Chapter 8

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"vrrrm" the driver revs his engine. That's what I would like to hear on this dirty, bumpy rode. Blake and I have found ourselves a rode that would hopefully take us to the nearest town. All we have to our names as of now is a raincoat that's as dark as night, a drawing of a ugly and retarded looking being, a note that that mad scientist just up and had written for us, and a revolver with only two bullets in it. Blake bent over to pick up a stick that was on the ground and started breaking it piece by piece off of the stick in a horrific bored manner. We've been probably walking for about ten straight miles now and I feel that if I walk another ten well then the ground will just collapse from beneath me and I will fall into the burning depts of the devil's hell and burn to death without mercy. Blake's knee locks on her as if she just became a statue and she fell to the ground and stumbles to the floor. I try to catch her but keeps falling to the musky, dirty floor. When she stops tumbling she starts lying face first on the floor and the thought just flashed itself across my serious mind and remember the dream. The thought of her having her head being wrenched around and her speaking still made me cringe in horror. "Are you all right?"
"No, my damn knee just locked like I needed a tequinis shot or something" Blake said as she knows that this was unavoidable. Blake's leg felt like it had a ton of stuff just lying on top of her leg which is not allowing her leg to bend at all. Nothing hurt her other than the fall. "Well do you need a tequinis shot?" I asked curious as I really do think that she must have stepped on a rusty nail or something. I put my hand out and Blake takes it. She tries to stand up but couldn't because it felt like she had some kind of brace on that right leg of hers. I get to my knees and put my right hand under her thigh and my left hand over her braw strap and begin to lift her. Since I'm carrying Blake, Blake is holding the two baskets of mysterious berries that we don't know what they are called. Blake just lying in my dreadful arms is eating the berries non-stop. "Hey, can I get some of those?" I asked Blake nicely as I don't want the food to just be in her stomach and that I was a bit hungry. I mean I found those berries yesterday from having insomnia from a wet dream that I some how got. Blake gets a palm full and puts it in my mouth slowly as I was walking down a steep hill. I chew the delicious tasting berries and swallow them. I feel a beautiful enlightenment​ and adrenaline just fly completely across my body and I feel it flowing through my veins like when your hands get very cold and you feel the blood rushing through your veins. I get a quick picture in my mind and think about how I'm carrying Blake down a mountain with the gorgeous sunrise just barely rising above the mountains. But yet it's the middle of the day. That was a beautiful picture I've just had in my brain. Maybe even the best picture I've ever imagined.


"Here's a stream I'm going to drop us both off at the stream for us to get a drink. "Mmmm" I hum as I take a drink as I haven't had a drink in about four hours, and It tastes like the heavens have just given me a gift. I think of what my mother have once told me when I lost my state championship in club football and that was "yesterday's history while tomorrow is a mystery, but right now is a gift. That's why they call it the present". I say that's the best advise I've ever been given and one of many quotes I would tell myself when I have a failing in life. Many things have amused Blake in her life (hopefully) that I would dearly wish that I'm one of those amusements​. Nothing is harder then holding a relationship. And that's the fucking truth. Many things hurt but a broken heart is what hurts the most. In this situation where one get broken up with, all we can hope for is the collateral beauty (the collateral beauty is something good that comes out of something terrible). Well everybody makes fun of somebody and they always call each other names like bitch, asshole and so on. But the biggest bitch of all is life. I thought of all this shit just from taking a large ass drink of water from that stream. Blake is struggling from trying to get water since I've placed her about six feet from the stream. I get up slowly as I want the water to energize me and walk over to where Blake is. Blake and I still don't understand why her leg is locked and can't get it to bend. I pick up Blake and put her right next to the water. "Mmmm" she says also as the water just tastes fantastic. Blake feels as if she has not had a drink in forever. I kneel down to one knee and I form my hand as a cup and fill it with water. I put all the water in my mouth and I begin to gargle it around in my mouth before I swallow it. I put my hands in the water and wiggle it around and realize that a fuck load of dirt just began to spread around the water. I rub my palm with my thumb continuously until I believe that there is absolutely zero dirt on my hand. I spot dirt on the side of Blake's face and I take my hands out of the water and I rub the dirty, crust, dry dirt off the side of Blake's face. A little muddy droplet flows down the side of Blake's face and go's to the bottom of her chin. And it happens again and again until I finish wiping the dirt off of the side of Blake's beautiful looking head. "Here go away for about thirty minutes" Blake said
''I'm going to take a bath". I get a satisfied look on my face practically stating how horny I was. Blake rolls her eyes and grinned a little smile on her face. I begin to walk away in an executive decision that nobody takes shower for as long as they do and I'll just go and get some firewood. I walk through the forest with a boner just erecting itself in my jeans (everybody knows that they walk slower then a son of bitch if there horny). A walk slowly through the creepy ass forest and see this old, rusty ax. I feel like I won't be able to forgive myself if I picked this ax that has anonymous belongings. I pick it up and I see that the metal part of the ax was all rusty and the wood on the ax was just nearly chipping off and looks like it could give a lot of splinters. But although you must be one dumb motherfucker to not be able to find any firewood in a forest. I mean that's just as dumb as when my friend Bill farting in class when we where all in trouble for treating the substitute teacher like shit. "Aaaaah" I hear a scream just hoping it isn't Blake's voice I've​ just somehow instantly heard out of the blue. "Blake" I start sprinting my ass off to the pond and I stop at the creek instantly in shock as I witness Rosale have her feet placed on top of Blake's hands and her just pushing Blake's head beneath the water. Blake cant kick because one of her asshole friends that put me in a comma for three days was holding her legs. I snap out of shock and start sprinting into the water and I tackle Rosale into the water so Blake can at least be able to breath. "Huuuuuhh" Blake breaths heavily as she hasn't had a breath in two full minutes (Blake can't hold her breath very long at all). As I tackle Rosale into the water the big humongous guy who looks like he does steriods non-stop all the damn time just puts me in a head lock (that was the guy holding Blake's legs so she doesn't kick Rosale). I sit there in that man's arms just unable to breath because of the position I'm in. Rosale comes up from the water just soaking wet. Rosales right nipple barely hung out of the V line of her shirt. I try not to look at it but a man's hormones will just pour out. Which is exactly why God invented masturbation. I lie in the guys arms with my vision just starting to go black. But then Blake comes from behind the guy and smashed a big stone rock over his head. Right as I get released from the guys grip on my throat I kneel right down to the water with my face hanging low like when your so exhausted after running ten miles that you hang your head low. As I catch my breath. I raise my head and I see Rosale with a terrific look on her face. I know that known of us want to die but I've almost died for Blake numerous times and Blake has almost died numerous times for me. That's how love is (if it's truly real). I charge towards Rosale and I jump on top of her. I end up tackling her once again and we both fall into the water. Both of our faces fall beneath the water. I get back up to throw Rosale to Blake so she would be Blake's problem then but Rosale loads her knee back and forces it forward with mighty power and knees me in my balls. "Aaaaah!" I scream indulging pain. I fall to the bottom of the water (where they're at is a pretty shallow part of the stream) I bulging pain as her knee has just kicked my right nut. I grip my stomach as it hurts that much. To a guy just getting kicked in the balls will just explode the amount of anger you have for the dumbass that you have for that person no matter if it's a girl or a guy either way your probably going to be cussed out because of the little cheap shot you've just got. Rosale after kicking my balls just ran out into the forest. I begin to sprint my ass off for Rosale and she for some reason looks like a track runner but is slower then a snail pumped on ten gallons of steriods. I spot Rosale quickly (because one I'm a fast runner, and two she has fallen over a low tree branch which gave me the benefit of catching up to her) and I don't slow down at all but I speed up probably just the littlest amount and I tackle her down a one hundred foot hill. "Uh, ah, ouh" Rosale and I just scream in pain as it isn't grass but we're falling down a hill of sticks and rocks. I reach the bottom of the hill right before Rosale does and I have scratches all on me that I have some on my face, body, legs, and the worst I have one in my shoulder that a being tried to make dinner. I grip the stick and yank it out of my dreadful looking shoulder. "Aaaaah" I scream in vain and my eyes begin to water in severe pain. I begin to breath heavily and I try to look up on the hill to find where Rosale is. I see something and I begin to walk as if I was climbing the stairs to what I saw. And by the time I get there I pick up Rosales shirt. I look around to try and find where she could possibly be. Then within a blink of an eye she comes out of know where with a tree miniature tree branch (which are gigantic compared to a little stick) and know shirt on but she does have a braw on with her right nipple still hanging out and she somehow still didn't notice. She takes her first swing at me and I duck out of the way and she brings it over her head and tries to hit me once again. I catch it this time as I knew it was coming. But I got a splinter in my hand. I pull the stick​ and Rosale comes with it as I yanked her forward. She falls on to my chest and I wrap my arms around her to restrain her from going anywhere. I wrap my legs around her legs so now I'm guaranteed that she isn't going anywhere. Blake runs to the peak of the hill staring at the two of us fully dressed. This isn't what it looks like I thought in my head as I'm wrapped around Rosale and she's also shirt less so I hope shes not thinking what I think she's thinking. Blake makes her way down the hill and when she gets to where we are she takes a breath in relief as she figures out that we aren't having sex. She can tell because Rosale is just squirming around to release my grip on her. Blake smiles as she knows she's all alone. "Here let her go. She has no where to go and no one to be with cause all her friends are now dead" Blake told me in a calm voice but in a smartass tone. I let go of my grip on her and she gets up to her feet really quickly. Blake takes her shirt from my hand as I forgot that I was holding it and she throws it at her really sarcastically. Rosale walks with her back facing us and she feels the most embarrassment she has ever felt in her life. I'm still laying on this ground with every part of my body just scratched up because of the big stop, drop, and roll I took down this hill. Blake lends out her hand and I take it gradually and a little upset because I'm scratched up, tired, I was put in a head lock by a body builder, and tackled a women numerous times and she wanted to just let her go. Petty I thought to myself as Blake made me let her go. All though if I was standing where she was standing I'd probably show the same amount agony for Rosale because she's watched all her friends die and is now out in the middle of the woods alone with an entire clan of monsters just willing to eat anything that can walk. And she's going to die alone now. So I feel a lot of pettiness for her right now. And just letting someone just go somewhere without a weapon or any outdoor skills that you see on television like the Crocodile Hunter. Blake as of now shows agony but absolutely no sorrow for her at all. She'll be dead by tomorrow and I hope she does Blake thought violently. I can't blame Blake for the amount of anger she has towards Rosale because Rosale at one time tried to make us brake up and now Rosale and her friend just came close to killing Blake. I get up and me and Blake walk up this steep hill to where we were before all of this started happening. Blake was taking a bath and I was getting firewood. But we're done with all of that because now Blake and I are for now on will be sticking together. But the one thing I wonder is how is she walking right now. I mean her leg was locked and her and I couldn't even get it to bend at all.


As Blake and I are walking up this steep ass hill I see birds fly over the trees as if they where gigantic airplanes. I also see a lizard scurry beneath the branches that we're walking on. As we make our way to the top I hear a little snap of a stick. Unluckily it's not us. I look behind us and see nothing. I scrunched my eyes in a curious manner as this feels weird and awkward at the same time. "Come on" Blake said calmy and waved her hand to show which way we were going. But I all ready know which way we're going. The curiosity of what I heard is either (1) paranoia (or 2) my ears are playing tricks on me. And everybody knows that when something on you plays tricks on you will either do one of two things. It's either (1) creep the fuck out of you (or 2) just piss you off so much. Either way if your if creeped out or annoyed you'll get parinoid really quickly. I take another step and I hear another break of a twig. I look up and still see nothing. I don't see a single being nor do I see a person. Blake continues up the hill and I begin to run up the hill as if I where running up the stairs at my house. "I'll race you up there" I said to Blake as I'm making Blake smile and I'm running from whatever I'd out there. As I make it to the top of the hill before she did I search for the black raincoat severally, but it's no where to be found. Blake makes it here without air in her lungs. She sees me just looking for something."What you looking for?" Blake asked
"The raincoat, where is it?"
"I don't know, I thought you had it"
"No...shit I know where it is" I said with a little pause and just let out a little bit of air practically saying that I just let the one thing we had get tooken from us. "Well where is it?"
"There was three of the assholes. We've killed one, let one get away and we didn't see the third one. The third one must have taken it while we were fighting them". Blake's face honestly doesn't really care about that thing. She shrugged her shoulders in a way saying that thing is exactly what we didn't need any way. I kind of agree but then again there's plans and drawings on the next monster that want to be Victor Frankenstein. I hope we get out of these woods before that thing is created because that thing looks as creepy as scabies and disgusting. "Come on we've got to get out of this hell hole that we've been damned to sadly" I told Blake. I turn around and I start walking in some random direction. Blake follows me as she's ready to escape this place. She grabs my hand and we interlock fingers. Both of us smile anxiously as I was hoping to get something like this, or else I thought that I've lost her smile. And if your madly in love you want to keep the smile on her face and yours or else you've lost true happiness. Happiness doesn't come randomly, you've got to work your ass off to find it and that is something that is super challenging to find (no doubt).

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