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And here we go again. Through another terrible school day full of bratty cheerleaders making out in the halls with jocks and watching all the nerds get beat up. Wait. Beat up. I'm supposed to get beat up on the football field today. At the exact place where I'm supposed to meet the Way brothers. Crap. Crap, crap, crap ,crap I forgot about Ryan when they said to meet at the football field. I don't know what I'll do. Screw it. I don't care about Ryan anymore I'm not ruining my chance with Gerard. I'm just going to forget about it. And there goes the bell. Time for 3rd period. Fun, fun, fun.
(Fast forward to the end of the school day)
Ahhhh finally out of that prison. And as I walk out to the football field I see Ryan walking up to our meeting spot and Gerard and Mikey are doing the same. Maybe I shouldn't have said screw it. I run over to Gerard and Mikey. "Hey Frankie isn't that the Ryan kid that beats you up?" Mikey asks.  "Um yeah- I think we should leave now.." I say grabbing his wrist out of the air from where he had been pointing to Ryan and dragging him along." What's the rush Frankie? We dont have a curfew ya know we don't have to leave right now I mea-" Gerard rambles on about how there isn't a rush as I drag both of them by their  wrists." Oooohhh where did you think you were gonna go freak? You gonna skip our little appointment? Ooo I'm heartbroken." Ryan says while grabbing the collar of my shirt and pulling me back." Hey don't grab him jerk! We were going to my house to hang out. Do you have a problem with it?" Gerard says as he pulls Ryan's hand off of my shirt. " YEAH! I have a major problem with it and if you continue with your sassy self I'm gonna solve it my way!" Ryan says grabbing Gerard by the front collar of his shirt and then like lightning Mikey punches Ryan in the face as hard as he can. And right before my eyes a war formed. Gerard was rolling on the ground with Ryan punching and choking him while Mikey kept swinging punches at Ryan's crew. I could see that the Way's were severely outnumbered. I knew I had to do something so I grabbed the nearest objects. Crochet mallets leaning on the brick wall beside me. I threw one to Mikey and we both began swinging at the swarm of jocks attacking Gerard. Swing, clomp, swing, clomp, swing, clomp. The steady rhythm of the mallet. Finally we got to Gerard and pulled him out. All three of us were a big bloody mess, holding crochet mallets, clutching our chests and trying to breath. Finally we started to walk to the gas station leaving the pile of passed out jocks. We got to the gas station and headed towards the bathroom." What a mess..." Gerard said wiping the blood off of his face and neck." I guess we should've listened to Frankie huh Gerard?" Mikey said with a giggle. "Yeah guess we should've but at least they'll leave us alone now" Gerard says with one of his gigantic smiles. "Ha yeah let's hope so" I said while washing my hands in cold water to help the bruises." I guess we should hurry and go home before they wake up and realize what happened." Mikey said while wrapping his knuckles with a spare bandage I had in my backpack. "Yeah let's go guys" Gerard said and with those simple words we made our way down to their house with bloody noses and bruised knuckles.

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