to tell him it's been since I started school.

"And the Truth Paige Fox" dad warned me using my full name, well almost my full name since he didn't use either of my middle names

"Honestly not long dad" I bite down on the inside of my lip as I answered with a lies

"Paige Elizabeth Phoebe Fox I said the truth" obviously dad could see through my lie this time, he used my full name which I hate, it's too long but I guess I would be fine if it was just 'Paige Elizabeth Fox' but adding Phoebe just makes it long. Dad looked at me protectively which made me sigh softly

"Alright the bullying started on my first day, I walked out of art almost had ago at a teacher and then when I went back to my lessons i got into a fight with the girl who was bullying me" I explained to dad who looked angry, he wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"I'll sort it, just tell me who it was and I'll sort it out" dad tells me and I shake my head, I didn't want dad to deal with it when I can deal with it myself.

"Dad you don't need to do anything. I've been trying myself and if you do it would just make things worse" I pulled away from dads hug and turned to him.

"I can't just sit around and hear that your being bullied. Paige your my daughter I should be able to sort your problems out" dad speaks, I knew he meant this but how do I know he won't get in trouble even though I know he's no stranger to trouble.

"Fine" I sighed giving up. I yawned leaning into dads side as once again he hugs me sideways hug.

"I love you daddy" I smiled up to my dad

"I love you too little one, I wish I had got to know you when you were little but we can't go back in time now" dad smiled.

"Your getting to know me now" I grinned enjoying this little father daughter time we were having.

"Dad you know Monday is a inset day maybe could we all go to the beach. Me, You, Kenadee and Sienna and have a family day out, I know they may not be my actual mum and Sister but the last three weeks have felt more like home that I ever felt in France" I smiled crossing my fingers hoping dad would agree to the beach.

16 and Pregnant [Hollyoaks]Where stories live. Discover now