Chapter 3

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"Hmmm" breath as I wake up in a dreadful morning sunlight. I roll my hands up against my eyes and rub them. I do that on part of my morning routine to wake my ass up. Knowing it does nothing I still do it. Like splashing water on your face doesn't wake you up. Stuff like coffee can wake you up. It has something in it that wakes you up. Its called coffee. My eyes adjust to the sunlight since we've slept outside again. Well Blake k owe what it feels like to stay still for a sleep. Its hard, uncomfortable, and prevents you from sleeping because people need to move while there sleeping or their in hibernation. But its fucking harder than holding a close pin open for ten minutes straight with just your thumb and pointer finger. I take a look at Blake and see lying there on her back peacefully sleep maybe less than a foot away from me. "Blake wake, wake, Blake" I said to her as I wiggle her softly so I don't hurt her back. "Hmmm" she breaths softly as I wake her up.
"Time to get up"
"Umm, for what again"
"We got to find that car because I bet the cops came to the house to get us but didn't find us so they left, or they most likely got torn apart by beings". Me and Blake have this miniature conversation debating on whether we should lay here and rot to death or get up and look for the car. Blake still laying flat on her back looks at me without anything on her mind but let's sleep a little longer. I understand fully that she's exhausted but the human body only need eight hour of ñ. And we went to sleep at like nine o'clock at night and woke up at two, and then went to sleep about an hour later. I'm expecting her to be tired. She had an open wound before she fell asleep the second time. Blake makes up her mind, shrugs her shoulder calmly, and sits up. Tears of pain fall from her eye lashes. The scabs on her backs crack open and then break completely open and start to bleed threw her undershirt. "Aaah" Blake says in pain with her heavy breathing getting in some of the way of her speaking. I get up from off my belly in whichn I was laying on and help her to get to her miserable, tired feet. I put my hands out in front of me so I could have a quick reaction so that if she falls (Blake doesn't want to stand up straight at all because it hurts her back. Hell her scratch is deeper than the bite mark on Jacks arm, and it hurt Jack to use my hurt shoulder because it hurt more than anything in the world). Blake turns around and looks at me and tears fall from her eyes in pain, anger, and sadness. I wish I was at home with my mom, dad, and little brother Joey Blake thought to herself to take her mind off the pain as she was trying to stand up straight with a flat back as she usually walks. "Aaah" Blake cries and drops to her knees sobbing into the dirt. I felt so bad as I had my hands out to try and catch in case she falls but I didn't because I wasn't paying any attention at all. Man I feel like a total dick. I crawl to her as fast as I could and try to comfort her with the amount of sorrow I felt and the desire that I want to get out of here. Blake rolls onto her shoulder and looks at me with her gorgeous brown eyes. "Ouh" I said when Blake hit my chest with a closed fist. I understand why Blake hit me with a closed fist most likely meaning that she is as pissed off as anyone could ever get. "You had your hand out to catch me if this happened, what happened!?"
"Listen, I'm sor-"
"No you'd rather look at a butterfly than help your injured girlfriend!" Blake yelled at me as she interrupted me while I was in the middle of speaking an apology.
"I'm sorry, ok I'm sorry that all I have to say and I have nothing else to give so cut me some fucking slack!" I snapped and screamed my daily problems out at her. She screamed at me for the amount of pain she's going through emotionally, physically, and mentally. But I screamed at her in pure anger nothing else. In that exact heat of the moment I thought of no sympathy at all, just the fucked up situation we're in. I feel the blood flowing through my veins, and my heart beating in my chest, but I felt no respect for myself at all. I crawl back to where I laying down the entire night and stair at the rock that was maybe two feet from my head the whole night. Let me just hit my brain out of my head or just clime a tree and jump off Jack thought to himself in his mind (Jack is super paranoid with what Blake and himself got themselves into). "Huh, huh, huh" I breaths heavily with paranoia on his mind. I close my eyes slowly and imagine what we would be doing if we weren't here. A smile makes its way onto my face as I think about our imaginary day we could have had. Its about twelve o'clock when we usually eat lunch and go to electives but in my mind there's a pizza, (Jack's favorite food is pizza) the soda machine was broken so that we could just kick it and hope to get the drink we're hoping to get, and our asshole principal was just fired. So pictured the perfect day in my some what retarded mind. I open my eyes with a smile on my face and a confused look on Blake's face. "Let's go look for that damn car babe" I say with a lot of confidence but knowing that we could just end up like Blake in my dream and the two park ranger in reality. I don't want to watch myself or Blake becoming a big, juicy, meaty, raw steak. I bet watch those you love die is worse then getting killed in general. You'll end up mind fucking your self and that's how psycho paths are born. Blake looks up at me stand up with the amount of energy my body has. I put my hand out in front of her face hoping for her to grab it with her hand. I'm not expecting that much energy but I do expect more energy than last night. Because she had no energy when we were running from the beings and she ended up like this. She has four deep scratches on her upper back and an empty stomach. She puts her hand on mine and nothing shows us that she's ready for round two to stand up. "Aaaah" she screams in pain as I pull on her arm to help her stand up. I knew she wasn't ready for the pain but in my opinion I think pain isn't something you should just wait for, its something that just happens at some random time in life. So if you got a dislocated arm and you asked someone to put it back into its socket, tell them to put it in at a time when you aren't ready. The pain won't hurt as much when your expecting it. Even thou it hurts like a son of a bitch. "Huh, huh, huh" Blake huffs and puffs so she doesn't burst out screaming, we've already made enough noise while we we're arguing with each other. I pull her up still with her having a desire of just staying on the floor so I'm doing all the work to lift her ass off the floor. Finally I got her to stand on her hind legs. Blake feels so accomplished although she shouldn't, I should. I'm the one getting her to her feet.

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