Chapter 1

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"Huuuh" I say as I'm bored directly outside of my mind. "Where are you Blake?". Me and Blake are out here in the woods hoping to get some alone time (if you know what I mean). I'm (Jack Fighiner) out here wearing nothing but a New York Yankee shirt and light blue pants. "Boo"
"Aaah" I scream as Blake scares the living shit out of me. I fell on the ground and got mud on my jeans and I was hoping to keep these clean for school tomorrow. "Haha" Blake laughs. "Hmm, haha really funny" I say with sarcasm in my voice. I mean me and her are out in the middle of the woods at night time. (Jack is still a little freaked out). "Uuuh" I grunt as I get to my feet. Blake smiles and walks towards me slowly but sexy. When she gets to where I was she puts her soft lips against my chapped, hard lips and we start to make out. She walks towards me and I step back. "Ooh shit" I fall over a branch that's attached to the tree trunk of a tree that may be the biggest one I have ever seen. I pull Blake on accident as I trip over this stem that's buried in the ground. "Uuh" I grunt as some of the air in my lungs gets nocked out of my lungs because Blake collapse onto my stomach. "Hahaha" we both laugh (it hurts jack to laugh without air).


Then this bright light shines on the both of us. "Hay get up this park is closed!" one of the park rangers in the golf cart screamed. The other ranger just sat their not icnologing anything that's going on but he's icnologing the headphones that are attached to his ears and will probably always be. The ranger holding the light jumps out of the cart and begins to charge at us like a mountain lion chasing a gazzel while the lazy ranger is still sitting there listening to the band Rascal Flatts. "Come on get up let's go" I said. Me and Blake as quick as we both could got to our feet and started to hall ass from this ranger cause we both want to get laid. I quickly grab her hand but she completely just slaps it away. "I run faster with more arm movement" Blake said. It took me a couple seconds to get what she ment. Then I understood and went back to reality (running from a ranger but getting laid in the process). But then the light that the ranger was carrying to help him chase us disappeared or lost battery because neither of us (Jack Fighiner and Blake Lenderez) didn't see it at all. I walked towards Blake as she out ran my ass by maybe ten feet. "Were did it go, the light?" Me and Blake with our eyes are looking for were this bright white light went. "Vrrm, been, vrrm"
"What is that?" Blake asked. I'm trying to make out the sound also but it's not a car engine. Suddenly the light reappears. But not where it was. It was above us and falls threw the branches but it looked like something was following it. "Boom" the light and the rangers slimmy skin, broken bones, and bloody organs hit the ground with the light beneath everything. The light lit up all of the ranger like putting your finger over a light to see the blood in your finger. "Aaaaaahh" both me and Blake screamed in terror. "Drip, drop" something liquidy drops onto my for head. I look up and see nothing so I sickly attempt to grab the light that is lying beneath the rangers intestine. I step into the decapitated goop of human figuration and reach under the all of the guts and skin and grab the handle of the flashlight and as quickly as I can just pull it the hell out. The blood that covered the light flew off and hit Blake on her shirt. "Huuh" she huffs in shock. And face just expressing how scared she was. Her eye brows were up and her jaw dropped. She was scared shitless. When I got the light I shined to were the blood was dropping onto my for head. All I saw was a red light as the blood covered were the light was coming from. "Huuh, fuckin-a" I said in a pissed off mood. I'm feeling ten thousands time scared then when Blake scared me. I pull my sleeve to the palm of my hand and try to rub all of the blood off of the barrel of the flashlight. I scrub it off and point the light to were the blood was dripping on me again. But I saw absolutly nothing. It was almost like I thought and felt something drip onto me but it was all just me being paranoid.


"Crack" a tree branch snapped. I rush myself and point the light at were I thought the tree branch broke. "Crack" another one went and I try to see it again but nothing another time. Where are you you son of a bitch I thought. "Crack, grrrr" another branch snapped but this time me and Blake are positive that it's no human. "Aaaaaaah" Blake screamed. I turn around and see myself face to face with this dark, demonic being just hanging upside down from a tree branch. It's uglier then a motherfucker. And that's pretty fucking ugly. This thing still has bits and pieces of the park ranger in its mouth."aaaah" I scream as this ugly monster drops his jaw and a ten inch tong just falls out of it. I take a quick glance at it's tong and about half of the rangers finger just roles down it but didn't fall to the ground. Instead this thing just bent its tong and cought it on the tip of it's tong and slowly pulls it back into it's mouth. When all of its in its mouth it chomps and I hear the crunching as it munches down on the rangers thirty year old finger. Stand there in front of it while it's hanging up side down on a tree branch. "Sqush" the monster swings itself around and lands on the smashed ranger. It glances at me with scrunched eye brows so I expect that it's pissed off. But it some what in that glance it gives some sort of smile, disgustingly blood falls from lips and drops onto it's big beer belly. It starts to walk towards Blake. "Hey" I said and this ugly being then stairs at me still smiling but the blood that first dropped from its beer belly to it's crotch area. Luckily it had pants on. It turns around and looks at Blake once again. "Hey you stupid son of a bitch!" I screamed then instantly just threw the flashlight at him. It hit it in the back of the left shoulder. It looks at me again but instead it looks at me. "Not her". I get so scared at that moment that I start blinking fast. "Boom" in a blink of an eye this monster jump like twenty feet across the decapitated corps without a run and gets me in full grasp and tackles me onto the dirt that we are standing on. It gets off of me and stands there looking at me breathless. It cocked it's head and bends over to pick me up. It grabs both of my arms and picks me up slowly. As I practicly just hang there in his arm scared out of my ass it licks it's lips and I track where he's looking and I wiggle and jiggle to get released from it's grasp because it's looking at my right shoulder. And as fast as hell It pull me in and opens its mouth and I see absolutly zero teeth until they just grow quickly out of its gum. It digs it's razor sharp teeth threw my clothes and skin. "Aaaaah" I scream as it's trying to bite off my entire shoulder. "Aaraaraah" the monster screams in a screachy high pitch voice because Blake grabbed one of the broken bones and jabbed it in its back over and over again constantly until it's dead. As it falls to the ground dead it drops me on the shoulder it bit. "Aaaah" I cry in pain.

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