Chapter 10

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"Can you hear that?" Blake says severely as we're sitting hear with little Jackson sitting to the right of me.
"What? I don't hear anything, if anything I say it's to quiet" I respond with a little bit of action, and close minded. I try to stay quiet to try and listen for what Blake is hearing all of a sudden. "I still can't hear anything Blake". Jackson, Blake and I have been sitting in one spot ever since the sun went down which was maybe an hour and a half ago. Blake scoots closer to me and tugs on my arm. Jackson then stops playing with his feet and his left ear turns left really quickly as he can hear something also. I thought Blake was just talking crazy but Jackson supposedly can hear exactly what she's hearing. Blake begins to breath fast and loud as she begins to hyperventilate. I blank minded tell Blake "Blake shhhh, I'm trying to listen". Jackson begins to walk towards where his ear is pointed and I follow surreptitiously behind him as I don't want to be any sort of a distraction to his hearing. "Crack" a stick broke unexpectedly as I know Jackson, Blake, and I didn't do that at all. Jackson still leading the way jumps into my arms as he have just saw something that scared the living shit out of him. I take a big gulp and continue walking forward. My hands begin to shake and shiver as does my legs. "Crack" another twig snapped in half. I pick up a stone off of the soft, bumpy dirt and throw it into the bush that I assumed was making Jackson shit himself in terror. I breath heavily to where I'm about twenty feet away from Blake and she questions the random breathing in the forest. After I've thrown the rock into the bush I've saw nothing but I heard the most familiar sound. "Aaraaraah"
"Shiiit!" I scream as a I've just thrown a stone on to the head of a being. I turn around quickly and I find myself face to face with a hanging upside down being once again.
"Aaraaraah" the being in front of me screeched it's annoying sound. I saw the beings razor sharp teeth as it revealed them early with it's breath smelling like a dead corpse and slobber being drizzled onto my face as it screamed. As it closed it's mouth I heard the teeth grind against each other. I saw in its reddish-orange eyes that it was ready for a mouth full of human flesh. Jackson's claws unexpectedly draw themselves out of the tip of his fingers and he lunges out of my arms and onto the being I front of me and starts fighting it off by scratching it's chest constantly and it falls off of the branch and landed on it's head as it was upside down. "Ruuuun!" I scream as I want her to get to safety as quick as possible. The being I've thrown the stone on took a great leap towards me as my back is turned to it, and tackles me to the ground with me sliding another ten feet with it on my back. My New York Yankee shirt was now completely torn and my chest, belly begin to scrape up against this dirt. That tackle took so much air from my lungs that I feel like death is awaiting me right now. Pain flows through my main all the way to the bone marrow on my bones. The being then pushes off my back to stand on it's to feet and turns me over very fast. He picks me up with one arm easily with it's claws digging themselves into the tricep of my right arm. "Aaaaah!" I scream in great pain. But as he picks me up I could feel the tricep in my arm just tearing open. The beings claws grow another inch which causes it dig a lot more into my muscle. It raises me over it's head and I continue screaming pain. It puts it's other big hand on my ankle and powerfully throws me far from him. While I'm in the air gliding I hold my arm. Blood squirts out of my bulging tricep which leaks, and drips onto the musky dirt. When I hit the floor I land on my chest. "Aaah!" I screamed as my skin in my chest was just feeling like it was getting wrapped out. But when I certainly to a stop I turn on my back and see my chest just squirting out blood. I then get on all fours and begin to crawl away with a deep desire to live and not to die. I turn my head while I'm crawling and I witness Blake hiding in the bushes. The sun is now completely gone and all you can see is the sun's light on the moon. I dearly hate the dark, sometimes it scares me so dearly that my heart starts to pump, and beat as if it was a drum. I don't want to lead the being to Blake so I start crawling straight forward and lead it to a steep cliff where there is nothing but hard rocks and broken beer bottles from campers who have most likely been eaten by these ugly fucks. I get to the cliff and I look down and see that nobody will survive that because it looks like it's about a four hundred foot fall. I stand up and try not to look down because my left heal is hanging right off the ledge and if I turn maybe one inch, I'll fall to my death. "Hey...motherfucker...come get me you son of a bitch" I say in a hesitant manner. My hands begin to twitch I'm so scared. Everything hurts on me literally. My tricep, shoulder, chest, ankle, face everything hurts and it feels like it'll never stop. I see that the being is now sprinting full speed towards me and I have one idea that'll most likely get my ass killed and eaten by this ugly fuck. I have more doubt on my mind of this happening then I do actually have confidence. I can't see myself getting out of this alive. I tense myself up a little bit and I get ready to jump out of the way so this thing can fall to it's death. As the being is charging at me I look just where to jump and as I look I know just where. The being takes one of it's gigantic twenty foot leaps and I jump but not far enough.
"Holy shit!" I scream at the top of my lungs as the thing catches my foot at pulls me into this god forsaken trench.
"Jackson!" Blake screamed as she watched me be taken down this crack in the earth (when Blake screamed the being that was fighting little Jackson saw her stick her head out of the bush. Then it pulled little Jackson apart horizontally with Blake seeing it happen and it started going for her).
"Aaaaaaah" Blake screamed as loud as she can as the being got (but didn't kill her) her and I echoed around the forest loudly and I've heard it about three times until I looked at the being that was about ten feet below me as we're falling together. I stair at him and I look past him to see the large amount of rocks that we'll be landing on. So I stick my arms straight out and I a great deal of peaceful, beautiful memories flood my mind. Like where I saw my baby brother for the first time, or when I held Blake in my arms for the first time and we've kissed, and lastly before I hit the end of my short, hard, beautiful journey that I love calling life I remember the time when me, my mom, dad, and brother go out for a picnic and have a great time that was filled with laughter, eating, and funny jokes. I close my eyes peacefully and grin a little smile on my face.

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