Chapter 7

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"Aaraaraah" a being screams as I'm not even ten feet from it
"Ssshhh my child" the evil doctor said with his scratched eye that looks like a claw mark from a being (the doctor is the one creating the beings). I look into my child's eyes as his slobber dripping from its chin and into the blood that was on the floor because all of its brothers and sisters fight for who's dominant. Like all fucking animals do. The doctor walks towards his desk where he draws out and sketches all of the life form he creates (this guy read the book Frankenstein just way to much). The doctor grabs his pencil and looks beyond it and sees a picture of this cute bernette who may be between the ages of twenty-two and thirty. A tear drops from that mans one eye as that is the only one he can see out of. He turns the picture around and read the back in his head Hey, Max our son Ethan just turned two today. I'm sorry you've missed the party but your surving probably two million people for the sake of their safety. I've painted the bedrooms and now I've just got a new job working as a published author. Just like how you've told little Ethan that the skies the limit. I took that into ignition and know I'm a best selling author. When you get back you won't miss Ethen's parties ever again. Nor will you miss the parties the only two of us will have. Love Christine. That picture was sent to Max when he was in the military back in the year 1999. (Max is the scientist). Another tear comes from Max's eye but this time it slowly makes it's way down his face. Max wipes his nose with his arm since his nose starts leaking because of what happened to his wife and baby boy. Max puts the picture to his lips and kisses it. He then sets the photograph down on his desk laying up against a wall. He grabs his pencil once again and starts drawing the life form he's going to create. But pauses before he even he even begins sketching the monster. He gets up from his shaky wooden chair and walks towards his humongous book shelf. The book shelf was so tall that he needed a ladder that has wheels one the bottom so he could roll it from one end of the book shelf to another without having to pick it up. He go's to the shelf and closes his eyes. He rises his arm nipple high and closes his eyes as if he was a Nazi. He drops his hand and then tightens the grip on which ever jar his hand landed on. He picked up the jar by the cap and rose it to expose the first limb he'll use for his biggest creation. When he picked it up, he brought it close to his eye to reveal the mighty limb. "Rectus Femoris" max said in a delightful manner (the rectus femoris is a muscle in your leg). Max smiles and turns around to walk towards his table. The place is so noisy because of the beings just fighting to conquer and be the leader of the pack that you can't even hear Max's foot steps as he crosses from one room to another. He sets the jar of the rectus femoris's on the table that looks like one of those surgery tables in an O.R. (operating room) in an hospital. After he puts the jar down he walk calmly back to the book case and he grab jar after jar after jar until he thinks he has enough to make his beast. He opens the jar of extra skin that max has and drops it all on the table. Before Max starts touching all of the skin he looks to his right and puts on gloves. But it's more like the gloves you use for the snow that are water proof. He walks back over to where he just was and puts his hand underneath the slimy, gooey, contagious human flesh and picks it up into the gloves of his. The thought in Max's mind is sex isn't the only way to make a living thing. And it's been that way to him ever since his wife and son were murdered. Max just remembers walking into his home and seeing his wife's dead corpse being raped by a rapist-murderer. Max remembers pulling his gun out of his holster that was attached to his belt and shooting that guy in the chest. The guy fell off the bed and Max walked towards the side of the bed he fell off of and just emptied his magazine on that guys face. "Ethan!" Max screamed to see if his son was still alive and he looks at his wife laying on the bed bent over with the side of her face in the pillow. Max gets her out of the bent over position and holds her in his hands. He puts his hand on the back of her head and with a instinct by pulling her head into his chest. But didn't as he took his hand from the back of her head and stared at it in complete shock. It was blood. Max's eyes fill with tears and feels a whole in the back of her head around the size of a bullet. "No...nn...noooo!" Max screams as he is traumatized. His tears falls into her face. Max sets his wife's corpse down on the bed softly and gets to his feet slowly. He walks to the man he's just murdered and stomped on his face (Well at least what's left of it) over, and over, and over again continuously. But then a thought came to Max's mind and said "we're all monsters. We just can't show the true form of them, but I will".

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