Chapter 13

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Cams POV

I stand up and walk into the door way and see Bells sitting on the bed rubbing her eyes with her right hand, "Hi baby, did you have a good nap" I say sitting down on the bed next to her, she looks up at me and just stares. I laugh and pick her up tickling her, she laughs, "Cammy stop" I laugh and kiss her forehead. "Moma?" she says looking around, i guess trying to find Ari, "Mommy's with her friends, but she'll be back soon" she nods, "Are you hungry?" "Yeah" i smile and pick her again and we walk up the stairs and into the kitchen to get her something to eat. "Ello my loves" Matt says walking in the kitchen with a fake British accent, kissing bells on the cheek, "Hey Matt, wheres Ella?" "Oh she went to the mall with Jen" i nod and eat a blueberry. "Have you seen Nash lately? i haven't really seen him since we've been here" i ask looking at Matt, he shakes his head and says,"Yeah i haven't seen him either, he just stays in Ricky's room and does nothing" i roll my eyes and say "Do you know whats up with him?" he shakes his head no, "Well i think i know why, but i don't think i can tell you" i widen my eyes and smile "Come on tell me Matty" he laughs "I cant Cam i promised Ari" "Well if it involves Ari then you have to tell me now" he sighs and grabs an Arizona from the fridge and sits down on the stool, for the island and starts talking. "Okay so last night after Anthony came Ari pulled me aside and told me something that i don't even think she told Beck about, So she told me that when she layed down to take a nap she herd someone walk down the stairs and lay down next to her on the bed, she thought it was you until she saw it was Nash, She pushed him away and they were arguing about how shes moved on and loves you but then Nash still loves Ari and doesn't want her to be with you and all that jazz" i look down and lean my head agains the wall, and hear Matt say "And then she was saying how he said that he is never gonna move on and that he still loves her but she obviously doesn't love him back, He just doesn't stop and get it". "Why is he doing this to us Matt, I get he's Arabella's father and all but he doesn't have a right to bring stuff like that up every time he feels lonely, i mean I'm sick of it, He'll always be one of my best friends but Ari will be mine officially one day, He's already taken my Babygirl away from me" i look up at bells eating an apple sauce in her highchair, then look back at Matt and say "I don't know what i'd do if he took my princess away from me too" "I know man, life's hard, but know matter what i know he'll never take Ari away from you, i'll make sure of it" He stands up and we sit on the floor just watching Bells eat her snack, Nash is never gonna stop this, I cant imagine my life without Bells and Ari, i feel like he's trying to take everything away from me, especially my girls.

"Hey Andrea" I say coming down the stairs, i just took Bells upstairs to Nash, she needs to spend some time with her dad. "Yeah, whats up Cam" she says looking up from her phone, "Well i need your opinion on something" she smiles and says "Well ask away" we walk into the living room and sit down on the couch. "Well Ari and i haven't really had any alone time lately and shes been really busy and stressed because of Vidcon, so after I'm gonna surprise her and take her away from all this craziness for a few days, i just don't know where we should go" she smiles and squeals "Ah it sounds so romantic" i chuckle "So will you help me?" she nods "Of course i will Cam, we're talking about one of my best main girl homies out there, i love Ari to bits" i smile and hear "Okay so first off we should find a location" i nod and say "I was thinking about Disney land, shes alway wanted to go there and since we're in Cali we might as well" She smiles and says "I'll be right back" i nod and watch her walk into the kitchen and grab a pad and paper out of a drawer. I laugh and she sits back down, "Okay so you want to bring her to Disney Land for a few days, would you want to stay here or go to a hotel?" "A hotel definitely, maybe the first day we can got to Disney Land alone then the next day do something else, like a picnic or something" she smiles and says "Awe that sounds perfect" i smiles and say "Okay then on the third day we can go back to Disney Land and you guys can meet us there" she nods and starts writing all this stuff down. "Okay first we gonna find you a hotel" I nod and pull out my phone and start looking for a hotel. An hour later we finally figure out a hotel for me and Ari to stay at. "What do you think i should wear and stuff? i mean your a girl, you know what girls like" she laughs and says "Wear whatever you feel comfortable in, i mean like obviously if you're going out to eat at a fancy restaurant your gonna wanna wear fancy clothes to impress your lady" "Of course" i say nodding, "And if your just hanging out you can wear normal lazy day clothes i mean girls don't really matter about those things, only if you look like a total slob then we wouldn't wanna be seen in public " we laugh and i hear "cologne, you don't have to, but when Kian wears it out of no where it surprises me and it makes me happy" i smile and hear "Oh yeah, and if your planning on not having another kid i suggest you to slip a condom in your back pocket or something, cause you never know i've seen Ari get kinda wild with you, and you wouldn't want unprotected sexual intercourse in a like a freakin Micky mouse bathroom or something.

Andrea and I hear the front door open and Ricky and Anthony arguing about something, "Boys stop arguing, we all know that Ellen would so beat Opera in a dance battle" i smile hearing my loves voice, i widend my eyes and whisper to Andrea to close the pad and hide it. I look up and see Ari smiling at us walking in, "Hey guys" "Hey Ari, I'll talk to you later Cam" i nod and watch Andrea walk away and taking the pad with her. "Hey Baby" she smiles and sits on my lap resting her head on my chest, "Were did the guys go?" i ask, she sighs and says "They went upstairs probably still arguing about what would happen if Opera and Ellen got put into a dance battle" i laugh and we just cuddle on the couch. I open my eyes and say "Why didn't you tell me about what happened with you and Nash yesterday" "Did Matty tell you" "Yeah he told me everything" "Cause Cam i didn't want you worrying about it all, i took care of it" "But still Ari, i wish you told me" "I know, I'm Sorry" she rests her head on my chest and i smile and say "Its okay, I'm just happy he didn't hit you this time" We laugh and i hear her say "That was so long ago" i laugh "I punched the shit out of him" she smiles and says "That was the first day we met" i smile "Yeah it was the best day of my life" "Really?" i nod "Yeah really?" she smiles and i say "I love you" she says "I love you more" "nope" "Yup" "I love you more cause your my Princess" "Well I love you more cause your my Cam".

Unbreakable (Sequel to Broken Promises) A Cam Dallas/Nash Grier Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now