Chapter 4

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Ari's Pov

"Aribell" I hear a little girl squeal, running and jumping on the bed and landing on my lap. "Hi baby, I missed you" I say kissing the top of her head, "Missed you too" she says smiling. She widens her eyes and looks all confused, "What happened to your tummy?" I laugh and say "What do you mean?" Then she says "There's no baby in it anymore" I chuckle and point over to Cam sitting in a chair. I hear her gasp and she jumps off the bed and runs over to Cameron, who's holding babygirl, "Hi Cammy" "Hey Sky" I smile and look up and see Liz and Hayes standing there smiling. "Hi guys" they walk up to me, "Hey hun, how are you?" Liz asks kissing my forehead, "I'm good thanks" she walks away to Cam and Sky. "Hey squirt" I say as Hayes sits next to me, I ruffle his hair and he laughs...... "Do you have any names picked out?" I shake my head as Liz picks up babygirl from Cam, "Aw Ari, she's so beautiful" I smile and see Cameron sit next to me. We hear the door open and look up, we see the doctor walk in, "Hey guys, I just got the results back, do you wanna hear them now?" "Yes please" Cam grabs my hand and we hear, "Mr Grier" I bit my lip, "Is not the father, Mr Dallas is".

Cam and I just got done with watching Home Alone 2, he's in the bathroom getting dressed out of his pajamas right now. I hear my phone start to vibrate and I pick it up and hit accept, A~"Hello", B~Ariana freakin Gomez, why haven't you called me yet, I had to learn from freaking twitter that my very first niece was born yesterday", A~"Hey Beck, sorry, I've been busy", B~" Okay, I understand, but tell me everything, how much did she weigh? How long is she?What time did you have her? What colors her Hair and eyes, Nash or Cam's?" I laugh and roll my eyes, A~" Okay so, I had her some time around 3am or something like that, I don't remember, she weighed 6 pounds 4oz, she's 20 and a half inches long, and brown hair and hazel eyes", B~"Ah I'm so excited, did you name her yet?", A~" No I can't decide", "I saw some pics that Matt posted on insta and she's so beautiful" I smile, B~" Nash or Cam's?", A~" Cams" I whisper, B~"why are you whispering?", A~" Cause she's sleeping", B~" Okay, I didn't hear you before if she was Cams or Nash's", A~" She's Cam's princess", B~" Oh my, lord thank you" I laugh, A~" do you wanna Skype later?", B~" Sure Ari, your probably busy with you motherly needs, so I'll talk to you later k", A~" Okay Beck, bye" I hang up and Cam walks out of the bathroom from getting dresses, he has another Vanity Teen meeting today. "I gotta go now, I'll be back in a little bit" I nod and he puts his jacket on, "Call me if you need me" "Kay, I will" he walks over to me and beds down to peck me on the lips, he pulls away and leaves quietly. "Do you wanna leave this stinky hospital, cause I do" I say giving babygirl a bottle, Cam left a half an hour ago and she didn't wake up long after that. She finishes and I say burping her, "we have to name you soon, cause if we don't then we're gonna be leaving here and your not gonna have a name" "if it was up to daddy then he would of just named you Princess already, we gotta ask him, but I wanna name you Arabella before it's to late" I tickle her nose and she smiles lightly, I giggle and set her down in front of me and plop a Binky in her mouth. I stand up and take my phone off a chair. Out of now where I say "I just realized that you have so many uncles".

"Yeah ma, Ari had her early yesterday morning" I laugh as I hear a loud scream coming from Cam's phone, he chuckles, "They're doing good, she's perfect" I smile and hear, "You wanna talk to her" he looks at me and I nod. He hands me his phone and I pass babygirl to him, "Hey Gina" "Hey Ariana, how are you doing" "Kinda tired, but I'm doing good, how about you?", "How do you think I am, I just founded out that I'm a grandmother, I'm thrilled". I laugh "Well that's good, we miss you guys, Sierra too" "Don't worry, we're visiting in the next week", I smile and say "okay can't wait to see you". I see Cam blowing raspberries on babygirls cheeks and I smile, "Have you picked a name out yet?" "Um I was thinking if Arabella" "Oh my gosh Ari, if you named her Arabella then I might explode" I laugh and see Matt walk in with a paper bag. "Hey Gina I gotta go, we're going to eat dinner, "Okay Ari bye" I hang up and set Cam's phone down and Matt sets the bag if Chinese food on the chair.

We just got done eating and Matty's holding his niece while I'm laying down and resting my head on Cam's lap, "Arabella?" "Mhm" "I still think Princess is better" I laugh and roll me eyes, sarcastic Cameron. "I'm not naming my baby, princess" he laughs and bends down kissing me upside down, he pulls away and kisses my nose quickly before sitting back up, "Arabella, sounds perfect". We hear whispering and I look over to Matt, and see him having a full on convo with my baby, I look at Cam and we laugh, we look back at Matt and hear, "We've both agreed, you need to name her Sharkeisha" I look at him with a blank stare. "What, you should" I roll my eyes and smile, I see Cam trying to hold back his laughter, "Oh my gosh" I look back to Matt, "what?" I ask looking at him weirdly, "I smell something really horrid, I think she just took a crap on me" I laugh Cam walks over to them "Your suck a weirdo" Cam says picking my baby up and bringing her over to the little changing station they have at the hospital. "Go watch and learn, your the ones who's gonna be babysitting" he chuckles and rolls his eyes and stands up, he walks over to them, I smile and lay back down.

My baby girl, Arabella is finally 3 days old today, which means we can finally take her home and get out of this gross hospital. We get all packed up and sign the release papers, and then the nurse helps us into the car. Cam insisted that he sits back there with the baby, so I had to drive us home. I grab the bags and Cam grabs the car seat and we walk up to the apartment. We set our things down in the kitchen and I walk upstairs leaving Cam and Bells, I knock on Matts door and open it like I always do when I know he's sleeping. "Hey Matt" I widen my eyes as I see him jump off a girl and cover his lower half with a blanket. "Oh my gosh, I'm gonna act like I did not just see that, we're home, so go back to whatever you were doing just be quiet" they nod and I close the door smiling. "What's wrong with you?" Cam asks as I walk in the kitchen, "I just caught Matt upstairs banging a girl" I start to laugh and he opens his mouth and nothing comes out. "I gotta go to the bathroom, watch her k" I nod and he walks off, I walk to my baby whose still in her car seat. I sit on the couch and bend down and unbuckle the little thingy lol, I get that undone and pick her up and pick my legs up and place her on them so she's facing me, if that makes sense. She opens her eyes and I smile, "Hi baby" she smiles and I look up and see Cam smiling, "Taylor wants to come by later" "okay" and for the next few hours we just played and played with our babygirl.

I lay babygirl in Taylor's arms and he smiles, I sit next to him, "Wow" he says staring at her. I smile and look up to see Cam recording it all, she starts to get a little fussy and I say "She's probably hungry, do you wanna feed her?" Taylor nods and I stand up and walk to the kitchen. I hear a beep and pick up the bottle from the bottle warmer, I start walking back to the living room shaking it up. I hand it to Taylor and walk to Cam who's sitting on another couch, I sit on his lap and he wraps his arms around my waist, "Are you tired?" "Mhm" I say closing my eyes and resting my head in his shoulder, and I hear him whisper "It's okay, go to sleep baby" I feel him kiss my forehead and I fall asleep.

Unbreakable (Sequel to Broken Promises) A Cam Dallas/Nash Grier Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now