Chapter 6

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"Hey don't stand there" I say as Blake stands behind trees that are really close together.
"Cause the beings weakness is sunlight and you were about to walk in a shit load of shade" Jack says as he is really nervous about the shade I mean you know what they say, you can't trust the darkness (Jack is really paranoid and will always be until he leaves the forest he is damned upon). But suddenly Jack thinks about an old book he's once read, and what Jack calls it an elite quote was "sometimes dead is better" from an old and probably one of Stephen Kings best books pet sematary. "Look!" Blake says and points at this dark black jacket hanging from a broken branch of a tree. I walk towards it slowly and when I get to it I force it off of the branch. "Snap" the tree branch breaks as I pull the dark black jacket that looks like the night shit on a rain coat off of the branch and it has something in it's pockets. I open the pocket that was held closed by a button and I take out this little note in the pocket and it says "For the two kids that are out there killing all of the creations that I call children. You guys have killed practically nothing because of the amount of creatures I have. If you keep killing my creatures well then I'll just send out twice as more to kill you. Its either you guys leave or you die. If you reach in the same pocket you find a rowel wrapped of a surprise. Use it well." I hand the jacket to Blake as I stand right next to her and flip the page around and see a picture of what appears to be some spider related being. That being had no eyes but he has six legs, a mouth filled with teeth that might have been sharpened by an actual sharpener, with the hands of a crab (and those fucking claws are fucking huge). Blake reads the little text at the bottom of the page "My ultimate creature". Blake and I look at each other and both take a big gulp. Suddenly I remember what's on first part of the page and I told Blake "hey what's in the pocket?". Blake puts the jacket over her arm and empties out the pocket and there was a cloth in there she unwrapped it and it was a Beretta Revolver. Blake places her hand over her mouth gasps as she figures out that he wants Blake and  I to kill each other. I take the gun from her and I look and see how many bullets there are and I see two bullets (one for Blake and one for me). I walk over to the river about three hundred feet away from where we're standing and I lay the gun on the rock right next to me and I take my close off starting with my shirt, then my pants, and I continue until I was ass naked. I take one step into the nice warm water and continue until the water is about waste high. If you were to look at me you would see the water turning into a lake since all the dirt that is on my body is falling off because of the water. I lay my hand in the water and an amount of dirt falls off of my hand. I put my hands together and rubs them continuously until the dirt on my hands are completely off. I look at the bite and I form a cup shape with my hand and pull out water quickly because I don't want the water to fall out of my hand and I rub it on the bitten shoulder. I rub the scabs and a couple of the rip open and lines of blood flow down my arms to the tips of my fingers. "Drip, drop" the blood falls from my finger tips and drops into the water that has been dirty ever since I stuck my toe into the water. I cup my hand into the water again and quickly I throw the water onto my chest and I start rubbing it. My chest felt as dry as the desert in Arizona during the summer. I deside that why am I rubbing off dirt when I can just go under water and just have all of the water pressure just push the dirt off of my skin.

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